This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 136 - Showing the Crowd the Reality

Chapter 136: Showing the Crowd the Reality

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The minds of the crowd were rattled. The clash between those two men had really, truly opened their eyes.

It was just the two of them going at each other, but the power emanating from them both spread over a 100-meter radius.

It seemed as if the two men were not even human to begin with but rather, per their level’s namesake, gods on Earth. The crowd kept backing away a little at a time as the fight went on.

That was because debris kept flying through the air as the two of them fought. The debris traveled at speeds which made it little different from bullets, so it was dangerous to stay too close.

“So this is how Deities fight, then? They really are just like gods. It’s more than their feats that are godlike, they themselves seem to be godlike as well.”

“This is really something. Both of them could probably take on a whole army by themselves.”

Even the likes of the lame monk and Qing Yunzi were astounded, despite the fact that they had seen Deity level fighters go at it before.

Although it had seemed astounding at the time, that battle between Lu Xuan and Qiu Zhen looked insignificant compared to the one happening before their eyes right there and then.

Qiu Zhen, whose powers had only been forcefully cranked to Deity level, was far below Song Lingfeng in terms of combat prowess. One might even say that it was like heaven and earth between the two, as if they were not even at the same level to begin with.

That was precisely why Lu Xuan had not put in as much effort back then as he was putting in at the moment, which, in turn, was why that past fight looked so underwhelming compared to the one taking place before them all now.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The crowd saw how the two of them fought like lightning bolts clashing against each other.

It was especially so in Song Lingfeng’s case, for he attacked relentlessly, making him look like a being made of crimson lightning.

“Is that even human?” The young disciples from the likes of the Seven Invincible Sect and the Chen Clan shivered with shock as they watched the battle, as if they were seeing superhumans fighting right in front of their eyes.

For a hundred meters in all directions, everything was affected by the fight between the two greats.

The fight between two literal gods had completely exceeded their imagination.

The events were so surreal that the onlookers felt as if they must be watching some cheaply-produced sci-fi television show with lame special effects.

It was only then that they truly realized how terrifying Deities were.

Even in their wildest speculations, the crowd had still expected such beings to remain in the realm of common warriors, without even bothering to consider realms beyond what was humanly possible.

Yet the fight between the two of them before the massive crowd was evidently no longer that of common humans.


A loud noise rang out, and Song Lingfeng’s Burning Sun Explosion went off like a grenade.

Lu Xuan was forced three steps away. Only three steps away. That did not seem like much, but it was the only upper hand that Song Lingfeng had been able to gain at any point in the entire fight.

Song Lingfeng panted furiously. The Burning Sun Explosion he’d used moments ago had expended half of his Spiritual Qi reserves.

That move had been initially reserved as his secret weapon, one which he would not carelessly use in conventional situations.

He had no intention of just bringing it out for no good reason here, either.

He thought that move would enable him to cause Lu Xuan severe injuries, thus opening up greater opportunities.

However, no one expected Lu Xuan to be only forced three measly steps back by such a devastating move. On top of that, he did not look any worse for wear after taking the hit.

It was apparent that the Burning Sun Explosion was hardly any threat to him. Meanwhile, Song Lingfeng became so rattled by the recoil of the move that he felt as if his internal organs were all shaking.

Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. It could be said that the move itself could easily cause both sides to suffer grievous injuries, and as such, it was a move that should absolutely never be used under conventional circumstances.

A hint of surprise and fear was seen in Song Lingfeng’s eyes after that. Lu Xuan actually managed to stay totally unscathed, despite having been hit with such an attack.

“Song Lingfeng, I see that you do have a trick or two up your sleeve. Well, too bad that you’ve miscalculated. My powers are far beyond what you could have imagined.”

Lu Xuan waved, and in an instant, all the snowflakes in the air seemed to be suddenly frozen where they were.

The next moment, countless snowflakes burst all over the place, as if the sky were filled with countless lethal projectiles. It looked just like what Song Lingfeng had pulled earlier, but it was several times greater in magnitude when Lu Xuan did it.

Song Lingfeng’s face had never looked so severe in his life. Lu Xuan’s powers were far greater than what he had expected of the young man. It might even be said that he had never met an enemy so overwhelmingly powerful in his life.

He had no time to worry about his shaken-up blood and rattled internal organs. He arched his back and slapped the ground hard.

He sent dust flying all around him, forming a layer of dirt with which he attempted to fend off the snowflakes.


Clashes and explosions were heard over and over, each rapidly following the last.

Clouds of dust and debris were all over the place, obscuring the immediate vicinity from sight.

Song Lingfeng had been literally backed into a corner by then, making him look very weak.

Lu Xuan, on the other hand, looked just as unfazed as he had all the while, even to the point that his clothes remained entirely spotless.

“Song Lingfeng, you threatened my family’s safety in order to get me out here today, just to defeat me in front of everyone. Am I correct? Well, tell me now, how much chance do you think you still have of taking me out?” Lu Xuan stood with his hands behind his back, sporting a condescending smirk on his face.

Song Lingfeng’s expression changed immediately. That had indeed been his intention.

He had absolute confidence in himself before, thinking Lu Xuan too young to have any measure of power worth mentioning, even if the young man had begun training before birth.

Killing Lu Xuan would not have been enough to satisfy him, as he wanted to make a big deal of the achievement. He wanted to make sure that the crowd would be able to witness him killing Lu Xuan right before their eyes.

He wanted the so-called Min Province Alliance to crumble altogether.

In doing so, he would have been able to bring the entire Min Province under the Holy Dragon Corporation’s influence and get them under the Song Clan’s control.

That had been his intention all along.

He had absolutely not expected to run into someone who was truly more than he could handle. Lu Xuan’s powers were really much greater than Song Lingfeng had expected.

Lu Xuan’s powers were far beyond what he had expected, so much so that none of the old monsters that he personally had known could even compare with what Lu Xuan brought to the table.

It was only then that he realized that all his earlier plans had been little more than delusions.

At that moment, a sense of crisis that he had never felt before welled up in his mind.

Despite both men being Deities, it was apparent that Lu Xuan was more powerful and more terrifying than any other he knew.

While he had clearly gone all-out with that move earlier, he was able to sense that Lu Xuan did not even seem to have any intention of going all-out.

Every single attack and defense the young man performed felt effortless and without care.

Lu Xuan’s powers were so unimaginably profound that it scared even the likes of Song Lingfeng.

He was not the only one who felt shocked to the core. All the others present shared the same thoughts They, too, were just as stunned.

They were all able to tell that Song Lingfeng was more than just on the defensive at the moment. To put it precisely, he was completely overwhelmed.

That contradicted every expectation they’d had before. They had speculated that Lu Xuan’s level must be more or less similar to that of Song Lingfeng, so none of them thought Lu Xuan would fare well in the fight. From their perspective, it would have been commendable for him to even keep himself from getting killed.

Lu Xuan was very young, after all, and so he might not have been Song Lingfeng’s match just yet. The young man would have perhaps been truly invincible about 10 years later.

Lu Xuan had had all the time he needed.

Cultivators were still mortals, who could age and die as well as anyone else.

Song Lingfeng was an old man who was only getting older. Even if he was able to keep making breakthroughs, maintaining his prime was already an arduous task in itself.

In contrast, Lu Xuan had yet to reach his peak. One of them was going downhill while the other was going up. The power difference between both men would only get wider and wider.

Yet what happened before the crowd’s eyes was Lu Xuan’s way of showing them all the reality that his age really did not matter.

He was already pummeling Song Lingfeng just as he was.

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