True King's Ecstasy

Chapter 54 Innocent Lady

Unknown POV

The city was bustling with the crowd showing its business and the merchants were shouting attracting many customers to their shops. As usual, I was exploring the market to find something useful for my mother since she is feeling a little sick. Since I'm weak for my protection mother sent her friend who is a lady knight to protect me from any danger.

I was going from one shop to another shop searching for some medicine or stamina boosters for my mother then only I found a big shop different from the others. Even though it looked like a Nobel shop which had a grand appearance I saw many commoners visiting it.

Since I was interested I decided to give it a visit,

"Aunt Mel, Do you know that shop?" I asked while pointing at the grand-looking building.

Mel looked at the building to search for any sign board which indicated the shop name. After searching for a few minutes she found a board which indicates the name Keller business family crest which was famous among commoners and novels. Keller family was a family which became famous in the kingdom for the huge amount of new items they brought and helped the kingdom. Most of the daily necessities were made in this family business which is essential for daily lives.

"I have heard about this business, they might have something useful for you, lady" Mel answered my question.

"Mel, Don't call me lady, just call me Elda" I didn't want her to call me like that because she was the only one who support the mother in the family even though our own family tries to cut off us.

We went into the shop which was a little crowded with different people. There were a lot of inexpensive items at the entrance but the deeper we go the items became more expensive and rare. After seeing all the items I had some hope for this shop.

I wanted to ask for help from staff but I didn't want to expose my true identity. Mel was following me looking at all the items with interest.

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Davin POV

"It's exhausting to work overnight in this body," Davin muttered to himself while doing some warmup exercise.

In the morning, I usually visit the shop that belongs to me in this Cantrell Viscounty. I choose this place instead of the capital because it was rather easy to find and control information related to the alliance from here than in the capital. After all, this viscounty was the nearest land to the alliance.

As usual, I was wandering around the shop looking at all the customers with satisfaction. While I was observing I found someone strange in the shop. She was a beautiful-looking girl but that wasn't the thing that caught my attention it was her name which I found through appraisal. Her name was Elda Cantrell which means she has ties with the discount but why did she come secretly without informing normally when a Nobel visit they would tell us before they visit.

I was a little interested in the reason she came to visit our shop in undercover so I decided to be a little annoying and see what she wants.

"Young lady, what are you searching for? Maybe I can help you?" I said while acting as a member of the supportive staff.

Mel was cautious but she didn't want to cause a disturbance so she quickly replied,

"We don't want your help, thanks for asking" She rejected my support.

Elda was a little conflicted because she obviously needed some help to find something useful in this sea of items. She had no idea about what these items can do since they were so rare or simply didn't exist before.

"Mel, wait don't tell him to go, we need his help to find something useful for the mother," Elda quickly said.

Mel also understood that it will be hard for them to find something useful if they didn't take any help but she didn't want to get exposed since Elda decided to get help from the staff she also agreed to it.

"Ladies, may I ask what you want to find?" I was a little curious as to why they would come here in disguise.

"Actually, we want something good for fatigue relief or mana exhaustion?" She answered quickly excited.

"Hmm~ I think we have something like that for the mana exhaustion but it's not suitable to consume it without the administration of someone knowledgeable and for the fatigue, we have some pills which can be helpful," I answered her which caused her face to go from disappointed to happy.

"Is there such a thing? I would like to buy it for one person and about the treatment for mana exhaustion, I will think about it after talking with her for a minute," Elda said pointing at Mel while giving a cute smile.

"It looks like she's not in a great position too, it's unthinkable for a noble lady to come here with only one guard," I thought while taking the pills she ordered from the shelf it was stored. They were made from a moon root which had a soothing effect and some mint leaves to add a flavour to it.

While I was getting the pills, Mel and Elda were discussing about the treatment. Mel was a little hesitant to do it because they were not in a good position to do such a thing without informing the discount but Elda wanted her mother to get better even if it caused her to get a bashing by the viscount.

"Mel, I don't want to miss a chance to get better treatment for my mother, you saw how she becomes weak day by day," Elda objected to her and decided to accept the treatment. In the end, Mel had to go with this stubborn child's decision.

They paid the price for a few dozen of pills which cost a fair amount of gold coins for them. Mel decided to discuss about the information on treatment with someone responsible so she talked to the 'supportive staff member' who helped them,

"Can we talk about the information about the treatment with higher-ups," Mel and Elda didn't know that this treatment cannot be obtained if you're not a privileged member of the Keller business firm.

Since the so-called supportive member was the owner of the business itself they were able to hit the jackpot.

"Wait here for a minute, I will call someone from higher up," I said and called Naomi while hinting at her to act as my boss.

Naomi discussed the information about treatment while I was trying to take some information from Elda about why she wants mana treatment.

"My lady, are you okay? You look like you're exhausted," I tried to start a conversation with this beautiful and innocent-looking girl.

"I'm okay, what was your name again?"

"Call me Davin, My lady"

"Davin, thank you for your concern but I'm okay," She said but it was obvious she wasn't okay.

"My lady, it might help you if you talk about your problems with someone than keeping it to yourself and getting depressed," I wanted to find some information but at the same time, I felt a little sorry for her.

She went silent for minutes but she decided to talk with me thinking I don't know who she is,

"It's just there are some problems with my family, My father for some reason isolates and bullies my mother which caused her to get some health issues, that's why I wanted to make her healthy with some medicines," She was on the verge of crying while explaining but she didn't cry because it was not good to cry in the public and in front of the handsome man who helped her to choose the medicine.

Davin felt a little bad for her and for trying to use her for information so he decided to go and help her mother if it's something he can cure,

"Don't worry my lady, our treatments are the best, your mother will surely get better," I said while trying to be nice to this innocent girl.

"Thank you, Davin" She was grateful to this young man for talking with her.

"It's my pleasure, my lady,"

Mel and Naomi finished talking after a few minutes and they decided to go back after we promised to visit them for treatment in two days.

"Naomi, find out about Elda Cantrell and her mother and also their relationship with the viscount," I ordered her.

"Yes, master," She quickly went back to complete the task Davin assigned her.

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