Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 419: Kureha & Chopper

Chapter 419: Kureha & Chopper

Leo looks at the enemies carefully and he finally realizes who they are. These guys were the ones who disturbed them when they were trying to reach this island. His sister was in a bad condition, but these guys kept bothering them.

"So it's you guys, huh? It seems the beating my crewmates gave you wasn't enough so you ask for more now," says Leo while bumping his fists.

These people called themselves Wapol Pirates and they are led by a strange old fat man named Wapol. Luffy tells Leo that he will take care of Wapol while the archer will be handled by a furry boy that Leo never saw before. This little guy takes Leo's attention immediately because he looks quite strange.

Leo rubs his chin and says, "I thought there is only Big Foot, so there is Little Foot as well."

"Now he becomes a Little Foot," says Nami while sweatdropping and Robin just giggles.

Leo then starts inspecting the little furry guy, ignoring the enemies completely. Then suddenly a fire arrow pierces his head from behind, freaking the little furry guy who immediately tries to help Leo, but Leo just pulls the arrow out as if nothing happened.

"Damn, that was a good headshot. But I need to remind you that it's not nice to disrupt someone who is having a conversation," says Leo while breaking the arrow.

Leo then makes a pistol sign and points it at the archer. "Next time, be nicer to people and don't disrupt them while they are talking."

Leo shoots some fire bullets from his finger pistol toward the archer. Those who don't know Leo are surprised by this, including Wapol who fights Luffy. He gets distracted, so Luffy's attack hits him cleanly at the same time as when Leo's fire bullets hit the archer.

Wapol gets hurt, but he still can fight, and so is the archer. Leo is quite impressed at the archer's durability. But he also knows that his fire bullets are still too weak to be used against Grandline-level pirates.

Leo wants to attack again, but the little furry guy stops him. He looks back and sees the little guy eating a yellow pill. Then to his surprise, the little guy transforms into a big reindeer. Now Leo finally realizes that this little guy was the one pulling the cart last time.

"Must be a devil fruit ability, cool," says Leo.

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He doesn't disrupt the reindeer and only looks as if the archer gets hit before being able to recover.

"That's a cool reindeer," says Leo.

"His name is Chopper, my assistant. Don't look down on him," says Kureha while smirking.

"Well, he was small, so I looked down on hi...m," says Leo with a short pause because he sees Chopper turns into a big ass Big Foot-like guy so suddenly.

"Crap," says Leo stunnedly as he sees Chopper attacking Wapol.

Luffy lets Chopper does it and they see Chopper's power is great. But Wapol has a tougher body, so Chopper's attacks don't work well. Also, Chopper doesn't have good battle skills and only relies on his physical power and devil fruit ability.

Chopper almost gets defeated, so Leo decides to take over the fight. But Luffy attacks Wapol first, so Leo stops his intention. He won't disturb others' battles because he also doesn't want to get disrupted when fighting.

Leo watches the frustrating battle while protesting many times. Luffy has a lot of chances to end the battle, but he missed those stupidly. Although Leo knows that Luffy has that kind of battle style, he still can't accept it because he likes efficiency & effectiveness in battles.

Well, he also likes having fun in a battle to learn more things. But Luffy doesn't do it to have fun, he really misses those chances. That's why Leo is frustrated because Luffy is wasting time even though he wins in the end.

Leo just sighs and decides to check his sister's condition instead. She looks fine, making him very satisfied. So he walks toward Kureha to say his gratitude like a good boy he is. Bellemere always taught her children to thank anyone for helping them even if they are enemies.

"Alright, now tell me what you want me to do, doctor," says Leo seriously.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" asks Kureha.

"I told you I would do anything if you helped my sister. Now that you've done treating her and she is healthy again, I will do my part of the deal. Tell me what to do and I'll do it," says Leo seriously.

Kureha is taken aback because she never thought that Leo would really do what he said. He is a pirate, after all, so she didn't believe what he said and only thought of that as lip service. But Leo is serious because just like his dad, Leo always tries to never break his promise.

Seeing Leo's determination, Kureha leads him inside the castle while Luffy is chasing Chopper to recruit the little guy. Nami & Robin follow Leo and Kureha who walk toward a big wooden door inside the castle.

"I need to enter this room, but I don't have the key because Wapol brought it. It's a pity, but maybe you can burn this wooden door to open it," says Kureha.

Leo nods and walks forward, but then Nami stops him. "By the key, so you mean this?"

Nami shows a key to them which makes Kureha dumbfounded. It was stolen from Wapol by Nami's slick thief hands. Leo slaps his forehead because his sister is always like that. It's like her hands are cursed to itch when she doesn't steal.

"I thought it was a treasure room key, so I took it, and it seems to be true," says Nami excitedly.

"Well, if that is the correct key, then it's not for the treasury because Wapol took all his treasures with him. This is an armory," says Kureha.

Nami looks very disappointed, but she still has some hopes, so she gives the key to Kureha. They open the room and it's really an armory, very disappointing. Kureha tells them it's enough for the payment of Nami's treatment and forces them to leave.

They leave while hearing Nami grumble because she doesn't get any money. Leo sighs because his sister really values money more than her life. Well, maybe it's just her instinct to be disappointed when she doesn't get profit regardless of the situation.

Anyway, they come outside to see Luffy still chasing Chopper. Zoro and Vivi have arrived there too along with some people from the village. They were also attacked by Wapol's men in the village and luckily Zoro was there to save them.

Everything goes similarly to the original story except for Leo's & Robin's presence there. Karoo isn't there now because Vivi didn't take that duck with her. Well, doesn't matter because things have changed a little now even though the changes aren't that significant yet.

Still, it makes Buggy who is reading reports about Straw Hat Pirates' adventure excited. He is waiting for the crew's adventure on Alabasta. With the addition of Robin and Leo, things would've changed in Alabasta.

Also, Bon-chan has been recruited by him, so Baroque Works' Mr. 2 is a different person. Those changes will surely make difference in how things go in Alabasta later. Buggy is now waiting to see the result of the changes he made in the past.

"Crocodile, huh? He is not stupid, so I don't understand why he hasn't learned Haki yet even though he has entered New World after being a Warlord and faced Whitebeard a few times. Hmm, it seems now he is relying on Pluton too much and thinks it will solve all his problems. But well, I must say that he is very great with his devil fruit. He is just too arrogant which caused him to lose to Luffy in the story. Or maybe it was because of the plot armor? Well, whatever, let's see how it will go this time," says Buggy who has disguised himself.

He now looks like Kuroko, so he looks very meek, like a pushover. Currently, Buggy is walking around Sabaody Archipelago after arriving a few hours ago. He plans to leave after reading the reports, but then a problem arises.

"Damn, what an unlucky day," says Buggy as he sees a Celestial Dragon's group walk on the street.

He is still far, so he can just leave through another way to avoid making scenes. Buggy doesn't want to waste his time with those pieces of trash, after all. But something forces him to stop and takes care of those bastards no matter what.

A little girl is crying because she falls when running to the side. It causes a female Celestial Dragon irritated, so she shoots her pistol toward the little girl. But the little girl's father protects his daughter and gets shot instead.

Buggy turns around because of the gunshot and he sees the Celestial Dragon wants to shoot the little girl again. She shoots, but the bullet doesn't hit the little girl again. It gets caught by Buggy who suddenly appears there after running very fast.

"You pieces of trash always anger me whenever I went here. Can't you just stay in your fancy city?" asks Buggy while crushing the bullet.

No one recognizes him because his appearance is different now. So people get very afraid when they see him stand up against a Celestial Dragon. They immediately get away because they don't want to get involved in this.

The angry Celestial Dragon orders her men to kill Buggy. But he moves past them all with swift movements and arrives in front of the female Celestial Dragon. He pops her bubble and grabs her face tightly.

"There are a few things I can't tolerate and one of them is trying to kill an innocent child. That's a sin that I can't forgive," says Buggy before slamming the Celestial Dragon to the ground very hard.

Everyone is in shock, but Buggy just says, "Crap, I'm overdoing it."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 454. Ordering Red Hair (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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