Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 448: 4 Sea Emperors

Chapter 448: 4 Sea Emperors

No one expected that all 4 Emperors of The Sea would gather at Marineford like this. Yes, no one except the man who instigated this. Buggy is grinning from ear to ear while looking at the situation that unfolds in this place.

His crewmates knew that Big Mom would appear because they are in possession of Mother Carmel's picture. But they never thought that Red Hair Pirates would come too. They didn't do anything to make the Red Hairs come here, after all, so they are quite surprised.

Well, Buggy didn't need to do anything because he knew Shanks would come just like in the series. Although it was actually a gamble because Shanks might not do that. Still, Buggy has known Shanks for a long time, so he believed that Shanks would come because the Red Hair doesn't want the war to escalate too much.

Too bad though, Buggy wanted the war to be as big as possible and Shanks won't be able to prevent it. Buggy was steps ahead of Shanks, so Shanks is playing on his hands now. Knowing how others will behave is giving a massive advantage.

Buggy looks in the direction of Marie Goise because he knows those geezers must be very frustrated right now. It's not only those geezers though, but also the Marines here. He can see the despair in the marine soldiers' eyes who can't see any glimmer of hope.

Having all 4 Emperors of The Sea here as enemies is surely enough to make them piss their pants. The Marines' morale drops along with their weapons. Only those with enough willpower to continue fighting are still standing and ready to fight again.

Big Mom Pirates and Red Hair Pirates suddenly start to fight. The Clown Pirates who are on the ship help the Red Hairs attack Big Mom Pirates. They shoot Queen Mama Chanter with their powerful cannons while the Red Hairs approach the ship.

"Are you giving up just because of this, Marines? Heh, it seems that your justice is only worth that much to you."

Buggy mocks the Marines to anger them so that they'll fight better. But it's not effective and the already despaired ones are getting more scared instead. Still, not everyone is like that. Surely the Admirals are not afraid. Kizaru suddenly attacks him with a super fast light kick and Aokiji freezes his feet to stop him from moving.

Buggy can't move because of his frozen feet, so he can only block Kizaru's kick. But the kick is too fast, so he can't put up his arms in time. Buggy covers his face with armament haki right before the super fast kick hits his face.


Kizaru's lightspeed kick hits his face and sends him flying to the destroyed giant base, creating a massive impact because of how powerful that kick is. The Marines who see it have their eyes brightened a little. They are seeing hope again, the hope to survive because they still have their Admirals.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Buggy comes out of the rubble with blood trickling out of his red nose. That kick was so powerful it almost broke his red round nose even though he covered it with armament. Kizaru was using advanced armament haki, after all, so he could break through Buggy's armament defense.

Buggy is about to attack, but Kizaru has flashed in front of him. Kizaru has gotten much faster than before, fast enough to make Buggy's future sight useless. But Buggy's reaction time is no joke. He can block Kizaru's lightspeed punch with his blades.

Kizaru sends a barrage of lightspeed punches at Buggy who obviously can't match attacks at such speed at such close distance. So Buggy can only get into a defensive position while covering his whole body with armament haki. He stands his ground while taking all Kizaru's attacks with a big smile.

His feet are planted into the ground because of Kizaru's high attack power. It looks like Kizaru is the one dominating the fight, but he is actually the frustrated one here. His attacks only damage Buggy a little because Buggy's armament is very hard.

Furthermore, Buggy is coating his armament with conqueror haki. So Kizaru's advanced haki can't penetrate it just like how his attacks don't actually land on Buggy's body. It only looks like he hits Buggy because of how bright his attacks are which makes others unable to see them.

But it's not a problem for Kizaru because his job is distracting Buggy. Aokiji suddenly appears behind Buggy, surprising even the pirate because he is too focused on Kizaru. The next thing he knows, Aokiji's body has turned into ice and his whole body freezes.

This ice is very different from the one Aokiji used to freeze Whitebeard or Buggy before. It's much colder, sturdier, and it has a tint of black color in it. Aokiji infused his armament haki into his ice to make it very hard because his normal ice can be broken easily by Buggy.

"Hurry up, Borsalino! It won't hold him for too long if he uses his ability."

"Sigh, you should make it sturdier, Kuzan."

Kizaru creates a big ball of light in front of him that gets brighter and brighter. Aokiji makes a very thick wall of ice behind the frozen Buggy and on the sides. Then Kizaru throws the big light ball toward Buggy and it explodes.

The explosion hits and engulfs the frozen Buggy before spreading. Aokiji creates another ice wall in the front to create a topless giant ice box. He keeps maintaining it to block the impact of the explosion from spreading around the battlefield. The topless icebox makes the explosion only spread to the sky.

But because of how powerful the explosion is, Aokiji needs to focus on maintaining the ice box to prevent it from breaking. The explosion shoots to the sky and parts the clouds that have just gathered again. Poor clouds can't even cover the sky in peace.

Anyway, the explosion creates massive damage on the ground, but it only affected the inside of the ice box. It doesn't spread because of Aokiji's sturdy ice box. No one can see the damage inside because the ice walls are still there, but they can imagine the great destruction inside it just from the cracks spreading out of the ice box.

The Marines' morale rises because such a powerful attack would surely damage Buggy a lot. But the 2 men who worked together for that attack are not looking happy. Just as they are preparing to attack again, some sharp slash attacks cut the ice wall into some pieces.

Buggy comes out of it with tattered clothes, but his body looks fine. He is a man hailed as the strongest in the world. He was unscathed even after falling from Sky Island, so his body is very sturdy. By using haki, he can increase that sturdiness to another level that won't be damaged easily even by attacks of that caliber.

He gets some bruises, those are the only injuries Kizaru managed to inflict with that attack. That attack could level a mountain, but Buggy wasn't damaged badly at all. He is showing them all why he could get his title as the strongest in the whole world.

Buggy grins and taunts the Admirals to attack him again. They don't have another choice but to attack him again. Kizaru moves to the opposite side so they can attack Buggy from 2 sides. The 2 Admirals are using a pincer attack to split Buggy's focus.

The others also start fighting again, including the Whitebeard Pirates. Whitebeard himself is looking at the war while stepping on Teach's corpse. His bisento's blade is planted between Teach's head and body after he beheaded the toothless traitor when everyone's attention was on the explosion.

Whitebeard couldn't waste any more time after the appearance of Red Hairs and Big Mom Pirates. This war has escalated too much, so he needs to finish his business immediately before it becomes even more troublesome. After all, he knows Buggy is someone who loves problems, and he doesn't think this is enough problem for Buggy.

The war continues on the sea and land. Red Hair and Clown Pirates' members are working together against Big Mom Pirates. They fight on Queen Mama Chanter and Red Force now after Red Force got very close to Queen Mama Chanter while Black Pearl stays away to attack the ship with cannons.

On the land, Clown executives are the central figures by fighting the most powerful fighters in the Marines. The Whitebeard Pirates are fighting the other marines that aren't fighting the Clown Pirates. Although the Marines still have more people, their power is significantly lower than the pirates.

Just when the war gets heated up, one of the escapees who just watches from the side suddenly shouts. He tells everyone that some ships are approaching from afar. It makes the way stops for a moment because everyone wants to know just who is coming again.

Maverick who has a very good sight frown when he sees the ship. "Captain, those are World Government ships. There are 20 of them. All of them are packed with Cipher Pol agents. There are CP 0 agents too."

The marines who hear it are happy because the agents are their reinforcements. But it's not just the Marines who look happy. Buggy is very happy too because a wide grin is plastered on his face.

'They should be the ones on Marie Goise, which means that place is empty now. Don't ruin the chance I give you, Dragon.'


You can read more chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 443. The End (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 485. Trapping Red Hairs (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_ /CaptMermain

(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.