The Traps of Black Swan

Chapter 752 - Real & Fake

A beautiful lady stepped out of the viewer's section and went to the witness box when her name - Siran Enfield was being called by the clerk. She had no idea how James met her, then she got to know Aarvi was really Ava Kelly.

When the lady asked if their classmates were saying she was a different person, James convinced her that it was all started by Aarvi and her husband so here she was.

Siran had no idea what kind of question would be thrown at her so she was going to be true with her response. After all, she needs to live in Mocon, she couldn't afford to be against Aarvi Evans or Aaron Rivas or Rivas family.

Siran took the oath to speak the truth, then she was questioned, " Ms. Enfield…" James deliberated as he slowly pointed his hand towards Aarvi, "Do you identify this lady?"

Siran turned around and saw Aarvi. The latter looked calm and her expression didn't change even when she had most of the eyes on her. For a moment, she doubted if she was really Ava Kelly. She was a simple girl, who smiles and greets people. She easily believes if someone talks sweetly.

Siran stumbled on her thoughts, "Aarvi Evans."

James nodded and changed his question, "Does she remind you to have somebody else?"

Nikun didn't object.

Siran nodded, "I had a friend in my class, her name is Ava Kelly. She looked exactly like Aarvi Evans."

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Nikun stayed silent.

James continued, "Ms. Enfield, do you have any picture to prove Mrs. Rivas is your old friend."

Siran took her mobile out from the bag, "Yes I do have a picture."

Nikun stayed quiet while Judge Rowlatt was confused so he questioned, "Mr. Crowford, stick to the case. Don't waste court time."

James nodded his head as he nodded, "I am sorry, Your honor, I will get to the point."

Siran who confidently opened a particular folder was confused. She had seen the picture just yesterday, she couldn't understand where it went. Hence she started looking for it.

Meanwhile, Nikun and Aaron bumped their fist in front of Aarvi. 

Aarvi: "..."

The previous day, Nikun was at the school hanging out with his school friends when he noticed James leaving the school. Curious, he had followed him and got the girl. He sent her picture to Aaron, Aaron's team handled everything. Aaron would do anything to fulfill her wish.

Aarvi couldn't permanently hide so she was ready to accept if her identity leaked. Looking at two friends, she understood James wasn't wasting court time, Nikun and Aaron were making him waste court time.

Siran murmured to James, "The picture is missing."

James didn't panic. He nodded as if he had expected it to happen. He extended his hand at his assistant and took a printout of a picture. He showed the picture to Siran, "Ms. Enfield, is this the picture you are looking for?"

Siran nodded vigorously, "Yeah, this is the one."

James came to the point. "Your Honor…" He passed the picture to the court reporter as he continued, "The woman named Aarvi Evans isn't a Country S citizen, she is a woman born and brought up in the Mocon. Her name is Ava Kelly. She faked her death, changed her name, created fake reports as Aarvi Evans, just so she could hide her revolting personality from the past. 

My client met her three years ago. When he identified her, Ava Kelly aka Aarvi Evans was afraid of any news leaking about her. Hence she started targeting my client for many days. She created many such situations that appeared against my client by victimizing herself.

Your honor, I request you to consider her illegal reports and take appropriate decisions before the final hearing for my client. Thank you."

Judge Rowlatt was surprised at the new turn in the case, before making a note of it, he looked at Nikun and the calmly sitting couple. "Mr. Morris, do you have anything to say or ask any question to the lady in the witness box?"

Nikun stood up, "Absolutely."

He went ahead and asked for the picture, he took a look at it and asked, "Your honor, the technology has grown so enormous that a person can prepare a picture of himself in country S by sitting here. How could we just believe a piece of paper?"

He placed the picture on the table and retreated back as he continued, "Your honor, as far as we know this hearing is about Leon Harmon attacking my client and attempting to kidnap. Even if we agree with the story Mr. Crawford told us, how does that affect the behavior of Leon Harmon?

If He attacked my client due to provocation, should my client have killed him by now? That's ludicrous."

He gently laughed, glancing at James. If there is a problem with Aarvi's identity it shouldn't affect the final hearing of Leon against Aarvi.

Judge Rowlatt noted some points while Nikun turned to Siran, "Ms. Enfield, is your eyesight absolutely normal? I mean do you have any issues?"

Siran responded promptly, "No, I can see clearly." 

"Good." Nikun grabbed a pen drive from his table and handed it to the courtroom reporter, "Please connect this."

Nikun grabbed the remote and clicked on a button, a picture displayed, "Ms. Enfield, could you identify the person on the screen?"

Siran was confused why they were showing the picture of a famous celebrity. Anyway, she responded, "Jessica Chastain."

"Are you sure?"


James stood up, "I object, your honor. Mr. Morris is diverting from the topic."

"Objection overruled." The judge gave him no face.

"Thank you, Your honor," Nikun thanked and continued his questioning, by changing the screen, "And she?"

Siran: "Penelope Cruz"

Similarly, she identified two more celebrities. Before the judge could interject, Nikun changed the pictures which were a collage of two pictures, "Ms. Enfield, could you identify who the real Jessica Chastian is?"

Siran was dumbfounded. Not just her, the courtroom too. The one Siran identified as Jessica was actually a look-alike of a celebrity Jessica. Nikun didn't ask anymore and changed the pictures of the other three celebrities.

Aarvi hadn't expected this attack from Nikun. "He is smart." She mumbled.

Nikun took the picture from the table and held it in front of Siran, "Now look at the picture carefully and Aarvi Evans, do you think she is the same person?"

Siran looked at the picture and at Aarvi. She shook her head, "President Evans and Ava Kelly look alike." She could notice a lot of differences in Aarvi.

Nikun took the picture and continued, "Your honor, everyone likely has a doppelgänger in this huge world. It's just that we need to search for them." he paused, He didn't want to give a chance for James to attack them asking how they got to know so he added, "Recently, there was a woman who was claiming Ms. Evans as her daughter. Thanks to her, we were prepared beforehand."

James stood up to counter, "A complete makeover or a plastic surgery could make changes in the outlook of a person. How could we just believe Aarvi Evans and Ava Kelly are doppelgängers when Ava Kelly is no more? We should…"

Nikun interjected with a sigh, "Your honor, I would like to invite a plastic surgeon to the witness box."

James gritted his teeth and sat down. A plastic surgeon could find out and wouldn't lie anyway.. So he sat to wait for the result.

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