Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 442: Blackbeard Pirates

Chapter 442: Blackbeard Pirates

Blackbeard Pirates finally enter the battlefield and surprise everyone there. Whitebeard Pirates are surprised to see Teach and of course, they are angry. While the Marines are surprised because they thought that Blackbeard won't come after not showing up at all.

The news of their infiltration in Impel Down hasn't reached Marineford because the Marines are focusing on the war. So they thought that Blackbeard Pirates are here to help as a Warlord crew. Teach also doesn't get any new members from Impel Down, after all, so the Marines don't know that the Blackbeards have rebelled.

"Teach, you finally show up, huh?"

Whitebeard suddenly gets more energy and breaks the light sword that stabbed his chest. Kizaru backs off a little because he senses a danger from Whitebeard. Besides, he wants to know too why Blackbeards suddenly appear after ignoring the Marines' call to assist them in this war.

"Yo, pops, you look great as always."

The Whitebeard Pirates shout angrily at Teach and are about to rush at him, but Whitebeard stops them. He wants to take care of this personally and punish Teach himself because he is the Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, so he needs to erect their rules.

"Blackbeard! Where have you been and why you suddenly come here?"

Sengoku is looking at Blackbeard Pirates with a very displeased expression. But Teach just grins and says that he's here to settle things with Whitebeard. Of course, he gets ridiculed for only showing up when Whitebeard has been hurt in this war, which means that Teach was afraid.

A staredown full of hate happens on that side, while on the other side, Fujitora hears Luffy and Ivankov talk about their meeting with Whitebeard in Impel Down. The Admiral is surprised and he immediately asks a nearby marine officer to relay what he has just heard.

Sengoku is surprised when he hears the report and obviously, he is very angry. "BLACKBEARD! IS IT TRUE THAT YOU INVADED IMPEL DOWN? WHAT WERE YOU DOING THERE?"

Teach's arrogant face suddenly turns into an angry expression. He is reminded of his ruined plan by Sengoku. So he immediately looks at Kuroko Buggy who is walking leisurely toward Whitebeard.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Well, well, well, we meet again, trash. It seems you didn't get any friends in Level 6, so you came here to play. But, are you sure this is a good time to show up though? You might get beaten up by this old man and his kids, you know. They are still very lively."

The high-ranking officers are surprised to hear about Level 6. They haven't received any report, but something must've happened there. Even the appearance of Kuroko, Crocodile, and Jinbe here has indicated that something has happened there, but it might be bigger than what they thought.

"Babysitter, I will kill you in the most painful way for ruining my plan."

"Ooh, how scary. But are you sure you can do that? You might die in that old man's hands first, you know."

Kuroko Buggy points at Whitebeard who has run toward Blackbeard. Everyone is surprised and Kizaru tries to chase Whitebeard. But Kuroko Buggy stops him by attacking the lightman before he can move.

"Why don't you let them settle their family feud, Kizaru? I will play with you instead."

"Oh, it seems you have forgotten what happened on Sabaody last time."

"Well, I never remember something trivial, so why don't you remind me of it?"

"Fine, just don't regret it in afterlife."

Kizaru sends a lightspeed kick from the side, but Kuroko Buggy blocks it with a hand without getting pushed at all. It surprises Kizaru and the others who watch it. But then their attention shifts to Whitebeard and Blackbeard who have started their battle.

Whitebeard sends a quake punch from above and Teach is jumping away to evade it. His crewmates are also jumping away, but the quake punch creates a strong shockwave that sends them flying away. The old man chases after Teach who is panicking because Whitebeard is still stronger than he thought.

Sengoku gives the marines an order to ignore Whitebeard and focus on attacking his crew members while their Captain is occupied. He doesn't care who will win there, because any result is good for the Marines. Both of them can kill each other while the Marines will just need to attack the exhausted winner.

But Kuroko Buggy won't let that happen. "Oi, oi, oi. Is this how the Marines will play? Disappointing. Although I can understand such a strategy, but it is too boring. Let's make this more interesting, shall we? Let's make some adjustments."

Kuroko Buggy suddenly releases a powerful Conqueror Haki that knocks out a lot of Marine soldiers. It doesn't just knock out the ones on the battlefield, but also those in the base behind. He knocks out a lot of marine soldiers, so the pirates will have the upper hand now.

'Consider this my last help to you if you really die today, old man.'

Everybody is surprised to see a Conqueror Haki being used for the first time in this war. Furthermore, it is used by a rookie pirate who has just been captured and escaped from prison. His Conqueror Haki is also very powerful and precise, which means he has reached a high mastery of it.

Those who own or are knowledgeable about Conqueror Haki surely know the meaning behind such a powerful Conqueror Haki. This means that Kuroko is much more dangerous than they thought and he was hiding his real power.

People who also have it like Doflamingo and Hancock even get wary after sensing Kuroko's Conqueror Haki. It is already much more powerful than theirs and they feel that he is still not using his full power. But they are also Conquerors, so they aren't afraid of him, they are just more wary of him now.

"Are you for real? Such power is coming from a rookie who has just been heard of a few months ago?"

"Aokiji-san, what should we do now? The level of his Conqueror Haki and his control over it isn't that of a normal rookie."

"For now, we'll cover our men, leave the Babysitter to Borsalino. We can't let our morale drop even further. Issho, keep your guard up, I have a bad feeling about this."

Aokiji and Fujitora immediately move to attack the pirates again. They need to get very serious now because there are only marine officers left on their side. Their number has dropped drastically with just an attack, so it will surely affect their men's morale.

Kuroko and Kizaru start their battle which shocks the world. The 600 million-worth rookie is holding on against Kizaru without losing his ground. He gets pushed by the Admiral, but he isn't losing. Kuroko is giving Kizaru a better fight than even Whitebeard.

"Is this real? He is matching Kizaru-san's speed."

Momonga who is close to them is very surprised to see Kuroko blocking all of Kizaru's light sword attacks using his metal pipe. They know that he has armament haki already from his fight against Kizaru on Sabaody, but that battle also shows that he is much weaker than Kizaru.

However, now he is fighting Kizaru again without losing his ground at all. This battle shows that Kuroko is as strong as an Admiral already. A rookie who has just started a few months ago has become this strong. If he goes to New World, then he can surely challenge the Emperors.

On another side, Whitebeard is rampaging against Blackbeard Pirates. Contrast to what Teach thought, the old man is still very powerful despite his illness and injuries. He still has enough strength to make Teach coughs up blood even when Teach nullifies his devil fruit ability by grabbing his arm.

What Teach doesn't know is Whitebeard has received intensive treatment from Manba. Of course, the old man paid for the service because Manba is a member of Clown Pirates. Alongside Marco, the treatment gave a great result and Whitebeard is much healthier now.

His condition won't last long though because his illness is too severe already. Even now, he is holding off the pain in his body because he pushes himself to use more power. But it's a good deal for him because he couldn't use this much power before even if he pushed himself.

If even Teach can't handle the old man, then there is no need to mention his crew members. Burgess who attacked Whitebeard hastily has been beaten up to pulps. It makes the others don't dare to get closer and just shoot Whitebeard using their guns from behind. Only Lafitte comes forward to attack with his sword once in a while, but he retreats most of the time.

They can't stay in safe distance for too long though because Whitebeard's commanders come to assist their Captain. Jiru, Fossa, and Izou come to attack the Blackbeards so that the old man can focus on beating Teach's ass.

Meanwhile, Luffy is still trying to reach the execution platform with Ivankov & Inazuma's help. Even Jinbe is helping them because they are being blocked by Fujitora. The blind man is trashing them and they can't even touch him, so they can't get passed him to reach the platform.

While they desperately try to reach the platform, 2 executioners have arrived up there. Sengoku is hastening the execution because the Marines are at a disadvantage right now. So he decides to execute Ace now and help with the war.

Kuroko Buggy watches it while blocking Kizaru's attacks. Luffy should be activating his Conqueror Haki when Ace is about to get killed now. However, Fujitora is holding Luffy down with a very powerful gravity that makes Luffy unable to even raises his face.

Kuroko Buggy thought he would need to move again. But then, the 2 executioners' swords suddenly get hit by unknown things and fly away. Kuroko Buggy who watched them intensely surely know what has just happened and what hit those swords.

"Why are they here already?"


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 479. Turning Point (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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