The Strongest Businessman

Chapter 63 63: The Fight for the Chrysanthemum 1

Azelmek thought of ways on how he would convince this Elder to stay. To please such an eccentric, it would surely be a hard task but he knew that if he pulled this off he will win over a huge investor and render a large contribution to the hall.

"Sir, please forgive me for my insolent act of doubting someone who is as venerable as you. I plead sir to find it in his heart to forgive this humble one." Azelmek pleaded earnestly but Dylan disregarded his message as he continued to walk nearer to the stairs.

Normally, pleading is an impossibility for someone who is as prideful as Azelmek but for the sake of the development of the Premier Hall, he put aside his pride and pleaded for this 'mighty Elder's to stay and become a client to their Premier Hall.

Sheldon, on the other hand, ran to the stairs and blocked​ the passageway​ as he started speaking, "Elder, please give our Hall another chance to prove to you that you have not come in vain and will definitely deliver to your demands!"

"Hmph, I already gave to this Premier Hall a chance to deliver but instead it discriminates the appearances and strength of customers that wishes to make transactions especially those who appears to be lacking in both strength and background! If you are a business who stands by its rules, then you should also have rules that states ethical and equivocal behavior shown to any type of client regardless of appearance and strength. If you have made subdivisions in managing the different types of customers depending on their status in life and create systems of fees fit for their budget, then your sales would have already exploded due to having gained the masses approval and you would have created a large amount of profit that you can use in the development of your Hall . Now do you understand why the Premier Hall is at the third and not at the top." Dylan coldly replied.

"But, sir.." Sheldon could not think of anything to retort. He was too shocked and amazed to reply because it was clear that the method provided to them right now by this man is entirely gobsmacking. This is because gaining the approval of the masses means that they would be able to gain great amounts of customers and clients.

Different subdivisions for different statuses! System of management and fees fit for the budget of the customers! These two ideas may sound simple but they are truly ingenious!

When Azelmek heard of this, he was trembling and wondering why didn't he thought of something like that? The answer to rise was so simple yet he was too blind to see it. This man who just arrived and observed their manner of business in no less than an hour was able to cite it's flaws and even formulate methods of improving it while he who stood as it's Hallmaster for decades could not even cite it.

To be able to do this, his ability for business management and administration must be absolutely terrifying. Azelmek and Sheldon had one thought in mind.

'This man is a formidable businessman!'

"Now, sir Sheldon, I still have some good impression of you due to your warm welcome to me earlier, so as a chance acquaintance, I advise you to move out of my way, if not, I shall do it myself." Dylan gave Sheldon a choice to make by domineeringly saying 'Move now or I do it for you?' as he halted his steps right in front of Sheldon.

Sheldon did now know what to do. He was helpless but he couldn't just let this man go because if he did, it would be a huge loss for their Premier Hall.

Azelmek stepped in when he felt that Dylan was about to make a move on Sheldon.

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"Sir, I fully understand what you've said. Please sir, I ask for your guidance to make the Premier Hall greater, to make it become the greatest business in the entire Thunder Cloud City!" Azelmek earnestly requested​ for Dylan's guidance and even bowed to him.

Sheldon was shocked to see someone of Azelmek's stature to be bowing but he understood because the one he was bowing to was none other than this elder who appears to be so formidable in both cultivation and business. So, he followed his Hallmaster's lead and bowed to the Elder as well.

"Please, guide our Premier Hall, sir!" Sheldon bowrd as well.

"You... Ugh, since you're so keen to have me guide you, then fine, I will guide your​ business to be the best in this city." Dylan sighed in his husky deep voice and shook his head.

"Really, sir?!" Both Azelmek's​ and Sheldon's​ eyes brightened.

"But I have several conditions." Dylan continued.

"Yes, sir!" Both replied.

"First, you must not mention to anyone of my existence. Second, I am particularly strict when issuing commands so you must be able to deliver with high results! Third, I will not be involved in anything that has no relation with business if an enemy were to attack, I will not stand guard and protect the hall because my only role is to guide you in its development. I have two more but these three are enough for today. Is that clear?" Dylan enumerated.

"Yes, sir!" Both replied accordingly.

"Good." Dylan nodded.

"Sir, may I ask what should we call you?" Azelmek asked.

"Null, you may call me Null." Dylan thought of a random name.

"Sir Null, do you wish to see the auction of your Solarburst​ Chrysanthemum? It will be auctioned next." Sheldon received a message from the organizers so he informed Dylan of the news.

"Okay, let's go." Dylan agreed.

Dylan followed Sheldon and Azelmek up to the third floor and to several corridors until they reached a curtain. Behind that curtain was a balcony that could hold 10 men but only had three chairs.

From this balcony, Dylan was able to hear the roars of the bidders and the nimble mouth of the auctioneer as another bidder raises another bid. The auction room was very large. It was large enough to contain 1000 people inside. Dylan admired the details of the designs which could be traced from the balconies, walls, floors and even the chairs that beautified the entire room. It was truly a high class-auction house.

"Our next item is a High Earth Ranked Artifact that was found in the tomb of a Peak level Mortal Severing Cultivator which practiced water arts. The "Sea Piercing Spear". It can easily cut through water falls and rivers without injecting any Spirit Energy or Origin Energy to it. It's strength also substantially increased once it is jointly used with water based techniques and spear techniques to the extent that it nearly triples the power of its user! The starting bid is 110 spirit stones!" The auctioneer introduced the Sea Piercing Spear in detail.

"110 spirit stones!" A man bidded with the number 113.

"120 Spirit Stones!" Another bidded.

"130!!" Another called out.

"150! Do not compete with I, Darius Rucker on this spear because this is the spear that I have been looking for. If you don't, suffer my wrath!" A burly man with a beast fur coat on the fifth row stood up while holding a girl on his arms.

"He's Darius the Hunter and the heir of the Rucker Clan! He is known to have killed a Mountain Rhinoceros who was at the 5th level Origin Transmutation Realm." Gossips from the crowds was starting to spread.

"170! Darius, stop being arrogant. Your Rucker Clan isn't the only powerful clan here." A gracefully beautiful black haired lady with refined air calmly said on Balcony 14

"Aliyah, so it's you! Why do you reject my marriage proposals? The merger of your family and mine will be beneficial to both of our clans! Just accept the marriage and become mine, my beautiful Aliyah." Darius acted romantically as he shove of the girl he was holding by his arms and raised his arms to the balcony​ where Aliyah was.

"Aliyah? Aliyah of the Aquatia Clan? The Water Fairy?! The one who reached Expert Mastery of the High Earth Ranked Technique "Sea Immortal's Dream"at the age of 20 and reached Origin Realm at the same age?!" The crowd was shocked by the appearance of another big shot.

"Because you're nothing but a laviscivious pig." The beautiful Aliyah coldly said paired by a condescending gaze.

"Why you?!" Darius was fuming with rage when he heard Aliyah's cold remarks.

"Since you two are too preoccupied with each other, I'll take the privelege of bidding on the spear. Hahaha! 200 Spirit Stones!" A good-looking brown haired young man wearing a yellow robe.

"Damn you, little brat! You're a lightning attribute, why are you trying to buy something that is water attribute?!" Darius became even more incensed.

"It's just for some fun. I'm just really bored right now. Hahaha" The one named Gil answered and laughed carelessly.

"Little punk!" Darius became even more angered. He was humiliated by these two people in front of so many people. His pride as a genius couldn't handle this as he roared. "210!!"

"Its Gil Thunder! The Thunder Prince! The younger brother of Victor Thunder! A similar genius! It's said that he's already reached the Origin Realm at the age of 17!" The crowd is now in a craze! Three well-known individuals are fighting for the third to the last item!

Above them, where the balcony Dylan was in and observing from..

"Not bad." Dylan commented.

"Do you wish to have this spear, sir?" Sheldon kindly questioned.

"Not really." Dylan was apparently disinterested in the spear.

"Then what did you comment on, sir?" Azelmek inquired when he felt that Dylan was disinterested on the spear.

"The auctioneer." Dylan answered.

"Oh, why, sir? Do you think that he has something is lacking on? He is one of the best auctioneer in our Premier Hall." Sheldon proudly said.

"Well, he is decent. But I have seen auctioneers who can do far better that from the introduction alone they could make the crowd go wild. What's he lacking? It's the proper usage of the dynamics of the voice, the use of body language and some flashy effects on the auction item. By properly controlling the dynamics of your voice, you are able to invite your audience​ to your story and make it believable so even if you mix in inflammatory details, it will still sound convincing. The simple use of body language is something that subconsciously invites attention. A simple raise of cleched fist is able to invite the attention of your audience and increase anticipation of the buyers. Flashy effects like the dramatic use of lighting and sound effects can also be very inviting and increase the willfulness of audience to buy. If used all together properly, the auctioneer himself can double the expected amount of profit gained from the auctioned items." Dylan calmly spoke and observed the heated battle of bidders beneath.

Both were speechless just from hearing what he just said. Although they were simple methods, but if backed up with the right reasoning, they do sound highly possible! Doubling the expected profit by using those three simple methods?

'Unheard of!' Azelmek and Sheldon thought in awe.

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