21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

November 8, 2020; 01:30 (00:30 China time), the Great Plains west of Sun-Yang City, China

The 7th Armored Brigade, a unit under the direct control of the 7th Mobile Corps, moved forward five kilometers before coming to a stop. From behind came bone-chilling sounds of explosion and shells that were being fired and shot through the sky. Anyone hearing the sound would think the entire sky was being split open.


A moment later, lights began to flash, if only so faintly, from somewhere about 30 kilometers ahead of them. Those flashes came from shells being fired by the Korean Artillery Corps.

“Maneuver at full speed! If you dawdle, you’ll only end up getting killed by the shells fired by the Bangzis. Jack up to full speed!”

The order issued by Lieutenant Colonel Liu Heng Hao, Commander of the 225th Armored Battalion that stood in the vanguard for the Chinese 11th Armored Division, reverberated through the battalion’s communications network. In response, the battalion tanks increased their speed to the highest they could go in open fields. The tank engines blasted black smoke along with loud roars as if they were just about to overload and explode.


The Chinese tanks kept advancing in high-mobility maneuvering tactics despite the shells bombarding them until they were about 20 kilometers away from the Korean troops. From the second-generation tanks that were widely used during the 1980s to the fourth generation-level T-100 A2 tanks that were fielded only recently, there was such a wide variety of tanks that the entire ensemble reminded one of a museum of tanks. Probably, they must have mobilized all the tanks available from their military units.

“Just a little farther and we’ll be in contact with the enemy tanks. Then we can avoid those shells.”

After issuing an order that was also meant to be an encouragement, Lieutenant Colonel Liu Henghao kept shouting through the communications network, while feeling relieved that they were still alive and also wishing that they would remain so. But his wish didn’t last too long. From the sky far ahead of them flew in about ten attack choppers with designs he had never seen before. They had the front area headed downward and making a noise that was unusual for choppers in flight. Soon, they were firing something toward them from both wings.

“What? What are they firing at us?”

* * *

November 8, 2020, 01:55 (00:55 China time), west of Lishan Mountain, China

As the Korean artillery corps kept shelling, the artillery corps—one under the control of the 2nd Artillery Command and another under the control of the Army Group—were waiting for an order to open fire after entering the firing data received from the Observation Group. The corps included the 33rd Artillery Battalion that took an active role in the previous battle while firing nuclear shells.

Lieutenant Colonel Lo Hongheong from the 332nd Artillery Corps was more relaxed than before as he waited for an open fire order to be issued from the fire control armored vehicle.

“All units open fire on the coordinates entered for each unit!”

Finally, an open fire order was issued. In response, Lieutenant Colonel Lo Hongheong opened the communications network and picked up a microphone.

“The first, second, and third artillery units! Fire the first round! Keep firing until the next order is issued.”

No sooner had Lieutenant Colonel Lo Hongheong ordered to open fire than the rocket bombs were fired all at once from the tubes of 18 A100 multiple rocket launchers loaded with the extended range subcaliber, HK-100 hybrid projectile, along with flames.


The rocket bombs that were fired at just a few seconds of intervals while generating clouds of smoke flew past the Lishan Mountain and disappeared from sight. They were soon followed by about a dozen of the rest of artillery units on standby. They started firing short-range ground missiles and multiple-extension rocket bombs toward the direction of Sun-Yang.

* * *

November 8, 2020, 01:55 (00:55 China time), Plains to the east of Sun-Yang City, China (the base of the 7th Artillery Brigade Counterbattery Radar Operation Unit)

The AN/TPQ-K02 Counterbattery radar that belonged to the Observation Group under the control of the 7th Artillery Brigade detected objects suspected to be shells fired by the enemy.

* K-AN/TPQ-03 Iron Curtain is a Korean-style artillery radar, developed with Korea’s own technology for the first time in 2018 by modeling after the AN/TPQ-37 of the U.S. With a detection range of 150 kilometers, it can detect and track up to 200 incoming mortar, artillery, and rocket fires and determine the accurate point of origin for counterbattery fire.

“The radar has detected enemy fires, sir! The first coordinates are 41°40’49.05’N, Tokyo 121°24’55.28’E, the second coordinates are 41°38’13.20’N, Tokyo 121°22’59.85’E . . .”

The radar operator reported, loudly reading the coordinates that were automatically calculated and displayed on the radar screen.

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“Immediately send those coordinates to the Fire Direction Center (FDC) at the battalion headquarters and confirm what the second and third radars are detecting.”

“Yes, sir.

The coordinates of the point of origin for counterbattery fires were transmitted to FDC at the battalion headquarters. The FDC quickly took action to calculate the exact firing data of the attack point. And shortly after, firing data were delivered to the 1000 MRL and 1001 missile squadrons.

In response, the 1000 MRL and the 1001 missile squadrons on standby at the base east to Sun-Yang immediately entered the firing data that came from FDC and waited for the launch order.

* One of the weapons carried by the 1000 MRLS squadron was Shin Gi Jeon, named after a namesake weapon developed in 1448 (the 30th year of King Sejong’s reign). The original Shin Gi Jeon was the first Korean-made rocket firearm developed by upgrading the rocket firearm Juhwa that was invented by Choe Mu-seon in the late Goryeo Dynasty. The modern version of Shin Gi Jeon carried by 1000 MRLS is a strategic-class weapon that uses 300mm triple-purpose plasma cluster bombs.

Crew: 3

Mobile type: Vehicle type

Armament: Twelve guns

Weight: 40 t

Length: 6.97 m

Width: 3.2 m

Height: 3.05 m

Engine: KPP-50 Plasma Engine

Output: 2,000 horsepower

Rocket diameter: 300 mm (triple-purpose plasma cluster bomb)

Rocket length: 3 m

Warhead weight: 280 kg

Rocket weight: 350 kg

Range: 200 km

Highest speed: 120 km/h.

Flying range: 900 km

A moment later, an open fire order was issued from the 7th Artillery Brigade Commander. In response, three artillery units of 1000 MRLS fired 300-mm triple-purpose plasma cluster bombs toward the targets where firing data were entered, while the armored vehicles of the 1001 missile squadrons also raised their four firing tubes vertically and fired Hyunmoo-1E2 short-range ballistic missiles whose shooting range was 800 kilometers.

* * *

November 8, 2020, 02:05 (1:05 China time), the Great Plains west of Sun-Yang City, China

Sixteen FAH-91SP Peregrine Falcon attack choppers that belonged to the 171st Air Force were flying at high speed, trampling over the Chinese tanks that were everywhere on the ground for 20 minutes. At first, each chopper fired two rounds of K-PSB plasma cluster bombs, and now, they were on a mission to hunt down all the latest-model tanks with Black Dragon missiles.

Occasionally, Chinese armored vehicles fired HQ-6 surface-to-air missiles, but they continued on with the attack while performing evasive maneuvers supported by the powerful jamming SECM decoy system and a superior evasion flight function that none of the existing choppers could emulate.

The Black Dragon missiles that were loaded on the wings of Peregrine Falcon choppers kept blasting hellfire flames toward their targeted Chinese tanks. Before long, they were running out of ammunition on board.

Upon realizing the problem, the squadron commander reached out to each flight leader to confirm the status of their armament.

– This is Alpha! Alpha! Each squadron report the current status of armament!

– Bravo 1. Roger.

– Charlie 1. Roger.

– Delta 1. Roger.

Shortly, each flight leader reported the armament status of each squadron.

– Bravo 1. Three slammers. Roger.

– Charlie 1. Five slammers. Roger.

– Delta 1. Seven slammers. Roger.

– Alpha. Okay. After exhausting ammunition, each squadron is ordered to launch engage defense under the decision of the squadron leader!

– Bravo 1. Roger.

– Charlie 1. Roger.

– Delta 1. Roger.

Before long, after exhausting all ammunition, the Peregrine Falcon Attack Chopper flight squadron started firing thick 25-mm Vulcan laser beams toward the old-model tanks and armored vehicles. The old-model tanks and armored vehicles had a series of internal explosions before they were destroyed and reduced to ashes. They were gone permanently.

* * *

November 8, 2020, 02:11 (01:11 China time), West of the Lishan Mountain, China

The artillery units had finished shooting the first round of artillery and were receiving supply for the second round of attack when shells fired by Korean artillery units started pouring down around the 332nd Artillery Battalion. It was less than ten minutes after the first round of attack, but the Korean artillery units were so fast that they were already launching the counter-artillery fire. Also, the shells that were falling were not just ordinary shells but double-purpose plasma cluster bombs.

The 300-mm triple-purpose plasma cluster bombs fired by the Sin Gi Jeon blasted first in the air, 50 meters above the ground, and sprayed numerous bomblets in the area. Once they hit the ground, those bomblets blasted the second time and sent debris up in the air about 5 meters above the ground. By the time they exploded the third time around, they spread debris in an area the size of a football field. Luck had it when the bomblets flew in and hit the bullets that were being loaded, causing an entire multiple rocket launcher to explode into pieces. Some of the gunners were also hit by the cluster bombs and bomblets while replacing bullets—they were instantly killed when the blast ripped and shredded them to pieces.

Just one plasma cluster bomb was enough to make all hell break loose and turn the hit area into a pit of hellfire. Lieutenant Colonel Lo Hongheong was also hit by the bomblets from a plasma cluster bomb that pierced through an armored vehicle and riddled his entire body. He was killed instantly without having so much as a second to scream.

* * *

November 8, 2020, 02:40 (01:40 China time), Midtown in Ji-Ling City, China

The bombing attack launched by the 7th Artillery Brigade left only a few buildings in decent shape in midtown Ji-Ling City. As darkness blanketed the city, a company of infantry soldiers started searching through the remains of the collapsed buildings, before they split the company into smaller teams, the size of platoons, and again into the size of squads, with each team assigned to spread out and search different sections.

“This is the company commander. If you find anything suspicious, take the necessary action first then report it to me.”

At the brief order from Company Commander Gil Young-woon, the combat infantry soldiers that were split into smaller teams spread out, combed through, and searched their assigned sections. Before long, a few luminescent objects, believed to be humans, were detected about 120 meters ahead of them by the shield glass carried by Private First Class Oh Dong-won from the first platoon the second squad.

“Sir, I detected luminescent objects believed to be humans at 120-meter distance ahead, eleven o’clock direction. There are at least ten of them.”

“Hush. Everybody be quiet! Hey, Assistant Squad Leader.”

“Yes, sir, Sergeant Kang.”

“You take your team members to the alley at three o’clock direction over there and report to me when you have a clear view of the surroundings.”

“Yes, sir.”

Corporal Nah Won-jin answered to the call before he hand-signaled to his team members and headed toward the alley at three o’clock while maintaining the covert activity mode. Other squads also slowly approached the alley while keeping themselves hidden by the cover they found in the middle of the street.

When squad leader Sergeant Kang Ho-il activated the inverter mode, he could make out about ten figures that were engaged in some action behind a building.

“What are those bastards doing over there at night?”

He approached a point about 50 meters away from those figures without being detected when Corporal Nah Won-jin, the assistant squad leader, radioed him.

“Sir! I secured a clear sight. It seems they are struggling with something in front of a weird equipment.”

“Could it be a bomb? Try to find out what it is!” said Sergeant Kang Ho-il.

The squad leader could only rely on an inverter mode because he couldn’t secure a clear view due to the building that was blocking his view. That’s the reason he ordered the assistant squad leader to find out more about the situation because the assistant had secured a clear sight.

“Wait a minute.”

The assistant squad leader quietly ordered PFC Nah Sang-gyeong, who was his subordinate in charge of sniping.

“PFC Nah! Can you find out exactly what these bastards are doing?”

“Yes, sir.”

PFC Nah Sang-gyeong looked at the sight through the high magnification K1 telescope that was built on KS-2 to find out exactly what was going on. Soon, turning his eyes away from the telescope, he reported,

“Sir! There are 19 of them in total. And they are manipulating something the size of a drum can. It seems to be an explosive.”


“I’m pretty sure. I cannot say I’m 100 percent confident, but it sure seems like an explosive.”

“I see.”

“Are you there, squad leader?”

“Yes, I’m here! Did you find out anything?”

“Yes, sir. There are 19 people, and they are messing with something the size of a drum can. It is suspected that it is an explosive. What should we do now?”

“Okay! When you receive a signal, your unit open fire first. We will advance when your unit open fire.”

“Aye, aye, sir.”

After a brief pause, the squad leader quietly ordered his squad soldiers by speaking through his headset again.

“Open fire!”


Upon hearing the sound of a volley coming from the subsquad unit, the squad leader and soldiers in his squad started running ahead.

The unidentified people were helplessly hit by the laser beams that flew in out of nowhere and went down to the cold pavement. But a few of them quickly found cover and avoided the laser beams. They raised their QBZ-95 assault rifles and start spraying 5.8 mm bullets at the enemies in an automatic mode.

Bang-Bang! Bang-Bang!

Laser beams and sparks from the bullets fired from both sides were creating a spectacle of flashes in the middle, quickly breaking the silence that had covered the city with a sudden noise. But the noisy shootout quickly came to a stop when the squad soldiers raided from the rear and shot and killed all the unidentified figures.

– Hold your fire! Hold your fire!

After confirming that all the suspicious men had fallen with the help of a shield glass, the squad leader ordered his soldiers to stop firing. He was checking them, one by one, to make sure they were all dead when suddenly, one of the fallen men—pretending to be dead and lying next to the object that was suspected to be an explosive—pulled something out of his chest area and dropped it.

“It’s a grenade! Everybody, back off!”

No sooner had the squad leader screamed than all squad soldiers quickly ran off to the opposite side and lay flat on the ground.


The blast from the grenade ignited the suspicious object and made it explode as well. Blistering smoke covered the entire alley, and debris from the collapsing buildings quickly turned the area into a scene of chaos. However, the explosion was less powerful than they’d thought, given that they’d suspected it was an explosive the size of a drum can.

“Goddamn bastard chinks.”

The squad leader stood on his feet while dusting himself off and cursing at the Chinese people. Just as he was about to check to see if all his squad soldiers were okay, the word “gas” appeared and blinked on the screens of the X-K01 device that was mounted on the left arm of the squad soldiers. The squad soldiers also heard a gas warning going off on their headsets.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

“Huh? What’s this?”

In a moment of bewilderment, PFC Lee Min-soo, who was in charge of weapons in the squad, started having convulsions and collapsed with foams in his mouth.

“It’s gas! Put on your gas masks!”

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