What to Do If I Become the Villain’s Daughter

Chapter 57


The couple with glasses changed their expressions drastically. The mother of the unruly child immediately leaned forward to hug her son, cradling his face and examining it closely. "Does it hurt?"

Chengcheng let out a loud "Waaah!" and started bawling, his cries echoing through the air.

Seeing this, Glasses Man cursed under his breath and raised his hand, intending to grab Huo Guining's collar.

His hands were seized, stopping him in his tracks.

"Young miss, are you alright?"

The newcomer was one of the bodyguards accompanying them.

Seeing Huo Guining's confused look, he introduced himself briefly.

Huo Guining relaxed her expression and shook her head to indicate she was fine.

The bodyguards were tall and imposing. Although they weren't wearing sunglasses, they still looked quite intimidating.

Glasses Woman noticed this and curled her lip, forcing out a few tears as she said, "Is there no justice? Just because you have some money at home, you think you're all that? So violent at such a young age, look at how hard she slapped..."

"If you keep developing like this, even when you grow up, you'll just be a poison to society!"

She stroked her son's face sympathetically, causing a stinging pain.

The unruly child immediately cried even louder.

Huo Guining casually pulled out a wet wipe and cleaned her hands. Her usually smiling face was now cold as ice. She slightly raised her eyes and said, "If you don't know how to teach children, you can pay someone else to do it."

Her usually sweet voice was now deliberately lowered.

"If you don't have money and aren't willing to learn..." Huo Guining's eyes shifted, and she continued slowly, "It's better not to have children at all, otherwise..."

Huo Guining glanced at the unruly child, revealing a contemptuous smile. The meaning was clear without words.

"Ah, no!"

Seeing Glasses Man about to interject, Huo Guining maliciously looked him up and down.

Then she interrupted him word by word: "You should pass this advice to your parents. After all, like father, like son..."

Glasses Man, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, immediately bristled. He spat, "You little beast, born without a mother's care..."

The bodyguard immediately stepped forward and covered Glasses Man's mouth.

The commotion had already alerted the park staff, and some came forward to mediate.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

But without Huo Guining's word, the bodyguard wouldn't let go.

Seeing this, Glasses Woman immediately started crying about Huo Guining's cruelty.

Her accusations of "so vicious at such a young age" made Huo Guining laugh.

She even found time to make a face at the unruly child.

Chengcheng, feeling frustrated, twisted his face and struggled out of his mother's arms, wanting to perish together with Huo Guining.

He was pushed back by Huo Yueze, who was holding a tray of food with one hand.

"Ningnin, what's wrong?"

Huo Yueze put down the tray, just in time to hear Glasses Woman's insults.

He darkened his face: "Madam, please watch your language."

Glasses Woman laughed angrily, her emotions that had just been calmed by the staff immediately flaring up again: "You must be her father, right? Let me tell you, if your daughter doesn't apologize to my son, this matter isn't over today!"

Huo Yueze hadn't yet figured out what had happened, but that didn't stop him from being protective:

"This is my sister. And what apology? If anyone should apologize, it's your son!"

Seeing this, Glasses Woman became even more arrogant. Another bodyguard immediately stepped forward, seemingly about to take action.

The park staff, worried about the negative impact, hurriedly intervened, politely inviting both parties to the office.

After much persuasion, the couple with glasses finally agreed to discuss privately.

Huo Yueze, concerned about the potential exposure affecting Huo Guining, had no objection to this either.

"Tell your bodyguard to let go of my husband!" Glasses Woman said fiercely.

Huo Yueze thought these bodyguards must have been sent by his uncle.

He waved at the two men, but they didn't move an inch.

Huo Yueze: ?

Huo Guining reverted to her childish tone and said to the two bodyguards, "Uncles, please let him go."

The two immediately released their hold and stood behind Huo Guining.

Huo Yueze: So I'm just an outsider, huh.


The group made their way to the park's mediation room.

On the way, Huo Yueze carried Huo Guining the entire time.

He had heard most of what had happened.

During the journey, Huo Yueze took out his phone and sent a message to Huo Xiaozheng.

When they arrived at the mediation room, they could hear the couple with glasses cursing and swearing.

Huo Yueze ignored them as if they were just passing gas, focusing entirely on feeding Huo Guining.

"This pork cutlet is very tender, with a sweet and sour taste. Try it."


"And this corn, it has cheese added. It's fragrant and sweet."

The big and small one turned the office desk into a dining table, eating with great enjoyment.

The couple with glasses, wary of the bodyguards standing next to the two, dared not voice their anger.

Chengcheng, however, was brought to tears by the tempting food and cried for some too.

Glasses Woman said haughtily, "Give us a set of this meal too."

The park staff smiled and said, "This meal set was ordered by Mr. Huo himself. We're just helping with the delivery."

Glasses Woman said resentfully, "When you were persuading us earlier, your attitude was so good. Now that we've agreed to reconcile, this is your attitude?"

She took out her phone and continued, "I have tens of thousands of followers on my social media. Want me to expose your two-faced behavior?"

The staff member's smile froze.

The reason they didn't handle this in public was to avoid affecting other visitors, not out of consideration for the couple with glasses.

Hearing her say this, the staff member couldn't help but secretly roll their eyes, reminding her:

"Ma'am, we've already retrieved the surveillance footage of the incident."

On the way here, other staff members had gone to get the surveillance footage.

Under surveillance, the truth of the matter was clear.

Glasses Woman and her husband exchanged a glance, a flash of panic crossing their faces.

"Since you've seen the surveillance, you should have also seen my son being hit," Glasses Woman said, feeling more and more justified. "I want to call the police!"

Huo Guining couldn't help but interject, "The surveillance should also show that your son was the one who struck first."

Huo Yueze was startled and immediately stood up, "Where did that little brat hit you? Does it hurt?"

Seeing that they had finished eating most of their meal, Huo Guining's eyes rolled mischievously, and she pouted, "He punched my back with his fist. It hurts so much, wuwuwu..."

With that, she fell straight into Huo Yueze's arms, making a show of crying without any real tears.

Huo Yueze, judging from her behavior that she wasn't really injured, played along, "Let's call the police then. We demand a medical examination."

The park staff had originally planned to minimize the issue and resolve it quietly.

They didn't expect that, under mediation, both parties would want to involve the police.

This would be detrimental to the park's reputation.

After trying to please both sides, the couple with glasses smugly relented, "Have his sister apologize to us, and compensate for our son's mental distress, and we can consider this matter settled."

Huo Yueze gave a cold laugh, glancing at the staff member.

He slowly said to the couple with glasses, "You think it's that easy to settle privately?"

"Dream on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a knock on the office door.

Lawyer Zheng walked in carrying a briefcase.


Regarding the kidnapping case, how Huo Xiaozheng discovered where Huo Guining was hidden.

This story goes back to Huo Yueze and the moving truck driver.

At that time, the driver had insisted that he wouldn't waste a whole day's business for just 200 yuan, so he had left them halfway.

Coincidentally, the delivery the driver made that day was to the Shen Family.

Huo Guining had been kidnapped at that time, and the Shen Family knew about it.

The driver overheard some of the conversation and asked someone nearby about the surname of the kidnapped family. The person told him everything.

The driver thought, if he really had encountered the kidnapped person, given the wealth of rich families, even a small reward would probably equal several months of his salary.

Thinking this, the driver immediately went to the Huo Family, saying he had important information that might help find the young master of the Huo Family.

It was the driver's first time riding in a police car, and he felt a bit uneasy.

After reaching the outskirts, the driver pointed the police in the direction where he had left Huo Yueze.

Sure enough, the police found him.

Not only did they find the young master of the Huo Family, but they also rescued a little girl, he heard.

Afterwards, the Huo Family indeed gave the driver a sum of money, equivalent to a year's salary.

After learning the truth about his rescue, Huo Yueze was determined not to let this incident tarnish the image of the heroic brother in Ningnin's eyes before she came of age.

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