Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 220 First Challenge.

Grand city high club was the most popular club in the city. This club was very popular among rich people. Many high-class deals were cracked in this club over the glass of drinks. This club was the place where many rich heirs fell in love at the first sight.

The fees to enter this club was very high. Many ladies paid the high fees, to enter inside. So, that they could get the attention of any rich man.

Who knows, if some rich guy fell for them and wish to make them their wives?

In the private room of the same club, an impatient man was seating. From time to time, he was checking the time on his Rolex watch. He was cursing the other party who called him in the club and was nearly two hours late.

He urged to drink some drink but he could not, and that was due to that damn women, only because of her.

'Dare of you if you stood up on me.' He cursed under his breath and again checked the time on his watch.

He twisted his feet in eagerness. He pulled out his phone and started to do some work, to kill some time. Even though, he knew he'd not able to do any work, in her wait.

A lady wearing a black cocktail dress entered the club. Her long hairs were waived into curls. Her eyes were adored with smoky look. Her lips were painted red. Hot or sexy words were understandable to describe her sexiness.

Immediately, the eyes of each man in the club were at her on her arrival. She smirked upon seeing her effect. She walked toward the stairs leading to the private rooms. She was cat walking, getting the attention of nearly everyone on her ass.

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The rise in the temperature on her arrival was obvious!

She entered the private room. With a sly smile, she looked at the man busy looking at his phone. "I hope, I didn't make you wait for long." She spoke in a soft voice. "I was stuck in an important meeting."

"Wait? You made me wait for two hours." Mu Yuehan hollered angrily. "And what important meeting…. Yuuu....duuhhh….ahhh…." Mu Yuehan lifted his head and looked at her. He was blown away from her beauty and hence, incoherent words came out from his mouth.

Mu Yuehan looked at Zhou Liying without any blink. He forgot to breathe. His heart was beating fast. His veins were pumping and his blood was burning hot. He felt a rise in his body temperature. Sweat appeared on his neck. He uncomfortably shifted on his seat.

Zhou Liying grinned upon seeing his reaction to her. She took her seat on the sofa opposite to him. She pushed up her breast and made him gulp. There was a gloating smile on her lips.

Mu Yuehan gulped and looked at her pulpy cheery lips, her neck and then her chest. His pants were tight. He took a few deep breathes and gulped down a glass of water placed in front of him.

'Does she want to kill me tonight with her looks?' he murmured to himself.

"Waiter," Zhou Liying called for their server and ordered twenty-four vodka shots. She then turned and looked at Mu Yuehan. "Did you enjoy some drink in my absence?"

"No, I did not." his voice was throat. He cleared his throat and blinked his eyes. He was feeling hazy because of her. Desire churned deep within him.

"I am sure, tonight I will win the challenge, and then, we will go on a date." He challenged. "I remembered how you were drunk in Vegas only after a few glasses."

"Let me tell you a secret, my drink holding capacity is strong. In Vegas, I had already drank a bottle or more of wine before coming to the restaurant." She straightened her back and looked back at him with a challenge. "Do keep dreaming about the date."

The condition which Zhou Liying put forth in front of Mu Yuehan was, he needed to defeat her in any one of the three challenges. And if he succeeded then he would get a chance to take her on the date.

And today was the first challenge. Challenge as to who can drink more shots of vodka. And that was why, Mu Yuehan did not drink a sip of alcohol from the time, he arrived at the club.

"Here is your order." The waiter placed two plates with twelve shots of vodka each, in front of them.

"Let us start. The faster we finish, the earlier I will leave."

"So much hurry to leave?"

"Why not? Each second is very important for me, unlike you." She spoke sharply.

"And you think my time is not important? It was for you that I waited for two hours. Otherwise, no one in this whole country dares to make me wait like you." Mu Yuehan took a glass of Vodka.

"Then you should learn how to wait for someone. I am not at all punctual." She smirked and picked up her vodka shot. She tilted her head and gulped down the contact. She enjoyed the strong, burning taste of vodka in her throat.

They both drunk shots after one another. Mu Yuehan was at his eighth shot when he noticed that Zhou Liying was getting drunk. Even when she was feeling drunk, she kept drinking, only to defeat him.

Mu Yuehan sighed and looked at his silly women. She did not have strong stamina than him in drinking but still, she was drinking only to defeat him.

He knew she would not stop drinking until she defeated him. She would play with her life instead of accepting defeat and he did not want that.

'Her health is more important to me than the date. Moreover, I still have two more chances to defeat her.' Thinking this, he stopped drinking.

He raised his hands, "I can't drink anymore. You win."

"Told you…I…will…win…." She slurred with a victorious smile on her lips. She stood up from her seat. She was completely drunk and it was visible in her swaying body.

"Hey, where are you going?" Mu Yuehan's eyes widened when she left the room.

He ran after her. She was drunk and he was completely aware, how she acted when drunk. Besides, he did not wish to leave her alone.

Mu Yuehan's eyes widened when he saw her stumbling down the stairs, with the support of railing. It was like she was leaning against the railing.

Before Mu Yuehan could catch up to her, an eager Zhou Liying, feeling energised, was out from his site. She ran away toward the disco. She climbed on the disco stage and was gone from the sight of Mu Yuehan.

Mu Yuehan cursed under his breath. He started to search for Zhou Liying among the crazy and drunk dancers.

He fumed when he finally found Zhou Liying and saw what she was doing.

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