The Queen's Rise to the Top

Chapter 455: No Fear

Chapter 455

It goes without saying that as soon as Nan XiangWan posted this tweet, it sparked an unstoppable chain of reactions.


Wow! Your fans are telling you to focus on your studies, yet you still act so arrogantly? The studious image you've been faking crashed? Can't keep it up?

Open my eyes, first time seeing a celebrity like this! Blatantly twisted moral values!

As expected of a rich daddy's girl playing in the entertainment industry.

[Bare hand brick smash GIF]

[Bare hand brick smash GIF]

[Bare hand brick smash GIF]


The brick fans were stunned seeing this tweet, failed to come up with a comment at first, so the online flamers grabbed the spotlight, leaving them to spam reaction GIFs in an attempt to push down the top comments.

The rest frantically discussed this in their group chat. First of all, sweetie must have gone nuts, but they had no idea exactly how.

Posting something like this at such a critical time, she really went all in!

【Exclusive Nan XiangWan Brick Fan Group】

Qingxiu: Shivering...sweetie's gutsy move left me gutless!

Luo Xi: What to do? What to do now? I'm freaking out! Don't even know what to say! Wahhhh! So many are scolding me, I've never been scolded by so many before, I'm just a fan of an idol, what have I done wrong?

Qingxiu: Calm down, we bricks cannot panic, or the entire building will collapse!

Blame me for being too quiet: Speaking of which, can't we use her student ID to check her gaokao scores? Teachers at her school should have access, no? Why don't we try?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Celtic Viscount: Tried already, couldn't find it. Not only me, people in Gusu City Xinghai Experimental High School couldn't either. None of the teachers there could access Nan XiangWan's gaokao scores.

Celtic Viscount: Very bizarre. Her scores are classified.

Qingxiu: How could this happen? What circumstances would lead to score classification?

Luo Xi: WTF? Top 50 in the province?

Celtic Viscount: Two scenarios. One, scored top 50 in the province. Two, admitted by a special university, protected policy, scores classified.

Blame me for being too quiet: What counts as special university? Why protect? Explain clearly bro!

Celtic Viscount: ...I didn't dig further.

Celtic Viscount: I can't break laws either. Our sweetie has a model citizen image. Fan follows idol's lead, can't investigate further.

Qingxiu: That's very assuring! Big bro you really comforted us!

Luo Xi: I suddenly got pumped! So either way, sweetie scored really high?

Celtic Viscount: Don't spread this. Sweetie must have her reasons for not telling. Maybe it's confidential...

Luo Xi: But they keep scolding her!

A JueJue: Don't panic! From Viscount's words and sweetie's tone, I've deduced a shocking conclusion [putting on glasses].jpg

Luo Xi: What is it?

Blame me for being too quiet: Speak up!

A JueJue: Sweetie is fearless [doge].jpg


In a hospital room in the Imperial Capital.

Older Qiu has been hospitalized again, this has happened repeatedly over the years, getting worse each time.

Only with a perfect bone marrow match willing to donate could he be saved.

Matching is difficult, hasn't found one in so many years.

Today Qiu Chang comes to visit Older Qiu, but he sits by the bed smiling at his phone the whole time.

This Nan XiangWan is such a dumbass! Posting something like that!

Now he doesn't even need to make a move, Nan XiangWan will cancel herself. Look at these netizens, almost drowning her in saliva.

Qiu Chang is very pleased, he has made progress on his path to take down Nan XiangWan.

Older Qiu has many tubes connected to his body. Seeing the reluctance in his only grandson's eyes, he says:

"Changchang, don't cause so much trouble in the future. Grandpa can't cover for you for many more years."

Qiu Chang looks up: "Thank you Grandpa this time. They won't come bother me again in the future, right?"

Older Qiu: "Be a good person, promise Grandpa."

Qiu Chang smiles lightly: "Of course, Grandpa."

Older Qiu sighs. He knows Qiu Chang didn't listen at all, just appeasing him with his words.

Waving his hand, Older Qiu closes his eyes, he is tired and wants to rest.

Qiu Chang walks out the room, runs right into Older Qiu's primary doctor rushing over.

Qiu Chang stops him: "What's going on?"

The doctor happily says: "We found a match for your grandfather!"

Qiu Chang frowns: "After so many years without a match, how did you suddenly find one now? It's not a scammer, right?"

Such unprofessional doubt renders the doctor speechless, but he still patiently explains.

After listening, Qiu Chang nods: "Oh, ok. Do your best to save my grandfather."

Implicit meaning, he doesn't care if unsuccessful.

Qiu Chang doesn't bother with the rest. He has his night life to attend to.

As a rich third generation, he certainly must live colorfully.

Watching Qiu Chang's back, the primary doctor shakes his head. Back then, no matter how it would damage their health, both Older Qiu and Qiu Chang's father Qiu Heming firmly rejected matching.

What a selfish person!

Without pondering further, the primary doctor pushes open the room door to deliver this good news to Older Qiu.

Unexpectedly, Older Qiu does not appear very happy, just lightly nods to signify he would cooperate fully with the surgery, and requests the hospital help convey his gratitude properly to the donor, both financially and otherwise.

In another area of the hospital, Wu Ye is donating blood, surrounded by groups of doctors and nurses.

Wu Ye feels a bit creeped out by all the staring. He can't resist quipping: "What, never seen an internet celeb before?"

He doesn't seem to be famous enough for universal recognition. Just a mini-celeb in a niche field, making ends meet.

Far from blowing up big time with massive popularity.

Why are they looking at him so strangely? Making him feel rather embarrassed!

Older Qiu's primary doctor smiles: "No no, we're just curious why a kind and compassionate person like you specially came all the way to the Imperial Capital. Thanks for your trouble."

Wu Ye waves his hand: "No worries, just donating blood."

A nurse steps forward with piles of empty transfusion bags: "Not just these few!"

Wu Ye: "Yo, so many? Trying to drain me dead?"

Nurse: "No no! It won't happen. Just one more bag today."

Wu Ye: "You promised free food and lodging. Delicious food!"

Nurse: "Certainly! These days, eat well, get nice and plump. When about ready, we'll do the bone marrow transplant."

Wu Ye: "Sure, luckily I'm healthy. No problem."

After all, saving one life surpasses building a seven-story pagoda. Wu Ye believes doing good deeds will be rewarded.

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