The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 400 - The End Of Me!

The four appeared in the cave and landed outside the chamber where the cursed King was being housed.

The King was already wide awake and staring outside the chamber during their arrival.

His eyes widened in shock and surprise after seeing Graven standing tall, alive, and healthy outside the chamber. Damn! They managed to revive Graven! His plan failed big time. He studied them, based on the grim expression on their faces, they are not here to have a chitchat with him. They're here to get their revenge.

He can see his doom flashing in his eyes.

What a bummer!

He's going to die today without even accomplishing much during his brief stay outside the castle. What a pity and waste of time!

The saddest thing about it is that he never had a chance to unleash his full power and he has to die again!

Well since things had already come to this point, he might as well show them that death is nothing to him. He can always reincarnate in the next life.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen! It's nice to see you again, specially you, Graven! Did you enjoy your trip to your dark prison world? Did you enjoy my gift to you? I guess you do! I know you are here to kill me. Can I ask a favor before you get your revenge?" he said. Before he dies he wants to see Laura for the first and last time. Although it's impossible that they will agree to his request, there's no harm in trying.

Graven sneered. "What favor are you asking this time? You aren't worthy to receive of any favor from us!" he replied angrily.

"I just want to see Laura before you kill me today. Can I see her, please? I miss her so much!" the cursed King begged.

"In your dreams!" Graven replied in an enraged voice. He looked at Terros. "Let's do it now!" he said.

Terros nodded his head. "I'll give you the privilege to end his life, son, because you suffered so much in his hands. He deserved to die in your hands," he declared.

The cursed King realized that they have no plans to grant his request. He released a deep sigh and looked at them bravely. "What are you waiting for? Give me swift death so I can finally ascend to the netherworld and be reincarnated again! Pray that you are no longer alive when I return because if you are still alive, I will hunt you one by one and you will experience the full fury of my revenge!" he said and closed his eyes, awaiting death.

Graven looked at Elva. "Now is the perfect time! His life ends here!" he said.

Elva waved her hand and the protective shield was gone from the chamber.

The cursed King stood there in the middle of the chamber, eyes closed. Then suddenly he charged blindly at the visitors, coming at them at full speed wanting to inflict pain upon them, unfortunately, luck is not on his side today, Elva froze him on the spot since she already anticipated that he's going to do something desperate before he dies.

"Crafty bastard!" Terros murmured.

Graven spreads his arms and hungry flames emerged from his fingernails. He directed his hands to the King and flames burst from his hands engulfing the King's body from head to toe.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh...ahhhhhhhhhhh..." The cursed King was groaning, his body contorted in pain and agony as his body was devoured by the flames until his voice can no longer be heard a few minutes later.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After one hour.

The cursed King's ashes were scattered to the ground.

"It's over!" Veronica said aloud in relief.

"We can finally live in peace again," Elva commented very much please with the death of the king.

"Fantastic! A fitting end to a tyrant King who was about to unleash his cruelty to the world but instead, meet his untimely death today. What a shame!" Terros gushes with a smile. Witnessing the end of the King gives his heart and soul ultimate satisfaction.

Huge relief washed over Graven. He finally brought his enemy down with his own hands with the help of these people who cared and believe in him. From now on, he can finally live in peace again beside his beloved wife.

They watched the black ashes on the ground.

"I will seal this chamber because this is the final resting place of the cursed King," Elva said.

She waved her hand around the chamber. A few minutes later the chamber was gone replaced by a thick wall of earth. A few minutes later, green grasses began to sprout on the earth. She looked at her companions. "We're done here, let's go back to the house!" she said and waved her hand at her companions.

They vanished from the cave and landed at the terrace of Elva's abode.

She looked at them happily. "Let's separate with peace in our heart and mind. Thank you for being my friends, it's my fortune to meet you all. Till we meet again!" she said thoughtfully.

"Thank you, ladies, for your help! I truly appreciated it very much. I'm forever indebted to you. If you need my help in the future don't hesitate to find me," Graven said in a grateful voice.

Terros looked at the women. "We're going home now," he said and cleared his throat feeling emotional all of a sudden. "Goddess thank you for you kindness and generosity. You're heaven sent! It's our good fortune to meet you in this lifetime. Till we meet again," he said gratefully.

"Take care, guys! See you soon!" Veronica said merrily.

The men waved goodbye at the women and vanished from the terrace after a few seconds.


The men landed at Terros' place.

"Son, come inside for a moment and drink coffee with me," Terros requested.

"Sure, Grandpa!" Graven replied cheerfully, feeling lightheaded.

They ascended the staircase and entered the house.

The men proceed to the kitchen to make their coffee.

A few minutes later, they went to the terrace holding their mugs filled with hot coffee. They settled on the bamboo chair and looked at each other.

Terros raised his mug. "Cheers for a new beginning!" he said.

"Cheers!" Graven roared.

They sipped their coffee and smiled at each other.

"Grandpa, thank you for staying with me through thick and thin. During my darkest time you never fail to cheer me up! I greatly appreciated it," Graven said in a heartfelt voice.

Terros patted Graven's shoulder. "Don't mention it, son. You know that I will do anything for you. You and Veronica give meaning to my life. I'm happy and deeply satisfied that our path cross in this lifetime," he responded, wearing a bright smile on his face.

The men sipped their coffee and discussed Graven's plans.

One hour later.

Graven bid goodbye to Terros. "Visit me in the manor if you're not busy, Grandpa," he said.

"Sure! I will!" Terros said. "Bye, son!"

"Bye!" Graven replied and vanished from the place.

Terros left the terrace to tend to his garden and his poultry.


A few minutes later.

Graven landed in the living room of his manor.

Laura emerged from the kitchen during that time and saw Graven's arrival. "Hubby!" she beamed and rushed to his side. "You're finally home! I'm so happy right now!" she gushes joyfully.

"Yes! Finally, I'm home! I miss you and everyone!" Graven said happily.

"We will have a delicious feast for dinner tonight!" Laura replied.

The couple hugged each other.

Rosa, Simon, and Sofia descended the staircase and went to the couple's side.

"Welcome home, son!" Simon said jovially.

"Welcome back, brother-in-law!" Sofia said merrily.

Rosa looked at the happy couple with tears in her eyes. "Welcome home, Graven!"

Graven faced his in-laws and gave them a bright smile. "Thank you for the warm welcome, everyone! It's nice to be back here. Thank you for taking good care of Laura in my behalf," he responded.

Laura tugged at her husband's arm. "Let's go upstairs so that you can rest," she said.

"Okay," Graven replied and nods at his in-laws before climbing the stairs with Laura.

Rosa and Simon watched the couple happily.

"Today is a good day! Brother in-law is finally back!" Sofia exclaimed.

Rosa looked at Sofia. "Daughter let's go to the kitchen to help the cook prepare the dishes," she said.

"Okie Dokie, Mother dear!" Sofia replied cheerfully.

The women went to the kitchen while Simon left the living room to go to the backyard and check on the fish in the pond. He wants to harvest five pieces of big fish to be roasted for the celebration.


Upstairs, at the couple's bedroom.

Graven and Laura were cuddling on the bed.

"It's nice to be back here!" Graven gushes happily, gazing at his beloved wife. He planted a kiss on her lips. "I miss you so much and our baby!" he gushes. He caresses Laura's tummy and planted a kiss on it. "Helloooo... baby... father is back!" he said, grinning broadly.

Laura giggled. "OMG! He's kicking my tummy right now!"

Graven chuckled. " Nice, baby. I know you welcome father's comeback! I love you so much!" he said. He looked at his wife adoringly. "I love you, wife!" he said.

"I love you so much!" Laura replied in elation. She's floating in cloud 9 right now. She was grateful to God that her husband come home safely. Her mental and emotional torture was finally over.

"He's gone!" Graven said.

"Who?" Laura asked.

"I burned the cursed King alive with the flames on my hands," Graven said triumphantly.

"What happened to him?" Laura inquired curiously.

"He was reduced to ashes on the ground after my flames completely devoured his body," Graven replied.

"That's good news! He truly deserved it!" Laura said brightly. She felt no ounce of pity for the cursed King. He deserved to be killed violently for subjecting many people's lives to physical, mental, and emotional torture.

The couple enjoyed each other's company after a long time of separation.

A few hours later.

The family gathered happily around the dining table to eat their delicious feast together.

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