The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 733 Episode 679 Hidden Top Monster

Is Gaor coming close to the village?

Father looks at Gabari-san worriedly.

"Huh? Yeah, but it's okay. Gaol does not come to the village because the vigilante can handle it. The problem is, the higher monster who can't see what appeared in the forest."

An invisible higher monster?

"From the remaining magic power, I knew that I was a superior monster, but I couldn't capture my figure." If the type of monster could not be identified, it would be difficult to deal with it. So far, I haven't heard anything about being attacked, but I can't rest assured. Where exactly are you hiding? "

That's scary.

There are many caves around this village, so are they hiding there?

But then, the adventurers who enter and exit the cave will witness it, right?

"Can't you think of getting away from this place?"

Oh, it could be.

No, I don't think so.

I don't have any.

Even today, the magic power of the top monster was found around the third cave from the back.

If there was still magic power left, it meant that I was still around.

Then why can't we find it?

I can't find it... I'm looking for it in the woods.

Something wrong with where you're looking?

For example, in the ground... there's no such thing.

"Hey, Gabari, put out your sword. I'll sharpen it."

"Oh, thank you. What about the sword I deposited with you?"

"Wait a minute."

The shopkeeper puts out a big sword from the bag beside him and gives it to Gabari-san.

Wow, I've never seen such a big sword before.

Was he a great swordsman?

With a slightly surprised expression, Father looked at the great sword held by Mr. Gabari.

"Well, a sword this size is unusual, isn't it?" This is it, don't do it, please. "

After receiving the sword from the shopkeeper, Gabari hands him another sword from the bag that was hanging on his shoulder.

The shopkeeper sighed as he took the sword out of the sheath.

"Hey, I don't think this is going to work."

When I looked at the great sword that the shopkeeper had, I noticed that there was a big chip in the middle.

I don't think there is anything that can be done by sharpening it.

I knew it couldn't be done? It was easy to grip and I really liked it.

Gabari said unfortunately, and the shopkeeper turned to him.

"It will take time, but I will change the blade." That's fine. "

Mr. Gabari, the head of the Delegation with a happy expression in the words of the shopkeeper.

These two sound like they have a good relationship, though their words are rough.

"But, Dad, what happened to the restoration of this shop?" You said you'd do me a favor before, right? "


Daddy... daddy of Gabari-san?

I compare the shopkeeper with the head of the Gabari delegation.

That's why they're alike.

"Ah, well... I'll see you next time."

"Did you run out of money again?" You're telling me to fix this place. "

Is the owner a hard man to pay for?

It doesn't look like that.

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"I thought I'd fix it, but I got a magic item." With it, we might be able to measure the change in the amount of magic power in the cave. If that happens, you'll immediately notice the cave abnormality. "

“That's why you don't spend all your money on magic items or cave research.”

Well, it's not about the money, it's about the research.

I've thought of something very rude.

"Also, let the Vigilante or the Adventurer's Guild have a budget." If you're talking about the cave, I'll give you the money. "

"I don't know if that magic item is really useful for the cave." I wonder if I can get money out of things that might be wasted. "

"Dad. Haha"

The shopkeeper gave a slightly awkward look to the frightened head of the Gabari delegation.

However, in an instant, I immediately returned to a slightly grumpy expression.

Could it be that you're feeling awkward about what you're worried about?

“If it seems helpful, I will submit the documents to pay the purchase price.”


“This is a decision. And the family will decide to fix this place. I'll arrange a subcontractor."

"... ahhh"

What's that?

The shopkeeper's face now looked happy.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm sorry. Looks like I interrupted you."


Gabari-san looks at us and lowers his head.

When I look at my dad, he has a grindstone or magic item that he decides to buy.


When I looked back at the gaze of Brigadier Gabari, Arielus and the others also had the product.

I thought it might have prevented me from buying it.

“It's okay, you have a better product than that.”

Gabari-san smiles happily at your father's words.

"It's only natural." Don't always say what's normal. "

When the shopkeeper says in a grumpy mood, the head of the Gabari team smiles bitterly.

"I'm sorry. My mouth is bad... but it's twisted." I'm sure of my skill. "

Father laughed tinyly at the words of the head of the Gabari delegation.

Is it twisted?

Definitely, yes.

“Please do this.”

When his father placed a grinding wheel or something on the counter, the shopkeeper held it in his hands one by one.

Well, well, you chose the right thing.

Thank you very much.

When his father thanked the shopkeeper, he replied "hmm".

And when he laughed, his father looked at me and smiled.

Oh, my dad seems to like the shopkeeper.

What's that?

I felt like the shopkeeper had just sneaked in to see my dad.

Oh, here we go again.

"Hey, here's a bonus. Use it."

The shopkeeper looked at the things on the counter and his father was surprised.

From the appearance, it seems that the shopkeeper has put out a pretty good product.

Could it be that the shopkeeper liked your father as well?

"It's unusual. Do you like him?"

The shopkeeper turns to the side and says "hmm" to the head of the Gabari delegation.

I don't deny it.

“Thank you, I'll take good care of it.”

“Do that. Because I only want people who understand the value to use it."

I guess that means you've admitted your father's eye-catcher.

Oh, my dad seems happy.

When I pay for the product I bought, I put it in a magic bag.

It looked like Arielus and the others had bought it safely.

Thank you very much.

I thanked the store owner and left the store.


Finally, it's raining.

Lilia looks up at the sky.

I look up at the sky with you.

Dimmer clouds cover the sky than before.

This could rain pretty hard.

What are you going to do?

Everyone's gaze turned to his father in response to Lilia's words.

I had my first planned shopping, so let's go back to the inn.

"I see. It's going to get worse and worse in this sky."

Mr. Arielus wears rain gear.

Looking at the rain gear, I saw Tanlas and Leah, who were already wearing rain gear.

It was a match, wasn't it?

The three of them had different colors, but they wore matching rain gear.

Besides, Mr. Arias and Mr. Tanras smile bitterly.

Tilting her head to the response, she heard Lilia's happy voice.

You know what? That's why I did the same thing.

Looking at her, she looked quite satisfied.

I see, Arielus and Tannis lost out on Leah's momentum.

It looks good on you.

I'm glad to hear it, Lilia-san.

Mr. Tanras looks a little embarrassed, but he doesn't look nasty.

Hurry up.

Running toward the inn as the rain grows stronger.

I wish you could have put up with it a little more!

I'm back.

Easily drain the water at the entrance and then enter the inn.

“Welcome home. I brought you a towel, so you can use it.”

Have you noticed that I have returned? The owner of the store, Mr. Chagu, brought me a towel from the back of the inn.

Thank you very much.

Remove your rain gear and hang it on the hangers provided at the front door.

Thanks to the rain gear, it seems that the inside is not so wet.

I knew you should use rain gear that suits your body.


"What's the matter?"

Lean your head against my attitude, Father.

I thought rain gear with no water coming in through the gap would be good

"... let's use what we have now."

Ahahaha. That's right.

Some rain gear wasn't that expensive, so let's do it.

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