Triple Blessings: Mr. Fu's Passionate Pursuit

Chapter 98 - 94: Sir, You Treat Dr. Dunn’s Two Children as Your Own!

Chapter 98: Chapter 94: Sir, You Treat Dr. Dunn’s Two Children as Your Own!

Translator: 549690339

Richelle Dunn gave him a puzzled look, “How’s that possible? How could this secret passage be used for dating?”

Nathan Caroule turned around in disbelief. If he were to return to the hospital now, he would definitely get lost in this winding underground passage.

“So how did you know that the hospital’s parking lot is connected to this place?”

Richelle often needed to move around discreetly. Thus, she would always familiarize herself thoroughly with her surroundings each time she was in a new place.

In case of an emergency, she could find a way to escape at the first opportunity.

“It was just a guess!”

As for why she had made such a guess, she didn’t feel the need to explain to Nathan.

He seemed naive and blessed with dumb luck.

For such people, some truths are better left unknown. It’s a kind of bliss after all.

The room Roy Lewis asked Nathan to prepare for Richelle was, surprisingly, the presidential suite located on the top floor of the hotel.

Inside was a huge living room, a long hallway, and at first glance, there appeared to be at least five or six bedrooms. Next to the living room was a conference room with advanced equipment.

What Richelle liked most, was the semi-circular floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, from which you could overlook half of Kindur.

Looking down from the window, it was like she ruled over everything.

“Nathan, is this presidential suite a private resting place for Mr. Lewis?”

Nathan chuckled and nodded, “Indeed, Dr. Dunn, you’re sharp!”

Richelle didn’t say anything, she pointed at the bedrooms along the hallway while standing in the living room.

“Which room am I staying in?”

“Master Lewis said you can choose any room.”

Nathan opened the bedroom doors one by one for her to choose. However, Richelle was not without common sense.


This largest room must be Mr. Lewis’s. The one next door is probably yours?

I’ll choose the last one. That room most likely hasn’t been used.”

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Nathan clapped his hands, “Indeed! Being smart really sets you apart.”

Richelle didn’t really want to deal with him. She was growing uncomfortable with the array of compliments he kept showering her with.

“Nathan, you and I are both employees under Mr. Lewis. The only difference is our job roles. You don’t have to be so courteous to me, just treat me like an ordinary colleague.”

Richelle never favored pretending when interacting with others.

But Nathan had been treating her like an honored guest for half the day. She would be interacting with him regularly in the following days and if he kept acting like this, she would get tired.

Nathan looked at Richelle in surprise, “All? You think I’m being too polite? Not at all!”

He was just curious about her.

As for the politeness she mentioned, he thought it was out of respect.

Moreover, it wasn’t a personal decision he made, but one dictated by Master Lewis’s attitude.

People around Master Lewis, in his heart, were of different classes.

And Richelle Dunn, undoubtedly, belonged to the first rank. Her status was probably only below the young master and Mr. President’s couple.

Of course, Master Lewis would never admit to it even if you asked him.

But all his actions showed how special and important Richelle was to him.

Although Master Lewis had not found a precise role for her yet, this did not alter the fact that she had a significant presence in his heart.

Therefore, Nathan needed to remain on good terms with her. If he ever upset Master Lewis in the future, he could have someone plead on his behalf.

Richelle could not read Nathan’s mind. Seeing him so intent, she decided not to bother with it any longer and pushed open the door to the most secluded bedroom with her luggage in tow.

Even the smallest room was half the size of Richelie’s former home.

Timothy and Tifanny’s faces flashed through her mind.

How wonderful it would be if she could bring them here.

But on second thought, if Timothy and Tifanny had been in the car earlier, considering her soft spots for them, she probably wouldn’t have been able to lunge at those men so fiercely.

Sigh, so, she thought it best that they stay in the peaceful village with Mrs.

Walker for a while.

It was not only safer, but they could also experience rural life. It was like a holiday.

Richelle slightly tidied up her luggage. Checking the time, she thought Mrs. Walker and the children should have already landed and be on their way home by high-speed railway.

She missed the two little ones even though they had only been apart for a few hours.

Once her heart was set on it, Richelle would act. It had always been her motto.

Once the video call connected, Timothy and Tifanny’s chubby faces were squeezed onto the screen.

“Hi, Mommy, how are you?”

A gentle smile surfaced in Richelle Dunn’s eyes. Even though she knew she couldn’t physically touch them, she nonetheless reached her hand out to caress their faces on the screen.

“My darlings, I’m doing well. What about you? Are you having fun?”

“We’re having a blast! Mommy, we just saw a really big waterfall!”

Tifanny moved away from the screen and spread her arms wide apart to show the size of the waterfall.

Timothy was also excitedly showing off to Richelle Dunn, “Mommy, the high-speed train just went through a super long tunnel! You must have never experienced that!”

Richelle Dunn smiled and nodded, “Yeah, mommy has never watched the waterfall on a high-speed train or been through such a long tunnel…”

Her voice sounded a bit regretful.

Timothy, always having a keen sense of his mother’s mood, hurried to comfort her.

“That’s okay, Mommy. After you finish your work, we can just come back with big brother and visit again, right?”

Richelle hummed in agreement, cheered herself up, and had a lovely chat with her children.

Before ending the call, she reminded Timothy and Tifanny to call Timmy whenever they have time.

The two children nodded eagerly, “Rest assured, Mommy, we will take care of big brother!”

Clearly the two little ones still felt guilty for leaving their brother behind to go out and play.

After hanging up, Richelle got busy with her work without any distractions.

Not long afterward, there was a knock on the door. Nathan Caroule was on the other side.


Dr. Dunn, I’m heading back. I’ve sent you the guidelines and notes for next few days via WhatsApp. Feel free to contact me anytime if you need anything.”

Richelle was deep in thought over a conundrum with her finger on her lips, and casually responded “Got it!”

As Richelle had suspected, the Presidential Suite was indeed Roy Lewis’s hideaway.

Whenever his health conditions gave an alarm, he would usually be living here.

During these times, he would usually be asked to recuperate and he would prefer to live here, where it was easy for doctors to treat him and also for him to visit the hospital.

But, the Lewis Group being such a big conglomerate, it wouldn’t hold without someone sturdy at the helm for a few days.

Thus, his so-called recuperation period simply meant moving his work team from Lewis Group’s office to the Suite.

As his competent assistant and most trusted subordinate, Nathan would usually accompany him and reside there as well.

However, now that Richelle was staying here, it wasn’t appropriate for Nathan to stay long.

Because of the previous stalking incident, Nathan didn’t drive himself and had the security personnel drive him to the Lewis’.

Roy Lewis was still engrossed with his work in the study. Ever since Richelle treated him with acupuncture, his quality of sleep had improved a lot.

His spirits were naturally refreshed and hence, his work efficiency had improved as well.

So, when Nathan saw a huge pile of documents placed in the right corner of the desk, he was quite surprised.

“Master Lewis, have you taken care of these already?”

Roy Lewis had a habit, any document that he had taken care of, he would neatly stack them in the right corner of the desk.

“Hmm, you handle the rest. 1 have other matters to attend to!”

Dating back to Roy Lewis’s health issues, Nathan often used to accompany him in this office. So, naturally, he pulled over a chair, occupied a corner on the right, and started helping with the piled-up work.

He had been away for half a month due to business trips and hadn’t set foot in this study during that period.

So, when he occasionally lifted his head and saw a little apple and a small sailboat next to the money jar gifted by Timothy, he casually asked a question.

“A small apple and a sailboat, are these Timothy’s gifts for your birthday this year?”

Roy Lewis glanced at the two little items, the corners of his lips slightly lifting up.

“No, they are the presents made personally by Richelle Dunn’s children.”

Nathan was so surprised that his jaw nearly dropped. After all, Master Lewis receives a myriad of gifts round the year, most of them being handled away by Uncle Axel or the secretary.

Only gifts from Timothy are so esteemed and cherished by Master Lewis and placed on his office table.

And now, gifts from Richelle Dunn’s children were, incredibly, enjoying the same privileged status as Timothy’s. What does that signal?

While Nathan was processing the implications, Roy Lewis opened the drawer and took out a keychain with several keys hanging on it, featuring cute little characters, and gave it to Nathan.

“These are birthday gifts from them. Timothy has one too.”

Nathan took a look and exclaimed, “Damn, Master Lewis, this cute character on the keychain is Timothy, right?”

Roy Lewis nodded, “Yeah, Tifanny and Timothy molded it after Timothy’s model. They put quite some thought into it, right?”

Nathan looked at Master Lewis’s proud and triumphant expression and couldn’t help but make a disdainful comment in his head.


Damn, that’s the exact look of a proud father showing off his children!”

Good Lord, you’ve essentially considered Dr. Dunn’s children as your own!

Yet, you have the gall to insist, saying that you have no other intentions about Dr.. Dunn?

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