The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 32 - Punishment!

The leader of the bandit grabbed Laura's hair and pulled her to sit on his lap.

Laura gasped in pain, she gritted her teeth in anger. "Get off me, bastard!"


The bandit buried his smelly mouth into Laura's neck to start assaulting her. She struggled to free herself from his grasp. She found the opportunity to slap him hard on his face... and she did! PAK!

The bandit was stunned, his eyes were flashing with rage. "How dare you slap my face!" he screamed at Laura. His hand moved, about to deliver a hard blow on her face, but his hand was intercepted by another hand.

"Not so fast, skunk!" an angry male voice said.

Although Laura was surprised to see a man standing in front of them wearing a hooded cloak, she wasted no time and sprang on her feet, she bolted as fast as she could away from the bandit. She was deeply puzzled - where that stranger came from? Why he suddenly appeared out of nowhere?

She stopped running for a few seconds to look behind her. Thank God, no one's following her.

She continues running as fast as her feet could carry her. She needs to get away from the bandits and return to her father's side safely. She knows that her father was worried sick due to her abduction. The thoughts of her father in deep sorrow fueled her need to return to the Sanctuary Inn, as soon as possible!

She was preoccupied with escaping, she didn't notice the figure of the guy wearing a black hooded cape hovering in the air behind her.

A minute later, she felt that someone was following her.

When she looked behind her back...she saw no one. She proceeds to move forward only to bump into a hard chest, a hand quickly sneaked into her waist to steady her. When she raised her head, she saw a hooded face, she can't see his eyes. "Don't touch me!" she screamed angrily into his face.

"Let me go!" She planted her palms on his chest and pushes him away from her as hard as she could.

He finally released her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Laura nearly stumbled on her feet, she was about to run again, but she was shocked to find out that she was surrounded by eleven men. All of them wore a black hooded cape. Oh, no!

She tried finding a way to escape... but it looks impossible now that they're watching her movement. She looked at the guy with whom she collided just a few minutes earlier. He stepped forward and reached for her arm.

"Stay away from me! Don't touch me!" she screamed to his face.

"Laura...come to me," the guy said calmly.

"No, stay away from me!" she cried in fear.

"Shh...calm down," the guy said and reached for her arm.

Laura looked into his face struggling from his firm hold.

"Sleep...Laura...sleep..." the guy said.

Laura saw the guy waved his hand at her face, she instantly feels tired and sleepy, her eyelids were dropping fast.

Before Laura crumbled into the ground, the guy quickly picked her up and carried her in his arms. He walked towards the carriage that was waiting ten meters away.

The guy entered the carriage and placed Laura's head gently on his lap. "Bring us to the place where I told you before," he ordered the driver.

"Yes, my Lord!" the driver replied.

A minute later, the carriage was moving steadily in the abandoned road.

The guy in the hooded cape stared at Laura's face for a long time. He can finally see why. "I see...they all went crazy because of your beauty..." he murmured to himself. "What can they do if I will claim you as mine?" he asked to no one in particular, a smirk formed on his lips.

He buried his fingers on her lustrous hair, her hair feels so good to touch, her lips so red, he was tempted to have a taste of those red luscious lips of hers!

He groaned and closed his eyes tightly. She's a sweet temptation that is so hard to resist!

He'd better control himself when he was around her. He can't afford to create chaos because of her! He loves his peace!

A few minutes later.

Laura stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes slowly. She finally awakened from her slumber. The first thing she noticed... she was inside a carriage and it was moving!

She comes face to face with the hooded guy. "Where am I?" she asked, she was about to get up after noticing that her head was resting on his lap, he tightened his grip on her head and waist. He was practically holding her close to his body.

"Let me go!" she demanded and tried to get away from him as possible.

"Behave Laura!" he said trying to restrain her.

"W-where are you going to take me?" she asked in a fearful voice.

"I'm going to take you back to the Sanctuary Inn, back to your father. So behave!" he said.

"Who are you!?" she asked. She pushed him away and managed to free herself from his grasp.

"You don't have to know!" he replied.

This won't do! She wants to take a look at the face of her savior. She took the courage and quickly reached for the hood that was hiding his face, grabbing the garment away from his face.

Damn! He was wearing a black mask under the hood.

She was getting bolder and attempted to take the mask away from his face.

The guy managed to intercept her hand before it reaches his face. "Got you!" he grinned. "Why you're acting naughty, eh!? I told you to behave! You deserved to be punished!" he said gritting his teeth in annoyance.

The small lantern that produces light inside the carriage suddenly died.

Laura yelled in surprise when she felt a warm hand sneaked into her waist pulling her to his body, his lips came crashing into her mouth in full force. She tried pulling her mouth away from him but he was too strong, she can't push him away... when his tongue successfully entered her mouth...she felt her strength fading away, her body turned limp. What's going on!?

She was trying to struggle and push him away but she can't even move her hand. What the hell is going on?

When his lips devoured her mouth hungrily, she was not able to resist his kisses. She just closed her eyes waiting for him to finish assaulting her mouth.

He deepens his kiss exploring all areas of her mouth with no signs of stopping.

To make his kiss bearable, she pretended it was Luke kissing her.

A few minutes later, the guy finally stopped kissing Laura. He lowered his lips and whispered in her ear. "It's all your fault naughty woman, you made me do it! That's your punishment!" he said. "Now go to sleep!"

He wielded his power, waving his hand all over her face, putting her into a deep sleep.

Laura shut her eyes obediently, feeling sleepy, she finally drifted into a deep slumber.

The guy smirked. Damn woman! Provoking him when he was already trying his best to control himself around her!

He groaned in annoyance.

He waved his hand to the lantern, bringing the light back inside the carriage. He inspected her lips, it was swollen by his kisses! Damn!

The more he stared at her lips, the more he wanted to kiss her again!

Shiit! He waved back at the lantern plunging the inside of the carriage into darkness again. It's better to stare at the darkness than stare at her red-kissable lips!

The fire of desire has been ignited in his body the moment he starts kissing her red lips. It will be hard to suppress his desire if he lingers inside the carriage, tortured by her captivating presence.

He groaned, fighting an inner struggle to devour her. He placed her body securely in the carriage's seat, putting pillows on her side to prevent her from falling to the floor. He makes sure that she will have a comfortable sleep.

Feeling satisfied, he smiled a bit.

It's now time for him to leave her side.

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