Transmigrated With A Resolution System

Chapter 2 Escape Reality

The notification interface popped up on the screen. The annoying buzz finally stopped.

Pulling out his chair, he took his seat. Stretching, he adjusted the iPad with it's pouch. If he could find out what had made this device appear in his room, probably he could sell it out again and not live this weird nightmare.

'Didn't the person want this? It did cost a lot, yet I sold it cheap. Why return it to me?'

He had sold his equipment so he couldn't be reminded of his troubled past. He was still confused as to why he had kept his art themed Onstagram account.

Probably that still reminded him of what he had lost but still couldn't give up.

Shaking his head, that was the least problem. This device was his main focus, he was definitely going to request the apartment's feed on who had played a trick on him later on.

Clicking on the notification, the screen just showed one option.

"Escape reality by drawing out your fantasy?" He read out the words more of a question than a statement.

He cast a glance at the stylus. It had been months since he last drew anything, he might as well term himself as rusty.

Another notification popped up after that one, yet again he clicked it to see what it just might tell.

[Redeem yourself, with your creativity. Find the path to enlightenment.]

Nix stared at the screen for quite some time, could he really redeem himself? What kind of redemption was this all about?

Taking the stylus, he had made his decision–he would draw this last artwork, he couldn't care less about redemption anymore.

It was his passion and he had almost forgotten about that.

"You want me to draw out my fantasy huh? I'd show you how creative I can be." He couldn't believe he was talking to a device yet again.

Closing all notifications, the more he scrolled through his apps, he was certain this was his.

Clicking on the desired app, a clean sheet was presented.

His hand was suspended over the screen for a while as he thought about what he wanted. 'How good would it be to have an alternate world filled with gifted people, dragons and magic?'

A smile crept on his lips as he sketched what he had in mind first.

Looking down at his artwork, he frowned. It was nothing more than doodles, in his head he had assumed he was drawing at his best, but right now, it was far from his best.

"Stupid alcohol!" He spat in spite. The more he looked at the doodle, the more displeased he got.

[Would you like for a reconstruction of your work?]

"Reconstruction?" He questioned the notification.

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[How you visualize your artwork, it would be reconstructed to fit]

He blinked a few times, contemplating making a decision. He understood he couldn't make a perfect sketch because of his vision being altered, but it was another thing for an artist to rely on such shortcuts.

"No!" Shaking his head, he refused to go with it.

[You have only today to redeem yourself]

"I don't care about redemption, my career is already tainted." He turned around, burying his face into his palm.

[Would you like to detoxify your alcohol level?]

Nix turned around at the sound of another pop up message.

"You can do that for me?" He asked, his hope taking a new turn.


Staring at the notification only made him understand that it wasn't going to answer anymore questions. It had given him a chance to draw in his sane senses once more, this wasn't something to be taken lightly.

Clicking on the "Yes", he felt a tingling sensation course through his body. Moments after, his vision stilled and so did his mental state.

"I'm surprised it did work." He voiced out his amazement.

Rubbing his hands, he proceeded to go at his sketch again.

Satisfied with the outcome, he proceeded to make a layered line art for each part.

After what could be termed as several failed attempts by using the two finger tap gesture to undo severally. He was certain he had become rusty.

If he was going to plan his dream fantasy world, he was determined not to sleep until he did so.


Slapping the stylus on the table, raising his hands up in the air, he whooped in joy at finally completing his masterpiece.

"Then what?" His once high spirit dampened as he stared at the screen, not knowing what he was meant to do in relation to the notifications he had received.

Drumming his fingers on the table, he waited for another notification to pop up, surely he was meant to see some sort of confirmation.

"No notification?"

Looking at the time, it was almost midnight, marking the beginning of a new year.

His patience was at it's peak. Frustrated, he got up from his seat, picking up his phone and shoving it into his pocket while pacing about the room.

"Such a waste of time." He muttered.

"What was I thinking?" He paused, dipping his hand in his pocket and checking the time on his lockscreen.


'Atleast I'd be awake till the start of a new year.' He sighed.

Making a countdown in his head on the possible seconds that would be left.

Instead his vision began to blur again, "what the..."

He tried to stay awake but that was proving abortive. His vision was clouded in black.


He dropped down unconscious.


[Congratulations on your successful creative work]

The silent notification popped on the screen, followed by a blinding light engulfing the whole room.


"Is he dead?" A squeaky voice of a female spoke to someone.

"He's still breathing so it surely couldn't be." A male voice replied.

"What is mother going to say about this?"

'What... no. Why is my bed feeling wet? Why does my body feel wet? Did I die from over drinking?' Nix's body shook a little, scaring the two who were keeping a strict eye on him.

'Hmmm?" He could have sworn he heard some voices earlier.

Taking a sniff, he instantly regretted it as a rush of mud went straight into his nose.

He jolted awake with a yell, holding onto his head.

He had to get out whatever had gotten into his nose, so he repeatedly blew his nose to get it out.

"Yes. Not dead." The person confirmed it to the other. "Then the danger has been averted. We are saved."

'Voices? Yes, voices. I heard voices.' He turned around to have a glimpse of whoever had spoken.

"Get the hell away from me." He yelled, crawling away from them, his eyes darted around his surroundings.

This was not his room. It couldn't have a large space with grasses sprouting as tall as trees. Looking down he realized he laid down on a muddy floor earlier.

'So that means what had gotten into my nose was... was mud?!' His eyes widened in horror.

Looking across, he could get a glimpse of the two people who had been talking. One was a underage female with a childlike appearance who had her blue hair tied in twin ponytails dressed in a casual tank top and shorts in an all black combo–this made his mind instantly trail to a loli character.

'Am I in an anime world? How cool! My dream must have been so messed up by my drinking, to think this feels so real!' He was getting excited at the possibility.

To her side was a black haired male who looked probably his age, his arms were folded with his eyes narrowed, he wore a black long sleeved shirt and a pair of black trousers tucked into his boots and didn't look friendly in any way as opposed to his loli counterpart.

'Is there a funeral I missed?' He narrowed his eyes at their choice of colour combo.

"Who are you?!" He pointed accusingly at the two of them.

"Who are we?" The male laughed, "you must have hit your head pretty hard."

"Hit my head?" Nix couldn't understand why he would think of some stupid excuse such as that.

'I was sleeping! Sleeping I say! The only thing I was expecting when I woke up was a goddamn hangover that never came. Instead I'm stuck with this dreamlike world.' His eyes said more than his lips could.

"Is there something wrong with elder brother?" The female looked up at the other male with teary eyes.

"Who?" Nix did a double take. Since when did he have siblings? He was an only child, an orphan in fact.

He couldn't understand why his dream was punishing him with these two facts, giving him nothing but a fleeting moment.

"Aimi, our brother must have been badly injured for him not to remember us." The male scooped his sister into his arm.

Getting up, he needed to be out of this dream as soon as he could. But how does one wake up from a dream you are conscious of?

"I don't know who you are." He pointed at the male.

"I just know you cause your brother called your name earlier." He pointed at Aimi who had her hands clutched on her brother's neck.

"Let's skip all this bullshit. Could you just please hit me, I need to wake up from this real soon. I'm yet to get confirmation from that notification." He kicked on some mud, falling down in the process.

Aimi let out a slight chuckle at his actions, he was starting to give off the vibes her brother used to have–goofy and carefree.

'Sure, even someone as cute as you could laugh at my predicament.' He closed his eyes momentarily to calm his nerves.

"Brother is back!" She squealed, stretching out her arms. She wanted to be carried by her elder brother.

Nix cringed at her outstretched arms, how could she be his sister. He would have preferred her as a loli on his phone's wallpaper.

Cross popping veins appeared on the male's head. Setting Aimi gently on the muddy floor. He pushed her behind him.

"Kindly stand while brother brings him back to his senses." He flashed a smile her way.

Reluctantly, she nodded her head, when their eldest brother made up his mind, who were they to go against him. At least he couldn't kill him, they were family.

"You needed someone to wake you up, right?" He had a devilish grin on his face as he punched on his palm. His blue eyes glowed a brighter shade as he spoke.

'What the hell is that glow?!' Nix panicked at the strange phenomenon.

Towering over him, Nix began to tremble at how menacing he looked now.

When he said that, it was just a slip of the tongue because he was just frustrated.


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