The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 11 - Take My Breath Away

Laura was finally awakened, she was trying to stretch her body but her arms hit the wood instead. "Ouch!" A frown appeared on her forehead. "Huh...where am I?"

Her eyes opened up wide, blinking her vision sweeps the area where she was in. She hadn't seen much because there's not much to see anyway, her face was just a few inches from the wood cover. Her shock was great, it took her breath away after discovering that she was locked up inside a chest. It only took her a few seconds to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.


She remembered this chest... it was the one that her father and the servants constructed for her in the basement!


Her father got his way and put her inside the chest without her permission, he must have drugged her! Or else... how they will be able to put her inside if she was conscious?

The truth is...unknown to Laura... she awakened inside a room in a big house, located at a 5-hectare land surrounded by towering trees and mountains, far from the neighboring town.

She stays quiet for a moment, trying to hear any movement or sounds outside the chest, she can't hear anything and one thing for sure she was no longer traveling on the road because no movement or sound can give her indication that she was still inside the wagon.

Did she already arrive at her future husband's place?


Because the chest was steady...she must already have arrived in South Pond Town. But why they still locked her up inside the chest? Why not put her in a bed instead? Did Cooper already had seen her face? He didn't like her appearance and plan to send her back home?

Sighing...she tried to find out the lock of the chest...Where is it? She wants to get out! It's becoming hotter inside the chest, she wants to breathe fresh air!

"Hello...somebody there?" she tried calling anyone for help.

When she attempted to push open the chest, it opened up a little on the first try, she used all her strength and pushed it away, it's a bit heavy... but she managed to open the cover of the chest and breathed in relief after seeing the ceiling of the room.

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Whew... free at last!

She slowly crawled out of the chest and saw the king size bed. She moved towards it and climbs on the bed and lay her body down, she closed her eyes for a moment, enjoying the comfortable bed.

She opened her eyes...and noticed her dress...she can't remember wearing this dress last night because she was wearing her sleep attire to sleep. Her mother must have changed her clothes while they drugged her.

Where is everybody? Where is Cooper? Why she was dumped in a room and no one bothered to put her in the bed at least? Her eyes landed on the window.

Then she felt uncomfortable down her abdomen, her body urged her to empty her bladder, she needs to pee! Her eyes darted around the room trying to find a toilet!

She saw another closed door inside the room, that must be the bathroom! She sprinted towards it and opened the door hastily, she can no longer hold on! As soon she saw the toilet bowl she lowered her underwear in the speed of lighting and sat on the clean bowl and relieved herself. Ah, she feels good, the discomfort of her abdomen was gone.

She flushed the bowl and washed her hands in the sink. She looked at her face in the mirror. Her hair was a mess. She combs her hair using her fingers, trying to make herself presentable just in case her future husband will enter the room unannounced.

She went back to bed thinking what to do next? Should she just wait here? Or leave the room and find her future husband? Damn, her stomach was already grumbling! She's getting hungry!

Sighing, she got up from the bed and went to the window. She looked at the surrounding areas of the house...oh my...all she can see was endless trees and mountains!

She looked heavenward, the sun was already shining brightly in the sky. It's already late morning and she had not eaten her breakfast yet, that's why she was feeling hungry all of a sudden. The thoughts of foods make the discomfort in her stomach intensify.

Then suddenly, she heard the door opening slowly.

"Good morning, Miss. I was the maid assigned to serve your breakfast. I will put the food here on the table so that you can start eating your meal. I'll be outside the door if you need my assistance. If you are done eating, just inform me outside the door and I'll take the empty dishes and bring them to the kitchen," said the woman in her early 30's.

Laura turned around, she watched as the servant was busy putting the dishes into the table. She was about to ask a question to the servant but as soon her gaze landed on the delicious dishes her stomach grumbled again, she needs to eat first. She can ask questions later. "Thank you," she told the maid.

The servant smiled "You're welcome, Miss."

Laura went to the table and sat on the chair picking up the spoon and fork and began putting foods on her plate, while the maid was on her way to the door and exited quietly.

In fairness...the dishes were delicious... she resumed eating with gusto.

A few minutes later, she was done eating and informed the servant. The maid piled the dirty dishes into the tray.

"What is your name?" Laura asked the maid.

"My name is Sally..." answered the maid.

"Nice meeting you Sally," she smiled pleasantly at the maid. "Hmm, when can I see Cooper?" Laura asked.

A frown appeared on Sally's face. "Who's Cooper? I dunno anyone living in this house with that name," she answered.

Laura sighed. The maid must be new to the house. "Alright, bring that tray back to the kitchen first and return later because I still have lots of questions to ask you, okay?"

Sally nodded her head. "Okay, Miss. I'll take my leave now," she said and exited the room.

With her stomach full, Laura went back to the window and gazed outside, inhaling the refreshing air, loving the gentle wind that blows her hair away from her face. She can hear the chirping of the birds from the nearby trees.

"Nice place!" she murmured. Not a bad place to live for the rest of her life. She hadn't seen the whole house yet but she feels comfortable already inside the room.

Suddenly, the door opened slowly...

"I beautiful bride is already awake!" a deep masculine voice said.

Laura froze.

She was feeling nervous all of a sudden, the owner of the voice must be Cooper!

She slowly turned around to see him. Her eyes widened in surprise.

She didn't see a chubby guy...instead...what she saw...took her breath away.

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