The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 765 Quasi-Fourth Dimensional Being

Chapter 765 Quasi-Fourth Dimensional Being

It had been some time since Vaan last visited the moon.

Last time, he could only reach it after three hours of travel. But now that his Spatial Law had advanced by leaps and bounds since that time, it only took him an instant to reach it.

Originally, it would have taken him four months of space travel to reach the asteroid field region and eight months for a round trip. However, that time estimation had also been reduced to roughly eighteen minutes one way and thirty-six minutes for a round trip.

What seemed unreachable once was now within his sights.

It was incredible that advancing his Spatial Law by twelvefold would result in a nearly eleven-thousandfold increase in distance coverage.

Nevertheless, being able to do this much should be expected of him, considering his comprehension of the Spatial Law was on par with Second-stage Rank 6 Divine Beings.

Stellar travel was expected of Rank 6 Divine Beings, and those specialized in the Spatial Law should be the best at it.

If there was a chance, Vaan definitely wanted to visit the asteroid field region to look for opportunities and treasures. But before that, he had to deal with Abaddon and the Evernight Territory.


[Target's information]

Name: N/A

Race: Earth Spirit Worm (Quasi-Fourth-Dimensional Being)

Age: Over one million Pangean Years

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Existence Level: First-stage Rank 6 Divine Being

Abilities: [Magnetic Field Generation] [Earth Manipulation] [Gravity Control] [Eternal Spirit] [Organic Devourer]


After obtaining the Fourth Dimensional Sense, Vaan was able to learn more about the pure earth elemental worm. Not only that, he could also see its true form.

All this while, Abaddon had only been destroying the Earth Spirit Worm's third-dimensional form.

Unless the core of the Earth Spirit Worm's fourth-dimensional aspect was destroyed, it wouldn't be killed--no matter how many times its third-dimensional form was shattered into oblivion.

However, Abaddon could not perceive the fourth dimension, let alone interact with it. Thus, he was fated to never be able to kill the Earth Spirit Worm.

That said, it was still interesting to watch Abaddon making the attempts.

Each time Vaan saw the Earth Spirit Worm blown apart, the shattering of its earthen parts was like that of breaking an outer shell; the inner main body remained unaffected.

Furthermore, this inner main body was like the invisible Outer Beings he had seen in his past-life memories. It could hardly be seen and even harder to interact with.

However, Vaan didn't find this strange.

It was like trying to fit a whole apple into a single point on a straight line that had just been drawn on paper. Furthermore, that single point on the straight line hosted an entire universe of its own.

Physically, the apple couldn't be there, and yet it was.

As a quasi-fourth-dimensional being, the Earth Spirit Worm was like that apple. Its main body existed in a different dimension parallel to the third physical dimension, except a small part was more connected to the third-dimensional world than normal fourth-dimensional beings.

What Vaan didn't understand was how the quasi-fourth-dimensional being came to be.

Considering his chaosverse didn't have Chaos's protection as it still existed outside of it, it was no surprise that Outer Beings could invade it.

However, how was the quasi-fourth-dimensional being created?

Was it the offspring of those Outer Beings? Why wasn't it a complete fourth-dimensional being if that was the case?

Of course, Vaan never considered the possibility of a fourth- dimensional being with a third-dimensional being copulating to create it.

The sheer thought of it was borderline ridiculous.

Vaan thought of several other plausible explanations for the Earth Spirit Worm's existence, but he could only look into it another time.

If there was an opportunity to kill Abaddon, then there was no need to wait until Hecate arrived.

Abaddon destroyed the Earth Spirit Worm's physical form over fifty times before realizing it was pointless to continue since he understood it couldn't be killed.

But at the same time, if he didn't do so, it would continue to harass him.

During this time, Vaan also sneak-attacked Abaddon several times without exposing himself.

The cumulative frustration eventually made Abaddon erupt in anger.

"Human! Do you know nothing better than these cheap tricks?! Where is your honor? Come out and face me openly!" Abaddon barked.

"And where is the honor in a Peak Rank 6 Divine Being picking on a Peak Demigod? You are truly shameless," Vaan's voice oscillated from several locations created with pocket portals, obscuring the source.

Abaddon didn't feel ashamed, but his face did grow colder.

"Hmph! Do you think I can't find you if you keep hiding?" Abaddon snorted.

Shortly after sealing the Earth Spirit Worm with darkness, Abaddon quickly sent pulses of darkness surging outwards to scan his surroundings.

After a moment, he immediately manipulated his power of darkness to hurl the Earth Spirit Worm in the direction of an inconspicuous-looking space debris.


Space debris shattered into smaller fragments upon impact with the Earth Spirit Worm's colossal body.

However, Vaan had already escaped with spatial shift.

Even so, he left some traces of his movements, causing Abaddon to lock onto his spatial coordinates. He immediately shot a beam of darkness in that direction, eyes gleaming with killing intent.


"I found you—Arghh!" Abaddon suddenly cried in pain.

Although he had launched a fatal strike at Vaan, it was immediately redirected with a portal and struck him in the back.

"How many times have you fallen for that same trick? Haven't you learned by now?"

Following Vaan's ridicule, the Earth Spirit Worm launched itself back at Abaddon, which further pissed him off.

As for Vaan's insulting remark, he had no comment.

Only he knew how impeccably timed and precise the redirected attacks were. It took far more than skills and couldn't be replicated by just any spatial user.

Sure, they could also open portals to redirect his attacks. However, it wouldn't be so impossibly difficult to dodge like this. The person also had foresight and swift reflexes.

Abaddon wouldn't give Vaan the benefit of being triggered by his provocations.

The only way to deal with Vaan's spatial tricks was to render them ineffective. Abaddon felt his pride hurt that he had to expend so much effort to deal with such a weak Soul Master.

"Your playtime ends here, Human," Abaddon coldly declared.

Asura Domain!

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