The Psychopath's Harem

Chapter 252 Buddha Is Trapped!?

Celia's voice trembled, barely escaping her quivering lips, "N-not again!" Her plea was drowned out by the relentless force of the impending ordeal.

It began once more, like a sinister carousel spinning in a perpetual loop.

This time, however, she retained the memory of her last torment, intensifying the terror coursing through her veins.

A glimpse of her actual punishment flashed before her eyes, an unrestrained horror that sent shivers down her spine.

Xia Tian's cruel plan manifested in her mind, amplifying her fear to unimaginable levels.

He wanted to repeat the illusion over and over again until she breaks completely!

"D-Dad, you can' this," she managed to mutter between gut-wrenching sobs, desperately seeking mercy.

But her words were swallowed by the cold, unforgiving air.

They fell on deaf ears.

With a sickening inevitability, the cycle began again.

Each hellish phase replicated itself, dragging her deeper into a nightmarish abyss. Illusion and torture intertwined, becoming her inescapable reality.

Every agonizing moment became an excruciating thread woven into the tapestry of her ultimate punishment.

Xia Tian's methods were not merely wicked; they were ruthless, leaving no room for respite or solace.

Celilia's fragile mentality shattered like brittle glass every time she found herself back in this wretched place.

She pleaded, screamed, and wept in a desperate attempt to break free from this twisted cycle.

Yet, without fail, it always led to her being violated to the point of death by him, only to awaken here again, trapped in an unfathomable torment.

When ordinary minds envision hell, they may conjure images of sinners simmering in boiling hot oil.

But their imaginings barely scratch the surface of true horror, for they are not the devil. They cannot fathom the diabolical depths to which he would descend.

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The devil, with his sadistic tendencies, would forsake mere boiling as he transformed veins and arteries into conduits of searing hot oil.

Every inch of their being would sizzle and burn with unrelenting agony, while their consciousness remained painstakingly awake.

Xia Tian was working on correcting his past mistakes, starting with Cecilia. 

With unwavering determination, he vowed to fix everything completely after this.

Contrary to popular belief, meditation and therapy were never enough to truly fix a person.

They merely patched them up, providing temporary relief.

Xia Tian believed in a more profound approach - to break them down completely, allowing them to melt into raw vulnerability and then reform themselves into an entirely new person.

Like melting a cracked piece of glass, he understood the necessity of shattering it entirely and casting it anew.

There was no other way, no shortcut or compromise, but to embark on this transformative journey.


Despite the passage of countless eras inside the space made by Xia Tian, the world outside remained virtually untouched by time's hand.

Yet, within the labyrinthine corridors of the grand manor, a scene of inexplicable intrigue was unfurling behind closed doors.

Kneeling in the heart of the room, a bald man found himself trapped in a symphony of chains. Each chain radiated a unique luminosity, as though they held the latent power to subdue even the most ferocious cataclysms.

Unperturbed by the chains' grip, the bald man's fingers flexed and, like a magician dismissing smoke, the chains crumbled like fragile dreams.

"Little ones, how often must I emphasize? I am no invader," the bald man, his visage almost reminiscent of an enlightened Buddha, sighed wirh a faint smile. His gaze oscillated between the two young girls, both resolute in their determination to keep him captive.

Abruptly, the room's atmosphere shifted.




The very air seemed to part as a mesmerizing dance of vortexes painted the room with an ethereal hue.

Chains of spectral silver materialized in response, their movements fluid and harmonious as they cascaded like liquid threads.

Guided by the young girls' synchronized gestures, the chains swirled and coiled, ensnaring the bald man anew, their embrace unyielding and resolute, a metallic testament to his confinement.

"That won't work. No one can come here without the exact location," Irene's head shook in disbelief as she observed this astonishing new creature, a being that seemed to defy all natural laws.

"Indeed, if you're not an intruder, then what are you?" Selene's eyes bore a suspicious glint, her curiosity intertwined with caution.

The scene of two young girls interrogating a bald monk was nothing short of extraordinary. It was a tableau that defied expectation.

They appeared even more irrational than Xia Tian, if one could fathom that.

Questions about why both girls remained in their Loli form lingered unspoken in the air. Xia Tian had vanished without leaving further instructions, leaving them in a state of uncertainty.

And what if they transformed back? What if he used this very incident as ammunition against them, leveraging it to amplify their punishment?

The sheer unpredictability of their father's demeanor was something they had encountered firsthand.

Unbeknownst to them, these two girls were oblivious to the fact that Xia Tian could conjure thousands of reasons to discipline them, should he wish to.

Ultimately, the Buddha released a helpless sigh and decided to divulge the truth. "Why don't you call your daddy, and we can engage in a peaceful conversation?" He mustered a strained smile directed at the two young girls.

"Daddy?" Irene's confusion was palpable, but the same couldn't be said for Selene, who bore a complex expression.

Unbeknownst to Irene, Selene's face carried a conflicted visage. Unlike her sister, Selene was privy to the understanding that their "daddy" was a singular individual, the only person they had lived with until now.


'How is this bald-headed man aware of us?' Suspicion gripped her with increasing intensity, each second only heightening her wariness.

Observing Selene lost in thought, Irene probed curiously, "Who is he referring to?"

Emerging from her contemplation, Selene's smile took on a wistful quality as she replied, "The one you talk about while in bed." She chuckled lightly, her words causing a subtle flush to creep across Irene's cheeks.

Before Irene could reprimand her, a cascade of thoughts rushed through her mind. A sudden realization bloomed in her eyes, offering a newfound depth of understanding on the subject that had previously confused her.

"We don't know where he is, nor when he'll return," Selene declared icily, her gaze cutting into the Buddha with a look as sharp as daggers.

The Buddha's expression shifted to a wry smile as he ceased his struggles. 

From the very outset, he had never made an attempt to resist them.

It wasn't due to helplessness, but rather an awareness that any opposition on his part could trigger the intervention of the new god of balance.

That being would undoubtedly find innumerable reasons to step into his universe and wreak havoc on the tranquility it held.

An hour crawled by, and Selene's boredom grew evident. "Hey, how about we use him to pass the time? After all, he's an intruder. We could entertain ourselves by tormenting him until Xia Tian returns," she proposed, a mischievous smile dancing across her lips as she turned to Irene.

Irene, taken slightly aback, glanced between Selene and the Buddha, her mind engaging in contemplation.

Caught in the middle as the subject of their conversation, the Buddha didn't knew whether to laugh or cry.

In an attempt to salvage his dignity, he swiftly interjected, "Little girls, your daddy won't be too pleased if you were to mistreat his guest," his words carrying a note of caution.

With the futility of resisting them apparent, he had chosen to wield his words as his weapon of choice.

Yet, Selene and Irene synchronized their head-shaking, a harmonious gesture that belied their agreement.

Selene, taking the lead, clarified with a knowing smile, "Actually, he'd likely reward us and find it quite amusing." Her recollections brought to the forefront the twisted tendencies exhibited by Xia Tian.

As far as Xia Tian was concerned, his treatment of guests was peculiar.

The prospect of tormenting his guest might not evoke the anticipated consequences; in fact, it could even be met with rewards rather than reprimand.

A newfound spark ignited within both Irene and Selene's eyes.

The possibility of earning Xia Tian's recognition through this extraordinary chance unleashed a surge of fervor within them, igniting their enthusiasm to seize this rare opportunity.

On a side note, the Buddha couldn't help but wonder if this particular trait ran in the family.

'Why is everyone so unreasonable here!?' he pondered in exasperation, an air of confusion washing over him.

'Were there no normal people in this place?'

Admittedly, there were individuals who could be considered normal here, like the Immortal Witch.

However, much like himself, she too was confined elsewhere.

Thankfully, Selene and Irene refrained from carrying out any harm upon him.

Otherwise, he would have been compelled to make a swift escape from their clutches.

Their restraint was a fortunate turn of events. It wasn't due to their kindness, but a recognition of the vast disparity in their capabilities.

They discerned that the Buddha's silence was borne of another motive, and it was unwise to provoke him without the presence of Xia Tian.

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