World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 407

Chapter 407: Prelude to the final chapter (4)

The final chapter of Arcadia that stirred up the world.

However, even after President Lee Mi-yeon's announcement, it was quiet without any change, so public opinion, which had been burning as if it would never be extinguished in less than a month, began to calm down little by little.

“Hey Jaeyoung. Why are you doing that with such a serious face?”

After the vacation ended and the first semester of the third year started again, Jaekyun met after a long time. He looked at Jaeyoung, who was staring at somewhere with empty eyes, with a curious look.

“Do you have any pain? Or is it because school started again?”

Jae-young, who is usually not interested in everything, but Jae-gyun asks with a slightly worried face because he is silent with a strange atmosphere that is more than that. However, he opened his mouth with a stupid expression at Jaeyoung's answer that followed.

“Jaegyun, why am I living?”


Jae-young suddenly asks essential questions about life and life.

Jaekyun was at a loss for words for a moment at his question that came in without warning, but he said with a puzzled face.

“Why is that all of a sudden...?”

Jae-young, who did not particularly worry about life or seriously consider it. Jaekyun felt that something was wrong when he suddenly asked this question.

“Jaeyoung, did something bad happen...?”

“No...well, it's not that special... but these days I'm feeling a bit like that.....”

He is making a liberated expression as if he is detached from everything, as if he is going to die soon. That's why Jaekyun swallowed his saliva with a nervous face at the thought of an ominous thought and spoke earnestly as his best friend.

“Ho, if you have any concerns or need help with anything, let me know! I'll help with anything I can! huh?”

Jaekyun said it was okay to say anything to him. Then he glanced around, then blinked and whispered in a low voice.

“How are we? We’ve been on an aircraft carrier together.”


Jaekyun emphasizes that they are a special relationship that no one can follow. However, at Jae-gyun's words, several thoughts that had recently disturbed him began to resurface in Jae-young's head.

[There is a huge secret hidden in this world that Jaeyoung doesn't know.]

[Jaeyoung is so valuable that the US 7th Fleet can move.]

[The developer who created Arcadia.... I planned everything.]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Arcadia Co., Ltd., a company that develops and services mankind's first virtual reality game.

People who first encountered the virtual reality created by them were astonished at their overwhelming technology.

[To not only fully realize the five human senses, but to be able to build such a vast world with virtual data... This is a technological advance that cannot be guaranteed even after hundreds of years!] No company dares to

compete Arcadia Co., Ltd. has reigned as an absolute leader in the virtual reality industry, making it impossible to even think of doing it. Since the company monopolizes all source technologies, it has been a little over 3 years since the company was founded, but they have grown into global companies and have taken root all over the globe.

One day, a virtual reality suddenly appeared.

Until now, Jae-young had no doubts about that fact, but President Lee Mi-yeon's subtle stories planted huge doubts in his mind.

‘Could it be that... the developers who created Arcadia are aliens...?'

A hypothesis that gives a plausible probability to this absurd situation to dismiss it as an absurd story. And what Jaeyoung felt through his recent experiences was the fact that there are more absurd things happening in this world than he thought.

“huh? Jaeyoung, why aren’t you talking?”

Jae-kyun asks Jae-young with an innocent face that doesn't know anything.

He was the most improbable person Jaeyoung had ever met.

[Anyone who participated in the production of the virtual reality version of the League of Legends, Mr. I can't help but admit my random abilities. Dozens of skilled creators gather to create perfect results that could only take a month of hard work, all while drinking a cup of coffee. The power of implementation created by his infinite imagination is so enormous that no one can follow him.]

He has a natural talent for making things so simple that someone can only create them with extreme concentration and a long time. In addition, a contest called Sangsang Daejeon, which was held the other day, put a rocket on Jaekyun's back.

[Artist Lim Jae-kyun, who has a reputation as the best creator born in Korea, announced that he will produce ‘Robot Cat's Cosmic Invasion 2' with Mizunisa. Numerous SF fans are enthusiastic about this and are looking forward to the release of various rice cakes that have not been revealed in previous works

. that of fame. The world's interest in him was so crazy that the news of his next film was reported on the terrestrial 9 o'clock news.

-Mr Lim.... Is he a god?

-Mr. Another masterpiece of arbitrary. I'm going crazy waiting!

-Going to the 10th straight run of the robot cat's space invasion!

-Ninja! ninja!!!!

Jae-gyun, an ugly ‘real man' with no sense of humor, has now been reborn as a genius creator who receives the love and attention of the public. Even that alone was a staggering and stuffy reality to Jaeyoung, but there was something even more absurd than that.

“Jaegyun! I'm here.”

“uh? Is Chaeyeon here? You said you might be a little late, but did you come before class?”

“I know. Luckily the bus comes right away. What? So, where shall we go after today’s lecture?”

“Um... there’s a very popular restaurant ahead of you, do you want to go there?”

“Is that so?”

Jae-kyun's official girlfriend, Chae-yeon.

Right before winter break, she caused a lot of trouble by dragging his hand in front of everyone and leaving the campus. Jae-young and other motives, including Jae-gyun, who watched the scene so naturally, held Jae-kyun's hand and talked, struggling with unbearable doubts and a sense of alienation.

‘Why on earth...?'

‘A guy like that has a girlfriend, so why am I...'

‘My taste is really unique.'

‘Beauty and the Beast...or is it Pig and Beauty...?'

Chaeyeon is not very pretty, but she is popular with many people because of her above-average appearance and easy-going and friendly personality. On the other hand, Jae-gyun, who is fat, ugly, and has no discernible eyes, irritates everyone.

It was a combination that would never seem to suit them, but somehow the two of them decided to go out together and were roasting lots of sesame seeds.

And seeing the two of them, Jaeyoung seriously thought about it.

“Maybe it makes more sense that aliens exist...?”

Truly, the existence of Jaegyun, who seemed to have given away the odds.

Somehow, just by looking at him, it seemed more probable that the entity that actually created and operated Arcadia was a group of aliens from far away space.

“hmm? What does that mean? Are you an alien?”

“No nothing.”

Jaekyun tilts his head with a puzzled look on his face as if he heard him talking to himself. However, Jaeyoung smiled and shook his head as if it was nothing.

“So... won’t you tell me too? What the hell are you worried about?”

Jae-gyun urges him to come back to the main topic and tell him what he is thinking. And at his words, Chaeyeon looked at Jaeyoung with curious eyes and asked.

“huh? what's the matter? Jaeyoung, do you have any concerns?”

“uh. I've been holding weight with a serious expression ever since. A bit different than usual.”

“okay....? Jaeyoung is...?”

Chae-yeon glances at Jae-young as if very unexpected. Of course, what Jaeyoung always showed to others was serenity.

He doesn't show any emotions with a troublesome expression under any circumstances. Although he didn't talk often, Chaeyeon didn't worry or worry about a lot of things, so Chaeyeon was a little awkward, but she said to Jaeyoung seriously.

“For what? If there's anything you can tell us, tell us. They say hard work will be given in half if shared, right?”

“that's right! Listen carefully to Chaeyeon's concerns. It helped me a lot too.”

“no way. what am i It was just that you lacked a bit of confidence.”

“No! If Chaeyeon wasn’t you, I probably wouldn’t have made the decision to make the second part of that last film.”

“Why is that a fucking movie? Are you just having fun?”

“Hehe..... ah what..... I'd appreciate it if you could say that again.”

Also, Jaeyoung sighed deeply and talked about her worries, as if she would not be able to see the two people who were making love for each other and salting others.

“The game has become boring.”

Arcadia, a game that I devoted most of my personal time to and fell in love with.

However, while solving a series of cases, Jae-young felt strange emotions creeping into his heart little by little.

emptiness. boring. pointless.

Why are you paying so much attention to the virtual world, which is just a bunch of data made up of numbers, and working so hard?

And why should he struggle to protect this world from destruction?

As questions and thoughts increased in my head, the fun I felt while playing Arcadia began to fade. And lately, Jaeyoung has been strangely unable to reach the capsule.


“Is that... a concern?”

And Jae-kyun and Chae-yeon show conflicting reactions to his confession.

Unlike Jaekyun, who was frozen with a shocked face, Chaeyeon told Jaeyoung a simple solution as if it was nothing.

“Then you can just fold it. If you're tired of the game you're playing, can't you just stop playing?”

“hey! no! What if he quits the game?”

“huh? Why can't I...?”

Chae-yeon frowned as if she couldn't understand Jae-kyun, who freaked out when he was told to quit the game. And at that moment, Jae-kyun realized that she didn't know Jae-young's identity and started talking nonsense.

“Uh... so that's...”

Jae-gyun said something he couldn't quite understand. Ignoring him, Chae-yeon looked at Jae-young and said seriously.

“Well... you might get tired of the game. Jaeyoung, I don’t know how much you enjoyed the game, but if you’ve been playing for a long time, shouldn’t you take a break from time to time?”

“That's true...” Come

to think of it, Jaeyoung spent time online from the first day Arcadia opened until now, unless there was something special going on. So, looking back, it was true that there was nothing special about him that he had experienced in real life.

“You have a word like this? The older you get, the more people have to pay attention to the present life. It is true that virtual reality is developing and many people are spending more time in virtual reality, but I think reality is still as important as it used to be.”

“Live in reality... you mean?”

Chae-yeon gave him sincere advice with a face that said it was nothing to Jae-young, who was sensitive like a stormy period while going through a sage time.

“You don’t know? If you live a busy life, maybe your passion for games will come back?”

I mean stop playing the game for a second.

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