Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 221 Who Will Win?

Zhou Liying was a born club girl. She loved to come to the club, getting drunk and dancing for a long time. It was her get away from the reality of her life, a source for her to have some fun, a source of freedom.

At a young age, she had realised, if she wanted other heiress to be her friends then she needed to be badass like them. Hence, she joined them in sneaking out from her house and to the club.

She was seventeen when she tasted alcohol for the first time. She was attending a party where she and some of the other girls sneaked out toward the bar counter. They drunk the wine ordered by their elders. And from that time, Zhou Liying was alcoholic.

It was not like she liked it. She hated it. She knew how harmful it was for her. She tried to stop drinking but was never able to control herself. Alcohol was her thirst. Her need to be away from reality. An escape. She could forget about her real life, problems of her real life after drinking.

After drinking, she also loved to dance on loud music on the disco and getting dirty with the opposite sex. And that was how she found many men in past to sleep with. It was her another getaway from reality.

When Mu Yuehan looked at Zhou Liying dancing on the stage, he fumed. The reason being, she was not dancing alone. She was dancing with a stranger. And that stranger had his arm wound around her waist. She was grinding against him.

Mu Yuehan's vein in his neck thumped hard in anger. He gritted his teeth and looked at his silly girl. He made his way toward her. Before the stranger could take any advantage of his drunk girl, Mu Yuehan snatched Zhou Liying from his arm. He possessively wrapped his arm around her waist.

Surprised, Zhou Liying looked at him. She gulped upon seeing the velocity in his eyes. His eyes were dark with anger. If looks could burn, then everyone on the dance floor were going to be dead by now.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The stranger who was dancing with Zhou Liying looked at her and then at Mu Yuehan. He gulped upon seeing the furious Mu Yuehan. Without delay, he ran away for the hill, to save his life.

"He ran away because of you. Now, who will dance with me?" Zhou Liying pouted and angrily poked hard on the chest of Mu Yuehan with her middle finger.

"I will dance with you." Mu Yuehan replied. He started to move with Zhou Liying on the beats of the music.

Eyes of Zhou Liying brightened like a night filled with millions of stars. Clear happiness was there in her eyes and that made Mu Yuehan smile.

'Drink can make people open up. If only she can always be like this with me.'

His heart warmed when he saw her gorgeous smile. He knew she was happy and he wanted her to stay happy with him for forever.

"Let us go home. It's getting late at night." Mu Yuehan spoke in the ears of Zhou Liying, for her to hear over the loud music.

"No, I don't want to go home. I want to dance. I want to enjoy tonight." She squealed; dancing hard on the beats of the music. Mu Yuehan sighed and let her fulfil her wish.

Somewhere, he was glad she was pouring out her energy in dancing. Otherwise, he remembered how she utilised her energy in Vegas. Sure, he liked her that way too. But now seeing how delicate their relationship was, he did not want her to wake up with him in her bed.

Who knows how far she would push him this time, if she realised, she was getting closer to him?

"This is my favourite song." Zhou Liying hollered over the loud music. "Brazil, ta, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, ta, ra, ra, ra, ra, ra, Brazil...…." She sang the words of the song at the top of her lungs.

She started to jump actively at the beats of the song. Mu Yuehan smiled seeing her excitement and expressions. He too was bouncing on his feet's, to accompany her.

'She looks so fragile but still, she has so much energy.'


After dancing for nearly three hours, Zhou Liying finally felt tired. She leaned against Mu Yuehan.

"Want to go home?"


Mu Yuehan carried her in his arm and took her out of the club. He wanted to mock at her drunk condition. She was so confident that she would not get drunk. But look at both of them and compare who was drunker. He only consumed one shot less than her.

Li Tao was waiting for Mu Yuehan outside the club. So, when Mu Yuehan arrived with Zhou Liying in his arms, without wasting any second, he opened the car door for them.

Mu Yuehan entered the car and took his seat. He made Zhou Liying comfortable on his lap. He looked at her face with a gentle smile. He ran his finger over her sweaty forehead and tucked her wild hair behind her ears.

"Boss, where to? Your penthouse or Miss Zhou's?"

"My penthouse." Zhou Liying replied before Mu Yuehan could.

"Follow the order of your missus. And yes, from now on, call her Missus instead of Miss Zhou." Mu Yuehan ordered without averting his eyes away from Zhou Liying.

Zhou Liying tucked on the shirt of Mu Yuehan and looked at the face of Mu Yuehan with a sly smile. "Mu Yuehan, are you my husband?"

"Yes, I am." He replied. She ran her fingers in the left side of her hairs.

"Will you do all your husbandries duty?"

"I will." Mu Yuehan smiled.

"Will you follow all my orders without denying me? Will you treat me as your queen?"

"Yes, and yes. You are my queen. I am going to spoil you badly." He pulled her cheeks.

A frown appeared on the forehead of Mu Yuehan when he saw her cheeky smile. At that moment, he realised, she asked all the questions for some reason.

His suspicion was confirmed when the next words came out from her mouth.

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