The Rise Of Australasia

Chapter 98: Grand Military Parade (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 98: Chapter 98: Grand Military Parade (Please Subscribe!)

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January 10,1902, 8 o’clock in the morning, Sydney, the square opposite the National Government Building.

After a long preparation, the much-anticipated Australia National Day finally arrived for all Australians.

Early in the morning, more than ten thousand people gathered in the square. Some brought chairs and food, while others simply took their relatives and friends to a good spot and sat down to chat.

However, it was not easy to occupy a good position in this small square. The best locations near the reviewing stand and parade avenue had already been reserved. Some even arrived the day before just to secure a better spot for the parade ceremony.

This showed the madness of Australians. What did it matter if they stayed up all night to get a good spot in order to get a closer look at their beloved Duke and the soldiers who had trained for more than half a year?

As time passed, more and more people gathered in the square. Even outside the square, a large crowd had accumulated, causing the main streets of Sydney to be jam-packed.

Fortunately, cars were not yet commercially available, otherwise they would have been completely immobilized on a day like today.

The bell tower’s chimes officially announced the arrival of eight o’clock.

A car slowly drove over from a distance, it was a private car custom-built for Arthur by Benz and Disel themselves.

After being modified, the car’s body materials were made of reinforced steel and laminated glass, ensuring the safety of the passengers inside as long as it was not under heavy machine gun or rifle fire.

Because of this, the cost of this car was very high. In addition to strengthening its protection, it also ensured that the car’s power was not compromised and even slightly improved.

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When the crowd saw the arrival of the car, they knew that the one sitting inside was their beloved Duke.

The crowd burst into cheers, welcoming Arthur’s arrival.

The guards opened the door, Arthur walked out, smiled, and nodded to the crowd. He then joined the government officers and led them step by step up to the reviewing stand.

On the stand was a microphone already prepared, connected to several large loudspeakers around the square.

In order to allow the crowd, even those in the surrounding streets, to hear Arthur and other officials’ speeches, the government had to use large amplification equipment.

Although this caused a significant amount of noise for people close by, it would not damage their ears, as the government had already tested the results.

As Arthur approached the microphone, the National Day ceremony officially began.

“Good morning, all citizens of Australia,” Arthur looked down and spoke slowly, “Today is a great day for Australia. Our great motherland, Australia, was officially established on this day two years ago. In the blink of an eye, two years have passed, and we have witnessed our beloved country develop from a barren wasteland into a burgeoning nation with a certain industrial foundation. We have built industries, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, and a series of other facilities beneficial to the Australian people. Now, we can proudly proclaim that we have the confidence to live in Australia and to live happily in Australia!”

As Arthur spoke, applause came from the audience below, as if to also confirm Australia’s development during this period.

“But this is not the ultimate goal for me, the government, and Australia. We must continue to work hard, and so must the government and all the Australian people. We want to establish a more perfect welfare system, protect and respect the rights of every Australian. We also want to develop our military to ensure our great nation’s self-reliance and peace. Australia…”

Arthur’s speech lasted for half an hour, with a content of thousands of characters.

Most of it touted the achievements of the Australian government and royal family and encouraged all Australians to continue striving forward.

Considering Arthur’s status and prestige in the hearts of Australians, this motivation was very effective, making many Australians eager to devote themselves to the development and struggle of Australia.

Seeing his speech successfully ignited the scene, Arthur nodded satisfactorily and handed over the next segment to Prime Minister Evan.

Of course, Arthur couldn’t preside over the entire National Day ceremony, so this important task was entrusted to the most prestigious Prime Minister Evan.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I declare, the second anniversary celebration of Australia’s founding officially begins! First, please have all Australians solemnly watch our national flag rise in the sky and play the music!” said Prime Minister Evan solemnly.

National anthems were not yet explicitly stipulated, and most countries in the world still had no national anthems.

Therefore, important events in Australia used the British national anthem God Save the King, after all, Arthur was a direct member of the British Royal Family.

As the solemn God Save the King slowly echoed in the sky above the square, the brightly colored Australian national flag gradually rose into the sky.

Everyone at the scene, including Asa, watched the rising flag solemnly and seriously.

The Australian national flag gracefully unfolded in the sky, soaring freely in the heavens.

“Next, under the command of His Royal Highness the Duke, the parade of military troops will commence!” said Prime Minister Evan, continuing after the flag-raising ceremony.

“Come, soldiers. At this great moment of our homeland’s second anniversary, let all people witness the greatness of the Australian Army under the joint witness of all Australians and myself!” said Arthur, smiling.

Arthur was very satisfied with the newly trained army.

The new army was an elite force jointly trained by German training experts and British Royal Guard soldiers. With excellent discipline and combat capability, they were undoubtedly a strong iron-blooded force.

Although this cost a large amount of training expenses, it was definitely worth it.


Accompanied by a neat and awe-inspiring sound of horseshoes, the Royal Guard Cavalry Battalion took the stage first.

The prestige of the British Empire’s Royal Guard did not need to be further emphasized. With uniform weapons and attire, as well as the neat and uniform steps and movements of each soldier, it was indeed an iron-blooded strong army.

“For the glory of His Highness, advance!” As they passed the reviewing stand, the soldiers of the Royal Guard Cavalry Battalion shouted with all their might.

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