Your Not So Ordinary Villain

Chapter 388 Heads

King Zandro faced the backlash of his decision. With the people's relentless pressure on him and his rule. The supporters of the House of Altair did not stop to uncover the truth and when all the scheme was revealed, the voice of the people pierced through the palace walls. It was an injustice that should not have happened if the king was like his predecessor.

The people thought he had changed and would continue the legacy of his father. A pillar of their kingdom disappeared and the people knew the implication of this. The House of Altair had been protecting them from enemies. The other kingdoms did not dare to lay their eyes on their territories because of the Altairs.

At first, the king was confident because he had the magic tower and he was promised that the tower would protect them from the enemies. He did not listen to the people and disregarded their concern. He continued with his rule even though the citizens of Lunaira were already dissatisfied with him.

Everything changed when the day of the first attack happened. Mages were not only seen in Lunaira. Mages were already all over the kingdoms and these kingdoms had been grooming their mages and spending their resources to make them stronger for these kinds of opportunities that would arise.

It was an attack that caught the kingdom by surprise. They were disoriented and disorganized that the attackers were able to penetrate through the walls of the kingdom. The mages were slow to react. When they managed to gather and organize themselves, the damage was done.

It was true that they were able to push back the enemies but the casualties couldn't be hidden. The people became even more disappointed and their dissatisfaction caused the aristocrats to move and suppress them. The kingdom of Lunaira became chaotic and slowly descended into destruction.

Wolves tried to get a piece of the land but they were all deterred and yet the kingdom that was once at the top of the world slowly descended to the bottom. With all the blow that the kingdom received, other kingdoms slowly lost interest with them as their lands became tainted. Then, King Zandro died leaving the kingdom behind to his young son.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Realizing their folly, Elvira did her best to raise the child and make him a king that the people will listen to. She promised herself that she would make sure that the child would rule the kingdom just as his grandfather did. There was no room for regrets because what was important for them and for Lunaira was to move forward.

With the help of the eight pillars, the kingdom slowly recovered. Although it did not return to its former glory, it was enough for them that their kingdom was already not an easy prey for the others. Despite the long history of the kingdom, it was now facing a crisis that was threatening to completely destroy it.

Early that morning, a wail woke up the king and as he looked out the window, he gasped. Several heads were floating above the city. The king immediately recognized Aberleign's head and he already guessed that the other heads belonged to the other members of the pillars of light.

The message was clearly conveyed to them. It was now a battle that would determine if they would live or not. In that moment, the king did not hesitate to call forth the hero association once again. He was sure that they saw what was displayed and that they would surely act.

Before he could even call the president of the organization, he was already at his doorsteps. Acasia was wearing a serious expression. Orpheus already knew that the man would cooperate with them. He invited the man to his study and they had a long talk.

Later that day, Arcaine and Evira appeared at the palace. Both of them were ready to fight and avenge their elder. They pestered the president about joining the battle but the man refused them. Now that they were given the chance, they would do their best to fulfill their duty as heroes.

The king was pleased when he saw that the two s-class heroes were there. Two of them would already create a big impact on the battle. It would surely raise the morale of the warriors. It was already now or never in their case and they did not have the luxury of rest.

Just as those thoughts ran through the king's mind, an explosion rocked the whole palace. The warriors started to gather outside to defend. They had their weapons raised towards the direction of the gate where the explosion happened.

The king looked down from the conference hall of the palace and saw that a thick smoke was covering the entrance. Without orders, Arcaine and Evira left the room through the window. Both of them landed before the warriors with a serious look on their faces.

Arcaine already has his sword drawn from its sheath while Evira had her spear ready just in case the enemy would launch a surprise attack. The thick smoke slowly thinned and they could already make out silhouettes that were walking towards their direction. Ignius and Onyx were the ones that the master sent as his representative this time.

The dragon looked around with a smirk and when his eyes landed on the hero Arcaine, he couldn't hide his mirth. He then pointed at the man with a grin and laughed. "You, I recognize you. You thought that you defeated me but you did not even put a scratch on my body."

Arcaine frowned because he couldn't understand what the man was talking about. He had never fought nor met the man even though he became a friend to their master. It was understandable though because the only person who was always with Rigel during the times that he visited the association was that butler.

"I do not know you," he simply answered. He had no time to play guessing games with the enemy especially in their situation.

"Oh," the dragon laughed, "you will definitely remember me soon." Ignius continued to laugh and gave the man a smirk.

"Enough chit-chat!" Evira was displeased at what was happening and at how casual the enemies were. She felt like they were underestimating them.

"I agree," Onyx was the one who answered. He then lifted his head up and looked at the floating decapitated heads of the members of the Pillars of Light created by King Zandro. "We are here to ask if you are pleased with the gift from our master?"

This statement earned him glares from the people who were there, especially from Arcaine and Evira. The head of their elder was already displayed there. What they did to the elder incited the anger that was already planted in their hearts. They didn't expect that the very last time that they would be seeing their elder would be in that situation.

Evira did not talk anymore and instead jumped forward with the pointed tip of her spear aimed at Onyx. The dark knight side stepped and tilted his body to the side to avoid the spear. He then raised his hands and caught the spear's handle.

Onyx's hand transformed into metal claws as he gripped the handle tightly. He then pulled it to the side which caused the woman to be pulled too. Evira was still calm as she let her body be pulled and before Onyx could get a hold of her, she let go and back flipped to get away from the black knight's clutch.

The spear on Onyx's hands became smoke and disappeared. It then reappeared on the woman's hand as she landed steadily on her feet. She then once again held the spear with a smirk on her face. Onyx on the other hand was still looking at his hand after the spear disappeared.

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