Wife Loving Husband: Husband, spoil me some more!

Chapter 225 Good Morning.

Zhou Liying did not expect to find Mu Yuehan in her kitchen. She blinked repeatedly, thinking either she was dreaming or either she was so drunk that now she was hallucinating him.

But he still stood there, with his famous sexy smile on his lips, spatula in his hand and an apron around his chest. A familiar image appeared in front of her eyes but she dismissed it because she was busy to see what was in front of her.

"Good morning to you too." Mu Yuehan beamed.

Zhou Liying gasped when she heard him. She realised he was indeed here. "What are you doing here?" she hollered angrily. "How dare of you to enter in my penthouse and kitchen?"

"Don't you remember, last night? Tsk, tsk, tsk, you should drink less. How can you forget about last night?" he mocked. "I was the one to bring you home. You vomited all over me and in my car, let me remind you. You then requested me to bath you and stay with you for the night."

Zhou Liying blushed with embarrassment when she heard him. How could she vomit in front of him? It was so unlady like. And why did she ask him to give her a bath and then stay with her?

She looked In his eyes, to search for some deceive. But honesty was leaking from his eyes, without any playfulness or deceiving.

"Now, as your good husband, I decided to cook breakfast for you. I am sure, you too are hungry like me." He placed the prepared breakfast in two trays.

"You…" She walked toward him and was immediately enveloped by the aroma of mouth-watering breakfast prepared by him. Her stomach grumbled loudly. She blushed further in embarrassment. She grumbled under her breath, calling today to be her unlucky day.

Mu Yuehan chuckled at her red face. "Come on, let us have breakfast. Your stomach is asking for it. Moreover, I have cooked it with so much hard work."

With all the modesty Zhou Liying had left in her, she readied her bow. She spoke sharply, "Do you think I will not have this breakfast? Do not forget, you cooked it using ingredients from my kitchen. You have no idea how hard I work to be able to earn my food."

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She snatched her tray from his hand and made her way toward the dining room. Her mouth watered upon looking at the English breakfast which consisted of French toast, sunny side up, pancake decorated with mangoes and orange juice.

She placed the tray on the table. Forgetting about the presence of Mu Yuehan, she attacked her breakfast, feeling hell hungry.

Mu Yuehan walked behind her and took his seat beside her. There was a dejected expression on his face. "Lili, what do you take me to be? I too am a billionaire, I know how hard its Is to earn money, to crack the multi-billion deals." He pointed out.

He was slightly affected by her comment that he did not know you hard it was to earn money for food. Did she forget, more than fifty per cent population on the earth knew how hard it was to earn money?

"I don't think you know the concept of hardworking. If yes, then why do you spend most of your time around me, instead of spending it in your office?" She criticized him and munched on her French toast.

Mu Yuehan tiredly sighed and leaned against his chair. "I am hell hardworking. But my company will not go somewhere if I place my work aside for some time and dedicate that time in pursuing you. What am I earning for if I can't be with the love of my life?"

Zhou Liying's food got caught in her throat when she heard the smooth confession of Mu Yuehan. 'My, My, he knows how to smoothly express his love without any bashfulness.'

"Silly girl." Mu Yuehan groaned when she coughed. He rubbed her back and gave her the glass of juice. "Eat slowly. Food is not going anywhere."

Zhou Liying drank the juice, keeping her eyes down. She kept her face hidden behind the glass. She felt something in heart upon seeing the pure concern on his face.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good." Zhou Liying mumbled and placed the glass aside.

She picked up her fork and knife and started to savour her pancakes, slowly this time.

She completed her breakfast and all this time, Mu Yuehan was admiring her. He was liking the way they started their morning. If only it could become the reality of their life, their daily routine.

"How was it?" he asked once she ate the last piece of food from her plate.

"Usual." She shrugged. "You can't compete with the food cooked by me."

"Then I will like to taste It one day." Mu Yuehan smiled dreamily, remembering the past days.

"Let me." He stopped Zhou Liying from picking up her tray.

Zhou Liying shrugged and let him pick her tray. With two trays in his hand, he made his way toward the kitchen when his mobile phone rang.

"Can you answer my phone for me? It's placed on the table." Mu Yuehan requested to Zhou Liying because his hands were filled with trays. He was unaware, this decision was going to be one of his wrong moves.

"Do you want me to answer your call?" she raised her brows and looked at him with doubt.

"Why not? You are my wife. I do not care if you know the secrets of my business or not. After all, technically our businesses are one now."

Zhou Liying rolled her eyes at his comment. She had expected this type of reply only. She answered the call and placed the phone on the loudspeaker.

Soon, words of Li Tao rang around in the house. "Boss, Mister Fan Yifeng is in the office. He is here to discuss an important deal with you."

Zhou Liying became furious on hearing him and happy bubble of Mu Yuehan was in burst quite loudly.

"You, how dare of you Mu Yuehan? Are you pursuing me? If yes, then how can you not know about the first rule of wooing? How can you deal with Fan Yifeng knowing that he is my biggest enemy? Disgusting."

At that moment, Zhou Liying looked at Mu Yuehan with real hate. She felt hurt and betrayed that he was helping her enemies. She planned to attack on them one day or another and here he was, talking about deals with them. Great!

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