21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

December 13, 2020, 15:00, Prime Minister’s Cabinet Emergency Command Center, Tokyo, Japan

When Prime Minister Abe received reports that the Japanese naval defense forces were attacked by the Korean Navy near the Korean commercial waters, he moved down to the Emergency Command Center and watched as the battle unfolds.

“Minister Shibasaki! This is not how you said things would go. didn’t you?”

The Prime Minister expressed his discontent and glared at National Defense Minister Shibasaki. Minister Shibasaki only showed a bewildered expression but did not reply.

After Japan had signed the Japanese–Chinese mutual treaty, Minister Shibasaki got the approval from Prime Minister Abe to prepare for the occupation of Dok-do Island. Currently, Korea had concentrated its forces on the borders of China from the Korea–China war. Now that Russia had deployed forces to the three Northeastern provinces, it was a prime opportunity for Japan to strike. The 3rd Escort Fleet and 1st Carrier Strike Group prepared to sail in secret and had moved toward Dok-do Island on the agreed-upon time.

Unlike their expectations, however, an unknown Korean vessel was throwing a wrench into Japan’s operations for Dok-do Island.

“Didn’t you say a fleet of this size would be able to enter into Dakeshima without any bloodshed? Why are we sustaining heavy losses?”

Minister Shibasaki carefully spoke while being scolded by Prime Minister Abe.

“Sir, the Korean vessel has been confirmed to be a new model that we did not know about. This ship has been identified by the E-767 AWACS plane, therefore, we would be able to use our superior power to strike them down and take Dakeshima. Please give us more time, sir.”

Prime Minister Abe still showed his dissatisfaction despite Minister Shibasaki’s answer. He asked another question.

“What’s the response from America?”

“We have coaxed them ahead of time so that they would consider this just a petty territorial dispute. Hopefully, they will just stand back and watch.”

“That is, well, if we occupy Dakeshima without engaging in battle, correct? Make sure word doesn’t get out.”

“Yes, sir.”

<hr />

December 13, 2020, 15:00, East sea 46 km southeast of Dok-do Island (Lee Sun-shin cruiser’s location)

“Thirty-five additional type-90 ship-to-ship missiles have been launched from the 3rd Escort Fleet. They are 20 seconds away from reaching our vessel.”

The Operations Director reported over the radio.

“They finally detected our ship. Now allotting targets. When a Haegung ship-to-ship missile is allotted for each target, launch without waiting for orders.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Captain Ahn Youn-joon, who gave the order, called his first mate over.

“First mate!”

“Yes, Captain.”

“I am going to the Battle Command Center, so you hold the bridge.”

“Yes, sir.”

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While this conversation was taking place, the Lee Sun-shin’s 48 cell K-VLS-II launchpad fired four Haegung ship-to-ship missiles. They flew toward the southern skies while emitting blue flames.

A moment later, inside the Battle Command Center, Captain Ahn Youn-joon entered. Since they were engaged in battle, the Operations Director tried to salute him, but the Captain stopped him in his tracks and instead asked him about the interception status of the launched missiles from the Japanese fleet.

“Enough! There’s no need for saluting while in battle. What’s the status of the interception attempts?”

“Yes, they are 25 seconds away from being intercepted, sir.”

The large radar screen inside the Battle Command Center showed the 35 missiles headed to their direction as red dots. The Haegung missiles launched from the cruiser were also speeding along to their targets.

“Weapons Director.”

“Yes, Captain.”

“After the interception, allot two Avarice missiles each to seven vessels in the 3rd Escort Fleet and four for the helicopter carrier.”


Avarice (SSM-1000K ship-to-ship hypersonic cruise missile) range of 450 km and speed of Mach 8.


“Yes, sir. We are setting the targets for each allotted Avarice missile.”

The missiles from each side began to collide into each other 61 km away from the Lee Sun-shin (CG-1101) cruiser.

The type-90 ship-to-ship missiles flew past the ocean surface and emerged from the clouds. The missiles flew down on the Haegung missiles and collided into them. Each time, an explosion and a cluster of shrapnel fell into the sea.

“Twenty-eight out of 35 targets successfully intercepted, the 7 are still headed toward our vessel—185 seconds before impact.”

The Weapons Director’s report came right after the Operations Director’s.

“Entering into second interception attempt, sir.”

“No, don’t! Have the Hocula auto-defense system lock-on and transition to manual mode.”

“Sir? What do you mean?”

The Operations Director asked with a confused look on his face.

“This vessel is not completely armed right now. We need to conserve our arms, and we can use this chance to test our close-in defense systems as well.”

“Yes, sir.”

The Operations Director must have understood the Captain’s intent and relayed the order. Captain Ahn Youn-joon gave another order to the Weapons Director.

“Allot four Shield-M2 missiles only! The rest will be taken out with our close-in defense system the Last shot (22-mm laser Vulcan beam).”

It may seem that Captain Ahn Youn-joon’s order to test the performance of his vessel was a reckless and impulsive move. However, Captain Ahn Youn-joon had faith in his nation’s latest technology and heavy cruiser the Lee Sun-shin (CG-1101).

“Allotting a Shield-M2 missile each for targets 1 to 4, sir.”

“Fire once the allotting is completed.”

“Allotting complete! Launching missiles.”

A moment later, the 16 MLRS launchpad below the bridge launched out 4 plasma-boosted Sheild-M2 short-range missiles, and they flew off while spewing out blue flames.

Wooosh! Wooosh! Wooosh! Wooosh!

The four Shield-M2 short-range missiles used the plasma boosters and instantly raised their speed to Mach 6. They began to target the first ship-to-ship missiles that swept past the interception net.

A few seconds later, the Shield-M2 missiles exploded and shrapnel from the close-range cluster bomb engulfed the enemy’s ship-to-ship missiles.

Boom! Boom! Bang!

“All four missiles intercepted! The other two are 28 km away from our vessel, 29 seconds before contact.”

Major Ha Young-bok, the Operations Director checked the data himself and began to make the reports himself. Captain Ahn Youn-joon smiled slightly.

“Our accuracy is at 100 percent, great! How about we test out the Last shot?”

“Captain! Shouldn’t we prepare to activate the ACS (shield system), just in case, sir?”

Captain Ahn thought, “Would that be necessary?” But when the Operations Director gave his opinion with a concerned look on his face, the Captain nodded and accepted the suggestion. The Operations Director requested the Chief Engineer to up the power output so they can activate the ACS (shield system). The Mod-D 4 hyperprotonic engine, which could be considered as the heart of the Lee Sun-shin cruiser, began to emit a rough but rhythmical sound.

“The enemy missiles will enter into our CIWS net in five seconds. Activating the Last shot.”

The Last shot 22-mm laser Vulcan began to spray white laser beams once the type-90 missiles from the Japanese Navy came 20 km within the Lee Sun-shin cruiser’s vicinity. Unlike the conventional Phalanx or Goalkeeper, the laser beams fired at such a fast rate that the first missile was intercepted within three seconds and the other also was torn to shreds. The interception was successful and complete within ten seconds.

“Both missiles headed toward our vessel have been intercepted, sir.”

“Great! Now it’s our turn. Launch the set 16 Avarice missiles.”

“Firing two rounds for each destroyer, and four for the helicopter carrier, the Hyuga, sir.”

<hr />

December 13, 2020, 15:05 (China Standard Time 14:05), 172 km northeast of Jiamusi, China

The three brigades under the 57th Vehicle Infantry Division from the 5th Army crossed over to the China–Russia border and entered 26 km inland. Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff had ordered the 6th Division stationed in the Baichung area to mobilize to the Jiamusi area. In the meantime, the 1st Marine Division and the 3rd Marine Brigade would take their place defending the area.

“Hurry along! I’ve seen maggots faster than you!”

Lieutenant Colonel Lim Nam-ho had his hands on his hips as he loudly shouted at his men. They had just received the order to hold back Russia’s 57th Vehicle Division and had to increase their pace. The 32nd Marine Brigade, which had been repeating battle and rest for the past ten days, easily increased their occupation territory. They packed up their temporary encampment and began to load their equipment and supplies to their K-24P-N amphibious armored vehicle.

Thirty minutes later, the 32nd Marine Division had finished preparing to make their move. The convoy began to move toward its destination while being escorted by eight FAH-91SP Peregrin falcon attack choppers.

<hr />

December 13, 2020, 15:10, East sea 121 km southeast of Dok-do Island (the 3rd Escort Fleet’s location)

The 3rd Escort Fleet that was hit by the Korean Lee Sun-shin cruiser’s Avarice missile had each of its ships billow out red and black smoke. Some were sinking into the depths.

The Avarice hypersonic missile had flown toward the Japanese fleet at a tremendous speed of Mach 8. The Yuhudachi could not respond and hit at the portside. It began to sink into the sea with only its mast showing above the surface. The semi-aegis Myoko had miraculously intercepted one Avarice missile but was hit at the bridge by the second one. The explosive power of the Avarice missile had destroyed the bridge and the mast and flew in all directions. The Captain and the crew had all been engulfed by the flames.

The Dakanami class Makinami (DD-112) and Suzunami (DD-114) had been hit by an Avarice missile as well and had broken off from the fleet while spewing black smoke. The Setoriri (DD-156) had leaned 45 degrees portside, with its propeller exposed to the surface as it sank.

Also, the Yatago (DDG-117) that was more concerned with protecting the Hyuga helicopter carrier (DDH-181) had been hit with both Avarice missiles and sinking with its keelhaul split in two. Bodies were floating near the Yatago as it sank.

Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki was looking at the carnage through the broken bridge window. He must have fallen for his face was covered in blood. The bridge was also full of men fallen over and covered in blood.

“Are you all right, sir?”

The Captain of the Hyuga, Ito Hiroshi, stood up while bracing himself on the cabinet.

“I am fine, how about you?”

The Admiral grasped his chest while his face was in agony.

“I think your rib’s broken, sir.”

“How could this battle have been so one-sided?”

The Hyuga (DDH-181) had all of its bridge windows shattered in pieces, and many of the crew had fallen down from being hit by the glass. The F-35B Lightning fighter jets and the choppers on the deck were all tangled with each other and in flames. A few of the choppers had sunk into the sea. There were two large holes on deck with smoke and flames coming out of them. In conclusion, the Hyuga (DDH-181) had completely lost its battle capabilities.

The Japanese naval defense forces intercepting the Mach 8-speed Avarice missile with SM-2 missiles reaching only Mach 3.5 was an impossible task. Befitting the title of being the world’s third most powerful navy, the Japanese fleet did intercept 5 of the 16 Avarice missiles and 4 ships had avoided the fate of the others.

Admiral Hiroyuki ground his teeth and picked up the microphone.

“Report on the damages.”

Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki had sent in the message to check on the damages of each vessel himself. He kept rubbing his eyes as if his vision was blurring.


This is the Myoko. Everyone including the Captain inside the bridge is dead! I am the third mate and Operations Director Toshida Tetsuro.


Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki had turned toward the direction of the Myoko (DDG-175). The bridge and the mast were nowhere to be seen; only black flames danced in their place. The ship had lost its steering capabilities and was drifting away from the fleet.

“All crew of the Myoko, abandon ship!”


Yes, sir.


Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki gave the order feebly, and as he looked around to check on the other vessels, the damage reports came pouring in.

“The 3rd Escort Fleet will now retreat from the area of operations. Rescue the crewmen that are in the sea and sail back to the navy base. Over.”

When Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki heard the damages in the three surviving vessels, he judged the fleet had no more strength left to continue on and gave the order to retreat. He then contacted the 1st Carrier Strike Group.

“Admiral Yamamotu!”


Yes, this is Admiral Yamamotu.


“Did you hear the radio?”


Yes, I did.


“I hand over the command of this operation to you, Admiral Yamamotu.”


I understand, Admiral Kasui! I will ensure that the mission will be accomplished.


“All right. Fight well.”

Admiral Kasui Hiroyuki spoke his final words and collapsed on the floor.

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