21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

December 15, 2020, 06:45, 49 km south of Jeju Island (Maritime Task Flotilla 7 72nd Task Group)

While moving toward Namjin at full speed, the Hocula destroyer of the Maritime Task Flotilla 7 72nd Task Group continued to fire their Haper K-1 gun, which has a range of 90 km.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

At the bombardment of plasma bombs that fired like a machine gun, the Chinese escort vessels and destroyers that were hit spewed dark-red flames and smoke, thus, disabling several vessels.

However, the Chinese counterattack was also formidable. Eight destroyers escorting the Huhbei aircraft carriers and Shandong aircraft carriers maneuvered northward in high speed to face the 72nd Task Group. In the deep waters of the South Sea, about ten Chinese submarines waiting for the right timing began showing full-fledged attack movements.

“Successfully intercepted 11 of the 16 supersonic ship-to-ship missiles against the anti-aircraft missiles assigned to each ship! Moving on to the medium-range interceptor stage.”

Simultaneously with the Operator’s loud reporting, two anti-aircraft missiles flew over the southern sky from the 32-directional Shield-M of the Great King Sukjong destroyer (DDG-1005).

The other two Hocula destroyers, including the Great King Sukjong destroyer (DDG-1005), intercepted the naval bombardment as well as the anti-ship missiles coming from enemy ships to narrow the distance and to attack any possible landing ships.

However, at that moment, the voice of the Sonar Director rang throughout the Battle Control Room of the Great King Sukjong destroyer (DDG-1005).

“A slew of Chinese submarines found ahead.”

The Sonar Director clutched at his headset and continued reporting about the various submarines detected.

“A total of 12 confirmed, sir.”

“Report submarine location starting with the nearest one.”

The Tactical Control Director’s instructions continued.

“From this ship, it is located downward at two o’clock, 28 degrees downward, depth of 80, and a distance of 38,000. According to the sonar analysis, it is confirmed to be a Jin-class ballistic missile submarine.”

“What about the next one?”

“Yes, sir! A Shang-class nuclear-powered attack submarine confirmed in the same direction, 28 degrees downward, depth of 80, and a distance of 39,100! At the eleven o’clock direction . . .”

The Sonar Director enumerated the locations of the confirmed Chinese submarines. Immediately after the Sonar Director’s report, Captain Lee Ki-young gave orders to the Torpedo Director.

“Torpedo Director, prepare the Red Shark A torpedo missile.”

Immediately after the Sonar Director’s report ended, Captain Lee gave orders to the Torpedo Director.

“Yes, sir, entering the Red Shark A torpedo setting.”

Then, the Sonar Director shouted with an urgent voice.

“Major sonar confirmed from two o’clock Jin-class ballistic missile submarine and three Won-class submarines at eleven o’clock!”

“Communication Officer! Tell the Yeongjo ship and Jeongjo ship to switch to the torpedo interception system! The ship will proceed to attack the enemy submarine.”

“Yes, sir, I will issue the orders.”

“The torpedo has been fired. The torpedo type is YU-9, and there are 4 units on this ship! Three hundred ninety-five seconds to reach head torpedo standards.”

“The Chinese also seem to have deployed hypercavitating torpedoes.”

Captain Lee furrowed his brows slightly and shouted while looking at the Torpedo Director.

“Input the frequency on the detected enemy submarine and fire immediately upon completion.”

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“Entering frequency input and fire.”

A few moments later, 12 K-ASROC Red Shark A torpedo missiles from the K-VLS2 vertical launcher soared into the sky in order.

Shoong! Shoong! Shoong!

The K-ASROC Red Shark A torpedo missile, reaching a range of 80 km, flew toward the Chinese submarine at a speed of Mach 3, and 24 Red Shark A torpedo missiles flew from the Great King Yeongjo destroyer (DDG-1006) and the Great King Jeongjo destroyer (DDG-1007) toward the southern sky while drawing white tracks.

A few moments later, a Chinese YU-9 type hypercavitating torpedo that reached 200 knots exploded with shockwaves when it collided with the Red Shark A torpedo, which submerged after breaking through the sea surface. This explosion happened one after another.

“The Yeongjo ship and Jeongjo ship have reported that all Chinese torpedoes have been sunk.”

“Good! Good job! Tell both ships to pay attention to antisubmarine alert and to prepare for additional torpedo attacks.”

“Yes, sir! Understood.”

After defending the first round of Chinese submarine torpedo attack, the 72nd Task Group Hocula destroyer now watched the results of the K-ASROC Red Shark A torpedo missile launched from the Great King Sukjong destroyer (DDG-1005).

“Number 1 and Number 2 Red Shark A torpedo missiles intercepted by Chinese anti-aircraft missiles. Numbers 3, 4, and 5, switch from flight mode to underwater mode! Number 6 torpedo intercepted! Numbers 7, 8, and 9, switch to underwater torpedo mode! Number 10 torpedo intercepted! Number 11, switch to underwater mode.”

The Chinese destroyers succeeded in intercepting the Red Shark A torpedo missiles, which fell to sea level just above the Chinese submarine from flight mode, with anti-aircraft missiles. As a result, only 8 of a total of 12 dug through sea level and moved toward Chinese submarines after switching to underwater mode.

The Chinese submarine responded to the sudden torpedo attack with a defense system and a hard kill, but the submarines that determined it was unavoidably bombarded the Hocula destroyer with their last torpedo attack. Furthermore, the Chinese destroyers above the sea kept firing anti-ship missiles toward the Hocula destroyer that was gradually approaching them.

“Torpedo number 3 hit! Torpedo number 4 attack failed! It was hit by a hard kill. Torpedo number 5 hit! Torpedo number 7 and 8 hit! Torpedo number 9 attack failed! Attack failed! Torpedo number 10 hit. Until the final number 12 torpedo arrival, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 . . . hit! Successful hit, sir.”

The Sonar Director’s reporting continued as he focused all his nerves on the headset and analyzed the ultra-wide sound waves heard from the SUSL-01MP ship sonar in real time.

“Out of a total of 12, the final targets hit were five submarines. One Tang-class submarine, two Shang-class submarines, and two Won-class submarines.”

Captain Kim Ki-young was a little disappointed by the results of the 12 Red Shark A torpedo attacking only 5 submarines, but he was relieved by the fact that the latest constructed Tang-class ballistic missile submarines were included.

“A total of ten anti-ship missiles are aimed at this ship! There are three hypersonic anti-ship missiles and seven subsonic anti-ship missiles. One hundred twenty seconds until impact of the leading hypersonic anti-ship missile.”

The Battle Command Room of the Great King Sukjong destroyer (DDG-1006), busily engaged on the Sonar Director’s report, had no time to relax at the Radar Operator’s report.

“Captain, sir! We’ve run out of anti-aircraft missiles.”

A grim report came from the Fire Control Officer.

“What about the Shield-M?”

“We have four shots left, sir.”

After hours of fighting, the only anti-aircraft missiles left on the Great King Sukjong destroyer (DDG-1005) were now four Shield-M medium-range missiles. The other two Hocula destroyers were under similar circumstances. To this, Captain Lee lifted his helmet, wiped the sweat off his forehead, and immediately gave instructions.

“Three Shield-Ms will intercept the hypersonic anti-ship missiles, and if interception fails, use the last one for an additional interception. As for the other anti-ship missiles, we have no choice but to believe in CIWS. Head straight into the interception process.”

“Yes! Captain, sir.”

The Fire Control Officer simultaneously responded and gave orders to the Interception Director.

“Allocate targets. Set targets for hypersonic anti-ship missiles from 1 to 3! Fire Shield-M missiles.”

“Shield-M missiles! Firing, sir.”

Three Shield-M missiles flew from the 32-directional Shield-M launcher installed just below the bridge, and one Shield-M missile flew from the 32-directional Shield-M launcher just above the helicopter hangar on the stern while drawing white tracks.

Meanwhile, the remaining two and three Shield-M medium-range missiles from the Great King Yeongjo destroyer (DDG-1006) and the Great King Jeongjo destroyer (DDG-1007) flew south while passing the Great King Sukjong destroyer (DDG-1005).

Craash! Craash! Craash! Craash!

A few moments later, flashes of light above the sea level could be seen from the bridge. To that extent, the collision between hypersonic anti-ship missiles and the Shield-M medium-range missiles was very close by.

“Number 1 and 2 interception successful. Number 3 interception failed! Missile number 3, 55 seconds to impact on this ship.”

“Target number 3! We’re going to intercept again. Fire the Shield-M missile.”


The last Shield-M missile flew out of the launch tube, spraying white smoke.

The Shield-M missile, which had been flying horizontally, soon lowered its altitude and appeared between clouds and made a vigorous descent toward the YJ-83 (C-803), China’s hypersonic anti-ship missile that was flying at high speed above sea level.


Target number 3, which failed to be intercepted in the first round of interceptions, could not avoid the Shield-M missile this time, and it exploded upon accurate collision.

“Target number 3! Interception successful. CIWS will now run automatically. One hundred fifty-nine seconds to impact.”

“What about the Yeongjo ship and the Jeongjo ship?”

Worried about the affiliated destroyers, the Captain asked with a concerned tone.

“Fortunately, both ships successfully intercepted the hypersonic anti-ship missiles.”

“That’s a relief, then how many fleet missiles are left?”

“Yes! Captain, sir.”

“Twelve subsonic anti-ship missiles on the Yeongjo ship! And 11 subsonic fleet missiles on the Jeongjo ship, sir.”

“That seems like too much.”

Captain Kim Ki-young for some reason had an ominous feeling.

“Eighty-one seconds until impact! Ten kilometers away, operating CIWS.”

Light streams flew like they were dancing from the Great King Sukjong destroyer (DDG-1005)’s last shot, a 22-mm laser Vulcan beam.

Zapzapzapzapzap~ Zapzapzapzapzap~

The two white light streams that extended from the Great King Sukjong destroyer (DDG-1005) soon succeeded in intercepting two anti-ship missiles in a short period after turning them into beehives and sent laser beams immediately to the next target. The 22-mm laser Vulcan, which is not subject to comparison with ordinary machine guns, sprayed laser sparks, reaching light speed in all directions. The Chinese anti-ship missiles exploded one by one as if they were fishes caught in a net.

“Number 3 and 4 interception successful! Number 5 interception successful too! Fourteen seconds to number 6 anti-ship missile impact! Distance 3,100!”

Zapzapzapzapzap~ Crash!

The target number 7 anti-ship missile went into a strike maneuver after fortunately avoiding the flying beams of light. As soon as it reached the altitude turnover point and as it charged toward the Great King Sukjong destroyer (DDG-1005), it exploded due to a 22-mm laser Vulcan beam mounted on the nose of the ship.

“All anti-ship missiles were successfully intercepted, sir.”

The Interception Operator reported with a sigh of relief. Then a loud explosion was heard from the rear.

“What was that?”

The Interception Operator replied with a tearful face.

“Yeongjo ship! Yeongjo ship has been hit! It was hit by an anti-ship missile, sir.”


“It was on the helicopter hangar on the stern, sir.”

Accordingly, the Battle Control Room video screen displayed the Great King Yeongjo destroyer (DDG-1006) reflected from an external camera. The stern’s hangar was hideously dented, and dark-red flames exuded through the gaps here and there perhaps due to the explosion of the helicopters.

“D*mn it! It must be difficult to intercept more than ten anti-ship missiles with CIWS alone.”

“Connect to the Yeongjo ship.”

“Yes, sir! I have connected.”

“This is the Commander of the Sukjong destroyer.”

– Salute! This is Captain Oh Il-joon, sir.

“Is the damage serious?”

– Yes, sir! Though it’s still not accurate, the engine seems to be damaged. I don’t think further maneuvering is possible, sir.

“What about the crew damage?”

– Five internal deck soldiers, 2 helicopter operators, and 1 helicopter pilot have deceased, and 12 are wounded.

“Okay. From now on, the Yeongjo ship will take aid from the Jeongjo ship. Leave the battle, and return to the Jeju Island base.”

– For now, we can maneuver defensively from here, sir.

“Captain Oh! It will be serious if you get a torpedo attack doing that. Follow orders.”

– Yes, sir.

After communicating with the Captain of the Great King Yeongjo destroyer (DDG-1006), he calmed down his anger and asked the Sonar Director.

“What’s the situation on the enemy submarines?”

“Yes, sir, currently, they are all retreating to the rear.”

“The rear?”

“Yes, sir! That is correct.”

“The surface ship is also entering a high-speed maneuver after turning the nose to azimuth 2-4-0 and changing course.”

“Are they running away?”

“It seems so. Captain, sir! Hahaha.”

“We won! Wow!”

One of the staff sergeants ranked as a noncommissioned Communication Operator stood up and shouted while cheering. It was a move he made unknowingly, perhaps because of the joy that he had survived a great battle that lasted three hours. To this, the rest of the crew also cheered and shouted a cry of victory.

“Men! Quiet.”

At the command of Captain Lee, the Battle Control Room grew quiet in an instant.

“We still have work to do. Shouldn’t we make the Chinese never to contemplate on landing in the Korean Peninsula again? I cannot just let the Chinese landing fleet return. Let’s narrow the distance as much as possible and sprinkle all the Red Shark A torpedoes we have! What do you think?”

The Captain’s words were transmitted to all the crew members through the speakers on the ship.

“Yes, sir.”

The Communication Operator replied with a loud voice this time too.

“Yes. Captain, sir.”

“Go! Go! Fighting! The last gift to the Chinese.”

“Good! Gentlemen, let’s give them their last gift and return to base.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Torpedo Director, how many Red Shark A’s are left?”

“Yes, sir! Currently, there are 20 Red Shark A’s left.”

“Good! Let’s pick and hit the five largest landing ships! Bridge, can you hear me?”

“Yes, sir! This is the bridge Vice Commander.”

“Azimuth 2-3-2, half turn to starboard! Sail at full speed.”

“Yes, sir! Understood.”

In response to news of the sinking of the anti-ship carrier Huhbei of the anti-ship force and the attack of the Shandong ship, the Central Military Commission ordered a return of the entire anti-ship force to prevent further power loss. To this, all of the maneuverable Chinese escort ships and destroyers began sailing back to the Ningbo Naval Base, and the Great King Sukjong destroyer (DDG-1005), which was heading south to hit the Chinese landing surface ships, jumped into the middle of the Chinese anti-ship forces at full speed.

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