The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 27 - Opportunity

About ten vampires landed on the terrace.

"Good evening our lady, we come to take you away and bring you to our master," the leader of the vampires said.


"Where is my sister!?" Laura asked them right away.

"You will see your sister if you come with us. She is waiting for you in the place where we will take you," the leader said.

Laura glared at the vampires. "No! We have agreed that you will bring my sister back! I won't go with you if you don't bring my sister here!" she demanded fiercely.

"My lady, please don't make it harder for us! We only obeyed our master's order," the leader protested.

"No! I won't come with you! Bring my sister here, now!" she demanded.

"Sorry, but we have to take you by force!" the leader of the vampires said.

They were about to approach Laura but suddenly...another two figures were hovering in the air approaching their location...the figure of the man was holding the smaller figure in the arm.

The leader of the vampire looked at the newcomers.

The newcomers landed on the terrace.

One of them took off her hood and ran to Laura's side. "Sister!" shouted Sofia happily.

Laura was feeling overjoyed and hugged her sister tightly and inspected her body. "Did they harm you-?" she asked worriedly.

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"No. I stayed with humans, not with vampires. But that was in a faraway place. I don't know the name of that place," Sofia replied.

"Okay, nice to see you again, sister!" said Laura as tears of happiness glistened in her eyes.

They hugged tightly for a few minutes.

"You take care of our father and mother. I'll come and visit you soon!" Laura said teary-eyed.

"Where are Mother and Father?" Sofia asked.

"Inside their bedroom, resting," Laura responded. "Go inside now," she told her sister.

"How about you?" Sofia asked.

"I'm coming with the vampires to meet my husband," Laura said.

"Bye... sister!" Sofia said as tears fell from her eyes deeply saddened by another parting.

"Bye...Sofia..." Laura murmured and watched her sister entered the house. She looked at the leader of the vampires. She pointed at her baggage. "Those are my things, I will take them with me," she said.

Two vampires took her baggage with them.

Suddenly...Simon and Rosa rushed into the terrace.

Laura looked at her parents. "Mother and Father, this is it! Time to say goodbye," she said sadly as fresh tears fell from her eyes.

Rosa hugged her daughter tightly for a few seconds. "Be a good wife, don't annoy your husband so that he won't hurt you. Be submissive and devoted, that is how you will survive by his side," she reminded her daughter.

Laura nodded her head. "I shall remember your advice, Mother," she said.

Rosa disengaged from Laura so that her husband can finally say goodbye to their daughter.

Simon hugged his daughter. "I'm going to miss you, daughter!" he said feeling emotional, he was trying hard to fight the tears from falling from his eyes. He planted a kiss on his daughter's head. "Take care of yourself and visit us soon!" he said.

"I will. Goodbye... Father... goodbye... Mother!" Laura said in tears. She released a deep sigh and wiped the tears from her eyes.

She faced the vampires. "I'm ready to go..." she told them.

The leader of the vampires was about to hold Laura's arm when she saw another vampire approaching the terrace. "Look...someone is coming..." she said.

The leader looked heavenward and saw another of their kind.

The guy landed on the terrace.

The leader of the vampires went to the guy. "What is it?"

The newcomer whispered something in the leader's ear. "There is a change of plan...the master told me that he will come here to get the lady himself some other day. We are needed in another place for another mission," the messenger said.

"Okay, copy..." the leader replied. He looked at Laura. "I'm lady. The master informs us of the current change of plan. He will come here to fetch you himself, please don't leave the house!" he said. "We will take our leave now..." he said and they all hovered in the air.

The two vampires put down Laura's baggage on the floor and take off, hovering away from the mansion.

Simon, Rosa, and Laura looked at each other in pure happiness and delight. They rejoiced after the vampires left the terrace. Sofia that was lurking nearby joined them.

Simon smiled brightly looking at Laura. "I can't believe that this is happening!"

There were tears of happiness in Rosa's eyes. She was grateful that the vampires didn't take their daughter away. "Thank God!" she murmured.

Sofia hugged her sister. "Sis, why they left without taking you with them?" she asked in confusion.

Laura breathed deeply. "There's something happening tonight that is why they can't take me with them. It's a good thing!" she exclaimed. Her voice laced with gladness because she can still stay a few more days with her parents.

Simon looked at his daughter. "It's about time that you will resume traveling to South Pond. The moment you arrived there, the wedding will take place very soon! This will ensure that the vampires can no longer locate you. As long you will get married to Cooper right away, that vampire will no longer take a soiled bride. He will leave you alone..." he said confidently.

Laura bit her lip, remembering Luke all of a sudden. She had given herself to him already. She's already a stained woman, no longer a virgin. She doubted if the vampire will even worry himself about a woman's virginity when it comes to taking a bride.

"Father, no need to go away. I'll just stay here and wait for my vampire husband," she said adamantly.

Simon looked at her daughter with annoyance flashing in his eyes. "No buts! We will travel together tomorrow morning. I have to find accommodation for you and your sister Sofia as well. This is one golden opportunity that we shouldn't waste! We may never have this kind of opportunity in the coming days," he said.

​ "But Father...!" Laura objected. She was afraid that her vampire husband would get mad after he come for her and she's no longer in the mansion.

Simon addressed his wife and Sofia. "Ladies, pack your things tonight! We will start our travel tomorrow morning, after breakfast!" he ordered.

"Sofia and I can hide on the farm, husband!" Rosa suggested.

Simon nodded his head. "That's a brilliant idea!"

Laura was having a hard time understanding her father. "Father, I thought we already talk about this. No more escaping for the safety of all!" she argued.

Simon breathed deeply. "Daughter, please don't be stubborn! Can't you see...? God has given you another opportunity to flee...! Let's not waste this God-given opportunity! I already made up my mind, I will accompany you tomorrow to South Pond and deposit you right on my friend's doorsteps!" he concluded firmly.

Laura released an exasperated sigh.

Simon glanced at the servants nearby. "Bring Laura's baggage back to her room," he said.

"Yes, Sir!" the servants replied in unison. They picked up the baggage and left the terrace.

Rosa hugged her daughter. "Laura, let's just obey your Father. We can't blame him. Maybe, this is indeed a God-given opportunity for you to flee," she said trying to explain to her daughter that an opportunity like this seldom comes.

Laura sighed heavily.

Rosa and Sofia went inside the house to pack their things in their bedrooms.

While Laura lowered herself on the chair staring at the full moon above, feeling confused as hell.

A few minutes later, she entered the house, going to her bedroom.

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