The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 421 - You!

~Windless Mountain~

Four days before the wedding.

Graven and Laura, together with Terros arrived at the Windless mountain to personally invite Elva and Veronica to the wedding.

They were sitting on the lounge chair on the terrace, sipping tea.

"Girls, I hope you can come to our wedding. The special day will take place this Saturday, at my father-in-law's mansion. Grandpa Terros will bring you there, please attend our wedding," Laura said.

"Sure, we love to attend your wedding, guys!" Elva replied brightly. She never attended a human wedding ceremony before, it would be her first time and she's getting excited.

Veronica looked at Elva for a moment, amazed by the genuine excitement showing on the deity's face after learning that they were invited to attend the wedding. Elva was glowing with excitement like a child invited to a carnival show.

She looked at the couple. "Yes, of course! We love to attend your wedding guys. But what are we going to wear? What color motif?" she asked.

"Anything that is pink in color... pink dress... pink shoes... etcetera..." Laura replied.

"Nice, we will go to the town tomorrow to buy our wedding attire!" Elva said enthusiastically.

"Alright, we're leaving now, girls. See you this Saturday at 10:00 in the morning," Laura said.

"Thank you for the invitation, we appreciate it very much!" Elva said brightly.

Terros looked at the ladies. "I'll come here on Saturday at 9:00 in the morning to fetch you girls," he said.

"Okay, Grandpa," Veronica responded.

Laura and Graven rose to their feet.

"We're leaving now..." Graven stated.

"Bye girls!" Laura said.

"Bye-bye!" Elva and Veronica replied at the couple.

Terros, Laura, and Graven vanished from the terrace in the blink of an eye.

Veronica continues observing Elva's radiant face for a few minutes after the visitors were gone.

A few moments later.

Elva looked at Veronica. "What are you looking at?"

Veronica cleared her throat. "Are we really going to attend the couple's wedding? Are you okay with the whole thing?" she asked in disbelief.

Elva raised a brow. "Why-? What's wrong? Are you afraid that I'm going to cause a commotion there and declare that Graven is the father of my child?"

Veronica shakes her head. "No... not... that..."

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"Don't worry, I will attend the wedding in good spirit. I'll keep my mouth shut and just enjoy the special occasion with you, that's all," Elva reassured her.

"That's great!" Veronica felt relieved.

"So, let's head to town tomorrow morning and buy our dress from the dress shop!" Elva said excitedly.

"Alrighty!" Veronica responded in a thrilled voice.


Graven brought his wife home... then afterward he leave the house and went with Terros to his home in the forest.

The men were discussing the wedding and the visitors.

Graven scratches his head. "I felt like I forgotten to invite someone..." he said.

Terros pondered for a moment. Then he remembered who is it that they have forgotten to invite.

"Should I invite my brother or not?" Graven finally asked with a sigh.

Terros was speechless for a few minutes. Then he spoke, "Would your wife be okay with it? I mean, it's too soon, right? They haven't made any progress when it comes to forgiveness. Laura might be annoyed with Luke's presence on her special day. I think there's no need to invite Luke to your wedding just to play safe," he expressed his opinion.

"I think the same way too. I wouldn't do anything to ruin my wife's mood on that special day," Graven spoke gloomily.

Terros saw the conflict of emotion flashing on Graven's face. He know that Graven wanted to invite his brother but he was afraid to ruin the happy occasion. "Why don't we visit you brother in his home right now?" he suggested.

Graven's face brightened "That's a good idea!"

"Let's go!" Terros said.

A few minutes later, the men vanished from the forest.

They landed outside the gate of Luke's manor.

The guard noticed them and opened the gate right away.

Terros asked the guard, "Is your lord, home?"

"Yes..." the guard replied. He escorted the visitors to the house while the other guard closed the gate.

Graven and Terros entered the house and settled in the living room.

A maid climbed the stairs to inform Luke that he has visitors waiting for him downstairs.

A few minutes later.

Luke can be seen descending the staircase, wearing a bright smile on his face. "Bro... Grandpa! It's nice to see you again! What's up?" he said, joining them on the sofa.

Terros and Graven looked at each other, wearing a gloomy expressions on their faces.

Luke noticed the gloom in their faces, he raised a brow. "What's wrong with you guys? Are you here to visit me and show me your sad faces? Did something bad happen...?" he asked worriedly. He was about to ask if Laura encounter a mishap but keep his mouth shut.

Graven cleared his throat. "Um... Laura and I will have our second wedding ceremony this coming Saturday..." he said.

"That's great, bro! I'm happy for you and Laura!" Luke replied happily.

Graven released a deep sigh.

A frown appeared on Luke's face. "What's wrong? Why are you looking sad, bro?" he asked.

"I'm sorry, bro. I can't invite you to the wedding... you already know why," Graven said.

Luke smiled a bit. "It's okay... I understand why. Don't worry, I'm not upset at all," he stated.

"Are you sure?" Graven asked.

Luke nods his head and replies, "Yeah... besides it's my fault... so it's better that I won't attend your wedding. Don't feel sad, worried or feel guilty that I can't come to your wedding. I still won't go there even if you will invite me - out of respect for your wife."

Graven sighed in relief. "Thank you for understanding my situation, bro," he said.

Luke needs to change the depressing topic. "You guys don't have anything important to do today? If nothing... then... I would like to invite you to go with me to tour my sugarcane and cacao plantation," he stated.

Graven and Terros looked at each other, nodding their heads in agreement.

"Sure! We'd love to!" Terros replied.

"Great! I'll instruct my men to ready the carriage," Luke said and rose to his feet. He exited the house and went to the stable and gave instructions to the driver.

A few minutes later.

The maid arrived at the living room and served refreshments to the guests.

Half an hour later.

The men boarded the carriage for a one-hour journey to the plantation.

Terros and Graven spend the whole day with Luke, the latter talking animatedly about his love for plantation business.

The men returned with Luke to his manor at 5:30, and ate dinner with him at 7:00, then went home afterward.

Graven accompanied Terros back to his place.

They were sitting on the terrace, looking at the bright moonlight in the starry sky above.

"Your brother was certainly enjoying his plantation business," Terros commented while they were sipping their coffee.

Graven nods his head and replies, "Yeah, he looks happy and proud of his business achievements. I'm elated for him."

"Yeah... the only thing missing is a wife to take care of him and share his life with. Do you think he can still find the right woman for him?" Terros asked.

"I hope so. Once he finally find someone to spend his life with - that is the only time I can say that he had finally forgotten my wife," Graven said.

"Let's wish him good luck!" Terros said and took a sip of his black coffee.

Graven nodded his head. "Yeah... I hope the right woman will come into his life soon."

Graven stayed at Terros place for one hour and finally went home to his wife to retire for the night.



Docor arrived at the Soul Mast Tower and went straight to the VIP room.

The assistant entered the waiting room. "My lord, what can I do for you?"

"Inform your lord that I'm here for a visit," Docor said grimly.

"Copy, my lord," the assistant replied and left the room.

The assistant went back to her room and speak, facing the wall. "My lord, you had a visitor..."

"Who is it?" Mehos's voice asked.

"It's your friend, Lord Docor," the assistant answered.

​ "Okay, give him some refreshment, I'll come down in a minute," Mehos responded.

"Copy, my lord," the assistant said.

In the secret room at the top of the tower.

Sylvia was currently massaging Mehos's whole body on the bed.

"Enough of the massage, sweetheart. I'll go outside for a few minutes, I'll return later," Mehos said and left the bed.

Sylvia watched Mehos donned his clothes and disappeared from the room.

Frustrated, she roamed her eyes around the room without windows and door. She can't escape!

Simply no way out!

Meanwhile, in the VIP room.

Docor and Mehos were sitting on the couch facing each other.

Mehos noticed the grim expression on his friend's face. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Docor looked at Mehos intensely in the eyes. "You know what? I've been thinking about this for a long time. Maybe the reason why we can't find Sylvia was because she was taken away and hidden in a remote place by a powerful person who also knows her," he said.

Mehos pretended that he was surprised by Docor's sudden revelation. "Really-? Who could it be?" he asked innocently.

"I think the person who abducted Sylvia is no other than... YOU!" Docor said pointing his finger at Mehos, drilling his eyes into his, looking for a tell-tale sign that he was the one who abducted their friend Sylvia.

Mehos shook his head vigorously. "I'm not the one!" he denied vehemently, feeling outraged by his friend's accusation.

Docor suddenly smiled in amusement. "Relax, I'm just joking!" he said and rose to his feet. I"m leaving now, I still got some important matter to take care of outside," he said.

"Okay, come again next time if you have some news about Sylvia," Mehos replied.

"I will!" Docor responded and vanished from the room.

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