World's Strongest Troll

Chapter 408

Chapter 408 Intern (1)

School days in Korea, where students always strive to study and fall into endless competition.

Until then, most of them devoted themselves to studying, falling into the rosy fantasy that they could play freely in college, but in reality this was not the case.

[This one-room studio is the best among Daehakro around. The monthly rent is 60. Isn't this expensive? Even if you go to another place, there is no such price at this level.]

[Kuhmm..... I'll replace this final exam with group assignments. The topic is quite difficult, so let's join forces and work hard.]

[The tuition is 5 million won per semester? Are these guys really crazy? Why is it so expensive?]

Young and poor college students who are forced to work part-time when they think of the monthly rent, college tuition, and living expenses, which are insanely expensive. As a result, most of them had to live a busy life without taking a full day of rest.

But... even after graduating from college, it was not so easy to live in a society that became increasingly desolate and heartless.

“Do you know how hard it is to find a job these days? You can't just get a decent grade. You say you have to have something special that is different from other guys?”

Overseas Volunteer Language Performance Contest Prize-winning performance Internship experience..... In addition to that, companies seeking talents demanding numerous resumes and job seekers struggling among countless competitors to catch their eye.

It was a grievance and concern that any young generation in Korea could relate to, but in fact, it was a problem that Jaeyoung had never thought about before.

“It’s an internship program... the deadline is today, but how did the timing fit so well?”

Seomin University's industry-university cooperation system, which I learned about through Chae-yeon's recommendation to think about the future.

As always, it was a promotional material posted on the bulletin board of the department that I passed by without thinking, but this time I was examining the contents of the poster with more serious eyes than ever.

[Our company wants talent just like you!]

Promotional material that looks like a parody of an advertisement about seeking military resources to enlist in the war. However, Jaeyoung checked the briefly written application and nodded as if it wasn't bad and murmured.

“I can apply for the third year.... The target companies are better than I thought...”

Seomin University, whose status has risen dramatically in recent years.

As a university leading the development of talent in the virtual reality industry, it received enormous support from numerous companies, so most of the companies listed in the internship program were full of places where you could tell just by saying their name.

In particular, in the case of Jaeyoung, whose application target was Virtual Reality Engineering, the perks were enormous.

-For the Department of Virtual Reality Engineering, priority is given to selection.

-Applied in connection with the selection of special recruitment for future talents related to virtual reality.

-Study during the semester and work during vacation! Establishment of a college student new employee program.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Virtual reality industry, which has recently brought a huge buzz to the business world and is blowing a hot wind. They seemed to radiate a passion to blatantly bury their company to the bone, probably due to the fierce competition to recruit relevant talents all over the world.

“Is this why... is our department going crazy...?”

It's not just a joke, it's really a public university that has risen to the level of entering the best university in Korea. Of course, the subject was limited to the Virtual Reality Engineering Department, but the fact that they would receive an annual salary of 100 million won and an unconditional job guarantee upon graduation was tempting the candidates.

“Well... I don't intend to even join the company... but it wouldn't be bad to experience it at least once.”

Jaeyoung had never done anything that could be called a social life. He submitted an application in anticipation that it would be a different experience because he had lived a passive life in a limited human relationship, confined to his room without doing a part-time job properly.

Not as Arcadia's Dex, but as Yoon Jae-young, an undergraduate student in the third year of virtual reality engineering.

* * *

The moment Jae-young tries to take a step forward in reality for a variety of experiences.

A divinity that exists in Arcadia and a glorious Aspect representing the heavens.

Archangel Michael has been acting independently for the first time in a while.

“what? What kind of stranger are you coming to me with something to do?”

A green-haired girl who exudes a hostile spirit with ferocious eyes as soon as she sees her. However, Michael did not react hastily despite his attitude on such a day, but rather lowered his stance and carefully brought up the story.

“I didn’t come here to fight, so I hope you don’t be so vigilant.”

“joy. Why didn't you bring that baby bat with you this time? Rumor has it that the two of them get along very well these days, right?”

Mentioning Tan, the world tree turns its head to and fro and examines the surroundings. However, he brought up a story with a slightly serious expression to her who was laughing slightly as if teasing.

“Did you see it too? The future that will unfold in this Arcadia?”

The future that will come to Arcadia.

Unlike other normal NPCs, these two had the right to access the information that Alice contemplates, analyzes, and predicts the entire continent.

[Divine authority causal law.]

[Divine authority Indra network.]

The two are not perfect, but can get a glimpse of the future ending in this setting of omniscience bestowed by their father.

In the countless futures divided into hundreds and thousands of diverging points, everything El and the world tree looked at came to one conclusion.

end of the world.


Everything in the brilliant civilization will be destroyed and only traces of ruins will remain, countless lives that once prospered will all bleed and fall, and even those with transcendental divinity will be deprived of all their powers and will eventually reach extinction like eternal death. ending.

Knowing the terrible future, the World Tree hardened his face at El's question and spoke bluntly.

“So what do you want me to do?”

The World Tree grumbled as if he already knew it, and spoke in a frustrated tone.

“Aren’t you and I both in a position where we can’t do anything anyway? From the moment of birth, transcendent divinity and power are innate, and at the same time, as long as you are constrained by an inescapable mission, you cannot change the narrative that has already been set. In that narrative, we are just puppets following the given role. You shouldn’t even try to change that, and you can’t anyway.”

Even if the narrative is their own extinction, those who have to adapt to it. Since there was no such thing as a choice in the first place, the World Tree frowned and said to El.

“If it were possible, you and that bat would have been kicked out of Arcadia from the very beginning, beaten by my root attack and wept bitterly?”

Those who have great power but do not have the freedom to wield it as they please. That's why the World Tree spoke to L with a slightly sad face.

“Just give up. No matter how much I resist, if the owner of the Black Mist returns to Arcadia again, no one can stop it. It’s the ending and destiny that was decided from the moment of creation.”

Asura, a being born with the destiny of destroying this world.

Knowing that his resurrection was imminent, the World Tree felt almost resigned, but El questioned with sharp eyes while nodding his head as if agreeing with the words of the World Tree.

“I agree to a certain extent. But I want to say that you are wrong when you say that you cannot change that fate.”


“Do you know why I've been stuck here in Arcadia all this time, putting up with that fucking bat bastard?”

A contractor who I thought was just a little special human being.

However, there was one fact that El clearly realized in the narrative and causality of Arcadia, which raged like a storm in his progress.

“It was because I could clearly feel the potential of an adventurer. A person's fate, which was clearly decided, can completely twist the narrative of a city, country, or continent, and turn it into a completely new story and a completely opposite ending... A force close to reverse.”

An adventurer who rejects a predestined destiny, pioneers a future for himself, and writes a completely new story. And Jaeyoung was the one who most powerfully changed the fate of Arcadia.

“I understand why my father brought adventurers from the other world to Arcadia. If only they had that adventurer, Dexra, they might defeat Asura and bring complete peace and stability to this Arcadia.”

L saw new possibilities and hopes through him.

So, taking advantage of the gap when Jaeyoung was away, she came to the world tree and talked about her thoughts seriously.

“So what the hell do you want from me?”

The World Tree is still a bit skeptical. However, seeing her paying attention to some extent, El said in a calm voice.

“Recently, there has been quite a bit of movement in your faction, which has been observed all over Arcadia. The high elves, an ancient race, have been resurrected, and many clans of the forest are gathering in the realm of the World Tree, led by that adventurer.”

Elven Kingdom, a mighty force that protected the World Tree and commanded the continent in the past.

The World Tree didn't deny it to El, who smiled strangely as if he knew everything about her plan to rebuild it.


“I think I know why. Even if the moment of destruction comes, are you preparing yourself for a final stand without retreating? To fulfill her mission as the only divinity remaining on the continent of Arcadia and the mother of all life.”


L said with a warm gaze to the World Tree, who kept his mouth shut, as if he knew everything about her devoted efforts even without words.

“Me too... No, even Heaven wants to add strength at that moment.”


As if genuinely surprised by those words, the world tree opened its mouth and asked back. But El said as if it was natural.

“It is also Heaven's mission to protect Arcadia from destruction. It is a duty that I have to do, but isn't there a time when I have to join hands with others to confront a huge enemy that Heaven cannot handle alone?”

“...You know how hypocritical you are when you say that, right?”

The world tree looks at it with absurd eyes, wondering what the slayer who destroyed most of the continent of Arcadia with a torch and destroyed to a level close to destruction, claiming to purify evil someday.

However, L held out his hand lightly as if telling him not to dwell on the past and spoke boldly.

“Hold hands with Heaven, Mother of all things. The high heavenly torch will do its best to protect this Arcadia.”

The enemy of an enemy is a friend.

There are no permanent enemies and no permanent allies.

At L's proposal to shake off past bad ties and join hands under the heartless logic of international politics, World Tree pondered for a moment, then let out a deep sigh and joined hands.

“...Something is very unreliable...but I'll pretend I'm being deceived and believe it.”

“You won’t regret that choice.”

A bilateral alliance between chicken and saplings with the goal of protecting Arcadia.

And L smiled brightly as soon as the alliance was signed.

“I'm saying this because we're allies now... Because of the recent incident, the situation in Heaven is a bit difficult, right? The pope was killed by that bastard bat, the Holy Land was corrupt, and the Holy Kingdoms were fighting each other for position, fighting each other...”

L suddenly started lamenting about the difficult situation. The World Tree, who had been silently listening to her complaint, stopped talking and asked with a momentum that did not know that it would end.

“...Tell me about it. What do you want to say?”

“Could you... lend me some probabilities?”


“I will pay you back soon. We’ve been doing too much work lately, so our pockets are a bit tight.”

The head of the chicken cubs who laughed and asked to borrow some probability. Seeing her come to join forces and end up tearing away the probability, the world tree was reminded again.

It means that chicken chicks, who pretend to be good and just, but are smart, petty, and just roll their hair, are more vicious than bat chicks who have a dirty temper but are still ignorant.

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