Trial Marriage Husband : I Am CEO's Plaything

Chapter 100 - Andien's Apartment

"What happened, Lis? It's so sudden. I mean, I'm okay with it but why?" Andien hurriedly got up from her desk and went out to find a quiet place. She didn't want Damar to see her receiving a private call during office hours.

Lisa sobbed a little from across the phone, her voice cracking. "Ndien, do you allow me or not? If not... I'll just look for a hostel first. I can't tell you over the phone... It's too long."

Hearing her best friend cry, Andien immediately became worried. Something bad clearly happened to Lisa.

"Yes, Lis, just go to my apartment now and wait in the lobby. I will go straight there after this, okay?"

"Yes, thank you so much, Ndien... I'm sorry to bother you..."

"Hey, don't be like that. You're my best friend!"

After she finished talking with Lisa on the phone, Andien returned to her desk and finished her remaining work.

Arriving at Andien's apartment, Lisa moved a suitcase and some boxes in the lobby assisted by one of the apartment employees. Now she just needed to wait for her best friend to come. She took out her cell phone and started reading the latest artist gossip news.

About ten minutes later, Andien came and approached Lisa in a hurry. The woman immediately hugged Lisa tightly as if she had not seen her best friend for decades.

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Lisa's eyes bursted into tears. The woman was unable to contain the sadness and disappointment that was building up in her heart.

"Lis, sorry if I'm late. There was a bad traffic jam! Did I make you wait too long?" Andien asked, worried.

"No, Ndien, I just arrived here ten minutes ago and then you come. It's really bad today, I have to confide in you!" A sob escaped Lisa's lips.

"It's fine… it's fine… Hold your tears first. Let's just continue in my room, okay?" Andien said while helping Lisa carry her belongings up to the elevator.

Lisa lifted her suitcase with unsteady steps. Her face was very languid. Her puffy eyes didn't sparkle like usual.

Arriving at Andien's room, the two women were greeted by two British Shorthair cats with gray and black furs. The fat cats went up to Lisa and rubbed their head against Lisa's feet.

Their behavior made Lisa smile, lighting up her sad face a little.

Andien helped Lisa put the cardboard in the corner of the room and the suitcase by the bed. Andien's apartment was not big, but it was quite decent to live in. At least, Andien was still single. She had no other responsibility than to take care of herself and the two cats.

"Lis, just make it as if it's your own house. If you want to cook, there are ingredients in the upper cupboard. Then if you want to wash clothes, you can go to the bathroom, then you dry it by the window," Andien said, pointing to the window.

"Thanks really, Ndien." Lisa stepped in and sat on the end of Andien's bed. "I'm glad I still have you. I also have Dimas but he's a guy, so there's no way I can live in his boarding house right? Maybe Dimas doesn't mind, but his landlord? They'll never allow it!"

Andien patted Lisa's back gently. The woman showed sympathy for her friend who had just gone through trouble. Andien took a glass from the kitchen and filled it with water.

She then approached Lisa who was pondering on her bed and handed over the water glass to her.

"You need to drink, Lis. Calm yourself down first. You can take a shower first so that you feel refreshed," Andien said.

"No, I'm not calm anymore. I want to lie down first."

"Okay, tell me if you need anything. I'll be in the kitchen."

A few moments after Lisa contemplated and calmed down. She got out of bed and put the glass in the kitchen.

Lisa started shedding tears from her right eye. She still could not believe that she was divorced from Oscar.

The divorce certificate was already in her hands, but Lisa still felt uneasy. She shouldn't have to worry because she was finally free from the grip of that white man's hand.

Even worse, Clara got involved in her personal affairs and ruined her marriage with Oscar! This seemed to make Lisa uneasy after leaving the court.

Lisa suddenly remembered something. She grabbed her tote bag and found a wad of 100,000 rupiah in it. She took out the money and stared at it for a long time.

Andien accidentally glanced at the large amount of money held by Lisa from a distance. She was surprised. "Lis, whose money is that?"

Lisa ignored her, she was silent and still stared blankly at the money.

Andien began to worry seeing her best friend didn't flinch. She approached her and hugged her friend gently.

"Lis, if you want to confide in now, I'm ready. I'm ready anytime," Andien said quietly.

Lisa shed more tears. This time she bursted into crying. The woman immediately hugged Andien back.

Andien wiped the tears that trickled down Lisa's cheeks. This was the first time she saw her best friend weeping like that.

"Lis, calm down... I'm here... What's wrong with you? Tell me..." Andien said sympathetically.

Lisa looked up and wiped her tears with her arms. she looked wistfully at Andien and said, "Oscar and I are divorced, Ndien!"

Hearing this, Andien was shocked and jumped out of bed. She didn't know what reaction she should give to Lisa. On one side, she was sad because Lisa became a widow at such a young age but she was also happy because her friend could finally be free from Clara's hassle.

Andien didn't respond to the news, she just rubbed her friend's back gently and calmed her down.

"Lis, you've done your best. If your marriage can't be defended anymore, why should it last, right?"

Lisa just nodded. She was still sobbing in Andien's arms.

After Lisa calmed down, she finally spoke up.

"My marriage is ruined, Ndien! It's crushed! If I hadn't lost my child to a miscarriage, there wouldn't be a divorce. A demon named Clara destroyed everything and ruined my life!"

"Be patient, Lis, calm down..."

"I'm tired of being patient and calm, Ndien! I had had my hopes up when my father officially divorced my mother. Then everything was destroyed when that demon named Clara came and ruined my marriage!"

"Alright, what happened can't be reversed anymore Lis. The most important thing is you are free now. You can find another guy to replace Oscar," Andien said spontaneously.

"No, Ndien! I just want to work. I want to fight on my own, I'm sure I can. Why do I have to depend on men?"

"Okay, whatever your decision is, I'll support you. I'm not participating in your life choices, but if you really want to find work and stand on your own feet then I support you one hundred percent!"

Lisa hugged Andien once again. The stack of money that she had been holding was scattered on the floor. Andien saw the money falling and asked, "Whose money is this, Lis?"

"This is money from Oscar. I didn't ask for it, I even refused it, Ndien. But he forced me to take this money. He said I should use this money to survive. Tch! Does he think I can't live without him? That he gave me this much money?" Lisa explained with annoyance.

Andien brought her face closer to Lisa. "What if we use the money for fun at the Sky Lounge tomorrow night? You're not pregnant anymore and you haven't met Dimas for a long time, right?"

"Great idea!"

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