Within a Hollow Heart

Chapter 174: Volume 2, Chapter 118: "Echoes of the Lost"

Chapter 174: Volume 2, Chapter 118: "Echoes of the Lost"

The air outside the archive felt even colder than before, the wind biting at their faces as they stood on the crumbling steps of the ancient ruin. The sky above was a dull gray, the clouds hanging low and heavy, as though the void itself had stretched its hand over the world, preparing to smother it.

Cole looked back at the entrance to the archive, the weight of the scrolls and books they had recovered pulling at his pack. The knowledge they had fought for was precious, a lifeline in their fight against the void, but the path ahead seemed darker than ever. The Severed were growing more desperate, and the void's presence was stronger with every step they took.

"We need to move fast," Marcus said, his voice breaking through Cole's thoughts. He stood a few paces ahead, his eyes scanning the horizon for any signs of danger. "If the Severed had scouts nearby, they'll know what happened. We can't risk staying here."

Elara nodded in agreement. She had spent the last hour carefully packing the scrolls, her hands steady but her eyes betraying her exhaustion. The strain of weaving the Veil during the battle had taken its toll on her, and though she had regained some of her strength, Cole could tell she was still on edge.

"Do you think they'll send more after us?" Selene asked, her voice quiet but tense. She hadn't let go of her blade since the battle, her instincts sharp and ready for the next threat.

"They always do," Cole said grimly. "The Severed won't stop until they've destroyed every Knot and unleashed the full force of the void. They're relentless."

"And now they know we've got something they want," Marcus added. "The knowledge we took from the archive could be the key to stopping them—and they won't let us hold onto it without a fight."

The group fell silent as the reality of their situation sank in. They had fought hard to secure the knowledge of the Guardians, but in doing so, they had drawn the attention of their enemies. The Severed wouldn't rest until they had tracked them down, and the void would use every opportunity to weaken the Veil further.

Elara adjusted her pack, her expression determined despite the tension in the air. "We have the information we need now. The next step is to reach the nearest Knot and use what we've learned to reinforce it. If we can stabilize more Knots, we can slow the void's advance."

"Where's the nearest one?" Selene asked, her eyes scanning the map they had found in the archive.

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Elara traced her finger along the faded lines of the ancient parchment. "There's a Knot to the east, near the edge of the Deadlands. It's an old one—like the Knot in the mountains—but if it's still intact, we should be able to reinforce it."

Marcus looked over Elara's shoulder, his brow furrowing. "That's not exactly friendly territory. The Severed have been active in that area for years. If they know we're coming..."

"Then we'll have to be ready," Cole said, his voice firm. "We've come this far. We can't turn back now."

The group exchanged glances, a silent understanding passing between them. The road ahead was dangerous, but there was no other choice. The void wasn't going to wait for them to gather their strength. It would keep pushing, tearing at the fabric of reality until there was nothing left.

"We leave now," Marcus said, tightening his pack and stepping forward. "Stay close and stay alert. We'll make it through this."

They set off, the Deadlands stretching out before them like a barren wasteland. The ground beneath their feet was cracked and dry, the air thick with dust and ash. The once vibrant landscape had long since been consumed by the void's influence, leaving only a desolate, lifeless expanse behind.

As they walked, the silence grew oppressive, broken only by the occasional gust of wind or the distant call of a bird overhead. The horizon was shrouded in haze, the ruins of long-forgotten civilizations dotting the landscape like skeletal remains.

"There used to be towns here," Elara said quietly, her voice barely audible over the wind. "People lived in these lands before the first breach in the Veil. The void took everything from them."

Cole glanced at her, the weight of her words settling in his chest. He had heard stories of the Deadlands before, tales of how the void had consumed entire cities, leaving nothing but ruins in its wake. But standing here, in the midst of it, made those stories feel all too real.

"How much further?" Selene asked, her voice cutting through the somber atmosphere.

"Not far," Elara replied, her eyes fixed on the horizon. "If the map is accurate, the Knot should be just beyond those hills."

They pressed on, the terrain growing more difficult as they approached the hills that marked the edge of the Deadlands. The ground was uneven, and the air grew colder with each step, the presence of the void growing stronger as they neared the Knot.

Finally, they crested the last hill and looked down into a wide, desolate valley.

There, in the center of the valley, stood the Knot.

It was unlike anything Cole had ever seen. The Knot was a massive structure, its stone surface etched with ancient symbols that pulsed with a faint, flickering light. The threads of the Veil hummed around it, but even from a distance, Cole could see that the Knot was fraying. The energy that held it together was weakening, the threads unraveling like a rope slowly coming apart at the seams.

"That's it," Elara whispered, her voice filled with awe and fear. "It's still holding, but just barely."

"We don't have much time," Marcus said, his voice low and urgent. "If the Severed get here before we can stabilize it..."

"We won't let that happen," Cole said, his jaw set in determination. "We're reinforcing that Knot. Whatever it takes."

They descended into the valley, the weight of the task ahead pressing down on them like a physical force. The Knot loomed larger as they approached, its presence a stark reminder of the fragile balance they were trying to maintain.

As they reached the base of the Knot, Elara stepped forward, her hands already moving to weave the threads of the Veil. The energy around them crackled, the threads vibrating with a dangerous intensity as they fought to hold the Knot together.

"This is going to be harder than the last one," Elara said, her voice strained as she concentrated on the Knot. "The threads are more frayed. It's going to take everything we have to stabilize it."

"We're with you," Cole said, his eyes locked on the Knot. "Just tell us what to do."

Elara nodded, her focus unwavering. "Cole, you'll need to help me pull the threads together. Marcus, Selene—watch for the Severed. If they're coming, we'll need to know before they get too close."

Marcus and Selene took up positions around the Knot, their weapons ready as they scanned the horizon for any signs of movement.

Cole closed his eyes, reaching out with his mind to the threads of the Veil. He could feel the tension in the air, the way the Knot was barely holding together, the void pressing against it like a predator circling its prey. The threads were fragile, delicate, and it would only take the slightest misstep to unravel everything.

But Cole wasn't going to let that happen.

With a deep breath, he began to weave.

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