Universal Power System

Chapter 267 Not An Option

Chapter 267 Not An Option

Mako's heart pounded with adrenaline as he stared down at the holographic figure of Commander Sable, his order still ringing in his mind.

The commander's decision to stand down and wait for reinforcements had left him frustrated and anxious. He knew that every passing moment increased the risk to Bill, Erin, and Iris.

His voice, filled with urgency and frustration, broke the tense silence. "Commander, you don't understand. We can't afford to wait for reinforcements. By sunrise, it might be too late for them. We have Angela, and with our combined abilities, we can take on Victor Voss and his gang. We can save our friends if we act now."

Commander Sable's stern voice crackled through the communication device, his patience wearing thin. "Mako, I understand your concern, but we can't jeopardize the mission and risk the safety of the villagers. We don't even know where they're being held inside the village, and engaging with this gang without a clear plan would be reckless."

Mako clenched his fists, frustration, and desperation fueling his determination. "With all due respect, Commander, my friends are in danger. I can't just sit here and do nothing while the enemy could be doing who knows what to them. We can find their location, and we have Angela. She's powerful enough to take on Victor. Please, reconsider."

The commander's voice remained unwavering. "Mako, I'm giving you a direct order to stand down. We will handle this situation, and I promise we will do everything in our power to rescue your friends safely. Disobeying orders will only complicate matters further."

Mako's eyes blazed with defiance as he disconnected the communication device, his decision firm. He couldn't allow Bill, Erin, and Iris to be in danger any longer. He turned to Nathan and Leon, determination etched across his face. "We're going to find them. Sitting around is not an option, we are doing this with or without the commander's approval."

Nathan and Leon exchanged glances, both of them still hesitant to follow Mako as this was breaking the rules which could land them severe punishment, which would jeopardize their own future goals; however, they didn't know what it was but in that intense moment, their body moved on their own as they nodded in agreement to Mako's command.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Just then, Angela appeared out of the shadows, her presence both unexpected and imposing. She had been listening to the entire conversation and had landed silently, her expression unreadable.

"What's going on?" Angela asked, her gaze shifting between Mako and the communication device.

Mako wasted no time in explaining the situation to her, recounting the disappearance of Bill, Erin, and Iris and their belief that Victor Voss and his gang were responsible. He emphasized the urgency of the situation and their need to act immediately.

Angela's expression remained stoic, her allegiance to the military apparent. "I understand your concern, Mako, but you heard what the commander said. I cannot go against the commander's orders. I'm a soldier, and I must follow orders."

Mako's frustration boiled over as he shouted, "Angela, this is about our friends' lives! If you're not willing to stand with us, then I'll do whatever it takes to save them myself."

Angela's eyes narrowed, and she stepped forward, her shadowy aura swirling around her. "You underestimate me, Mako. I'm not afraid to fight, but I won't defy orders unless you can prove that there's no other choice."

Mako's stance remained unwavering as he locked eyes with Angela, his resolve unyielding.

Angela's shadowy presence seemed to meld with the darkness itself. Her aura freely erupted from her body as she was prepared to use her abilities to uphold her duty.

With tension reaching its breaking point, Mako clenched his fists tighter and activated his Fire ability. Flames surged from his gauntlets, casting a fiery aura around him. "We don't have time for this, Angela. We need to find our friends now."

Angela's eyes narrowed, and a dark, swirling shadow enveloped her form. "You've made your choice, Mako. Let's see if you can keep up."

With that, Angela lunged forward, her shadowy figure darting towards Mako with astonishing speed. Her movements were fluid and unpredictable, making it challenging for Mako to anticipate her attacks.

However, Mako wasn't a rookie to fighting things that didn't have a solid physical body as he had just survived an onslaught of nightmarish illusions the previous night.

Compared to those illusions, Angela was a much greater threat as she was many times stronger, faster, and better than those creatures but she also had fighting experience and could use her shadow ability at will.

Nathan and Leon exchanged a quick glance, their teamwork had slowly started to build through this mission. Nathan activated his advanced perception ability, allowing him to sense the subtle shifts in energy around Angela and even though he could barely detect it he was still strong enough to render Angela's skill useless. He whispered to Leon, "I'll cover you, Leon. Get ready."

Leon nodded, his body moving at high speed as he dashed towards Angela, his muscles hardening and flames erupting around him as he closed the distance. Angela responded with a burst of shadowy energy, blasting Mako into a group of trees before attempting to ensnare Leon.

However, before Angela could attack Leon an explosion erupted from underneath her feet sending her flying a few feet into the air.

Nathan had finally revealed his new explosion ability which he used to catch Angela off guard. Leon was quite confused as he saw Nathan use a brand new ability, but he knew now was no time for questions as he quickly took advantage of Nathan's attack and advanced forward to keep the pressure on Angela.

As Leon engaged Angela, Mako focused on his own battle. Angela switched from dark and purple flames that represented the shadow ability to regular orange flames indicating that she had the fire ability as well.

Her fiery aura clashed with Leon's as they exchanged blows with Leon barely able to match her strength thanks to his hardening that was reducing the damage that he received from her ferocious strikes.

Her shadowy tendrils lashed out again, attempting to entangle him, but Mako used his earth's ability to create a barrier, blocking the shadows from reaching Leon.

Nathan's keen perception allowed him to anticipate Angela's movements. He activated his explosion ability, causing a controlled explosion near her, forcing her to retreat momentarily. It was a delicate balance of power, and Nathan knew that he had to make sure his own teammates didn't get hit by the explosion.

The battle raged on, each member of the team showcasing their unique abilities. Angela's mastery over Shadow and Fire allowed her to counter their every move, and she was not to be underestimated.

Despite Angela's strength, Mako, Nathan, and Leon fought with relentless determination. Their teamwork and synergy were evident as they adapted to Angela's tactics and coordinated their attacks.

Just when it seemed the battle could go on indefinitely, a powerful surge of energy emanated from Angela as she had finally had enough. Flames and shadows converged around her as she unleashed a devastating attack. The shockwave sent Mako, Nathan, and Leon tumbling backward.

Their combined abilities had pushed Angela to use her full power, and she knew she couldn't maintain the fight much longer, or else she might actually hurt one of them.

Breathing heavily, Mako stared at her as the fight came to a stalemate. She stared back, this time with newfound respect, acknowledging Mako's unwavering determination.

"Please, Angela. I know we can do this if all four of us fight together. We can save Bill and the others before it's too late! Please, help us!"

Angela hesitated for a moment, torn between her duty and her growing respect for Mako's determination. Finally, she nodded. "Very well, we'll search for your friends, but we'll follow my lead. I won't allow recklessness."

Mako nodded in agreement, relieved that Angela had chosen to join them. He turned to Nathan and Leon. "Let's go, we don't have much time."

"We'll start by searching remote areas within the village as there is a high chance they might be hiding there," Mako suggested.

Angela agreed and the four of them followed her lead as they ventured into the village, ready to begin looking for their friends.

They decided to begin their search from the northern part of the village, where the abandoned homes of the richer villagers lay. It was a gamble, but Mako's instincts told him that this area held answers.


Meanwhile, in a dimly lit and damp room, Bill, Erin, and Iris struggled to make sense of their surroundings. They had all regained consciousness but for some reason, none of them could use their abilities.

Their eyes gradually adjusted to the dim light filtering in through a small window, revealing the dust-covered room. The air was musty, and the silence was punctuated only by their shallow breaths.

Bill tried to move around but soon realized that he had been handcuffed to a pole behind his back restricting him from moving and the same was the case with Erin and Iris.

Bill spoke first, his voice tinged with worry. "Iris, Erin, are you both okay?"

They both nodded as they began to remember the events that happened before they were knocked out. All three of them couldn't believe how stupid they had been to just walk into the alley with no hindsight and now they had heavily jeopardized the mission and had given the enemy a huge leverage on them.

Erin, being optimistic, managed a weak smile. "Don't worry, guys. Mako will come for us. We just have to hold on. Remember, we still have to act like we are tourists. We don't want to give them any more information."

Their conversation was interrupted by the creaking of the door. It slowly swung open, revealing the menacing figure of Victor Voss. He entered the room with an air of calculated cruelty and latex gloves on his hands.

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