The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 60 - Don't Lie To Me!

The following day.

Laura woke up at 7:30 in the morning. She stared at the ceiling of her room for a few seconds trying to clear her hazy mind.


She sits upright after remembering what happened last night.


After clearing her mind, she remembered everything!

She managed to get out of the mansion successfully and was on her way to Graven's house when she senses that there's someone following her from behind.

When she turned around to see who it was, she bumped into a solid chest and stared into nothingness, then the guy waved his hand over her face and she loses consciousness.

Who is that guy?

Was he Luke's doppelganger?

Could be!

That explained why she's back inside her room, sleeping in her bed with the blanket covered around her body.

Damn! Of all time, why that doppelganger appeared when she was so close to talking to Graven! Argh, she hated his intrusion last night!

Her chest was heaving in anger.

Then she remembered that today is the day that her father will go home. She needs to bid goodbye to him. Dang, she hated getting out of bed this early, but she has to.

She left the bed and rushed to the bathroom to clean herself for breakfast.

One hour later.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Laura was already dressed up, getting out of the room, and heading downstairs.

When she entered the dining room, she didn't see Graven. It's only her father, Sir Nicholas and Cooper eating breakfast at the dining table. She seated herself quietly on the vacant chair beside Cooper.

"Good morning wife!" he greeted her softly.

"Good morning," she replied. She smiled at her father and Sir Nicholas, they returned her smile. She picked up the utensils and began putting food on her plates.

They consumed their meals in silence.

One hour later, they finished breakfast and left the dining room.

They went upstairs to their respective rooms.

Laura went to her room and exited a few minutes later, getting ready to see her father.

She went to his room, the servant was exiting the door carrying her father's luggage.

Simon emerged from the door and looked at his daughter.


"Come with me downstairs..." he said.

They walked in the hallway, going downstairs.

The father and son were already sitting on the couch, waiting for Simon to come down.

The servant proceeds outside to put the luggage in the carriage.

Laura and his father reached the floor and went to the couch, they settled on the couch facing them.

Simon looked at his friend. "Amigo, thank you for accommodating me here in your house. Your hospitality is amazing!" he said.

Nicholas smiled. "Don't mention it, Amigo. It's always my pleasure to have you here in my home. Visit us from time to time. Give my regards to you your wife and your other daughter," he said.

"I will!" Simon replied cheerfully. He looked at his future son-in-law. "Cooper, I entrusted my daughter in your care. Please take care of her," he said.

Cooper smiled. "Thank you for your trust, Father. I'll take good care of my wife, I will treasure her. You can count on that," he responded solemnly.

Simon saw the sincerity in Cooper's eyes, he was pleased and satisfied with his sincere answer. He can no longer delay his departure. He rose to his feet. "Time for me to go," he said.

They rose to their feet, left the living room, and went outside.

Simon's carriage was already waiting outside together with the driver and servant. He went to hug his daughter and bid goodbye to his friend and Cooper.

"Bye, Amigo!" Nicholas said.

"Bye, Father!" Cooper said.

Laura looked at her father, teary-eyed, feeling sad for their parting. "Bye, Father!"

Simon smiled and waved at them before entering the carriage.

Five minutes later, the carriage was already exiting the tall gate and moving forward steadily until it disappeared from their view.

Nicholas left the couple going back to the house.

Cooper saw the sadness plastered on Laura's face. "Why don't you go with me to the mini-park? I know you like the swing there," he suggested.

"Okay," Laura accepted his offer without hesitation. She wants to know if Graven was still in his house. Maybe she could find a chance to talk to him if Cooper left her side.

They walked in the pathway leading to the back of the house. Cooper didn't make any attempt to hold Laura's hands. They walked side by side in silence.

When they arrived there, Neeza was already done cleaning the swing and the benches nearby. She starts sweeping the dry leaves on the ground.

The couple settled themselves in the metal chairs and starts swinging back and forth.

Cooper noticed that Laura's attention was fixated on his brother's house. He called the servant's attention. "Neeza, did my brother already left?" he asked for Laura's benefit.

"Yes, he left early in the morning," Neeza replied and resumed her task.

Laura sighed and lowered her gaze. Cooper must have noticed that her attention was drawn to Graven's house that's why he asked the maid on purpose for her benefit. She doesn't know if she will thank him or feel annoyed with his meddling. She chose to stay mum, fearing that she might say something to him that will offend him and she will regret it later.

Cooper looked at her. "Can I get at least a simple thank you for my effort?" he said.

Laura raised her head and looked at him quizzically in the eyes. "What did you say?" she questioned him. She pretended that she has no idea what he's talking about.

Cooper sighed. "You're good at pretending, but I noticed your eyes glued at my brother's house. Were you expecting that he's still inside the house?"

Laura breathed deeply. "I'm just staring at the house because it was directly in line with my view, is that a crime?" she asked him.

Cooper chuckled. "My lovely wife...don't lie to me! I can't understand your fascination with my brother. What is it about him that captivated your interest? I know that he's devilishly handsome and all that. But I warned you, you're going to be my wife soon! So stop finding a way to talk to my brother!" he said, feeling irritated.

Laura released a deep sigh of frustration. Cooper's jealousy is overflowing! She just stared at the house, that's all she did, she's not doing anything bad or against the rules, but why he kept making a big deal out of it? She's getting feed up with his constant nagging! She detested this attitude of his, trying to find fault in everything that she does.

Before she blows up in his face, she suddenly remembered what his father had told her - to behave and try to get along well with everyone in this house. She bit her lower lip and controlled her rising temper, cooling it down.

She needs to change the topic and divert his attention. She remembered that tomorrow is Sunday! She's going to meet Graven in the church! That is what she had written on the piece of paper.

She looked at him. "Can I go to church tomorrow?" she asked.

Cooper nods his head. "Okay, bring Neeza along with you," he replied.

"How about you? Aren't you going to church with me?" she asked.

"I'm not a devout Catholic, I seldom go to the church including my father, only on important occasions," Cooper explained.

"Okay, thanks!" Laura said with a smile. Her mood soared again because tomorrow is another chance to talk to Graven.

One hour later, Cooper left her side and went back to the mansion.

"Neeza, come here!" Laura called the maid to her side.

Neeza obeyed. "What is it, Miss?" she asked.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, let's go to church!" Laura said.

Neeza smiled. "Sure! There's a church nearby, what time, Miss?"

"After lunch," Laura replied.

"Okay," Neeza responded. "Anything else?" she asked.

"No more," Laura said. "Please, continue your work," she said.

Neeza resumed her chore - trimming the flower nearby while Laura stayed in the swing, enjoying the morning sunshine.

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