21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 168

Chapter 168

An hour earlier, 91 kilometers southwest of Beijing, China

The Korean forces chasing after the Chinese forces retreating along the southwest changed directions when Operation Downfall of Beijing Plan B took effect.

When they were 70 kilometers from Beijing’s suburb, another order came from the superior forces.

– Stop all movements! Stop all movements! Deploy camouflage nets.

The 60th Armored Brigade was in a formation while maintaining equidistance when the order came in. The crewmen of the K-3 White tiger tanks all got out of their vehicles and quickly covered their tanks with module camouflage nets. The module camouflage nets turned a similar color to their surroundings and hid the K-3 White tiger tanks in an instant.

A moment later, a light shone from a part of the tank’s turret, and a hologram resembling the K-3 White tiger tanks appeared. The actual tanks were in hiding, and holograms of the K-3 tanks and Hyun-mu armored vehicles filled the Great Plains.

“Wow, the holograms are truly realistic, sir,” Staff Sergeant Kim Young-joo exclaimed as he looked at the holograms through his periscope.

“Yeah, right. If we didn’t know those were fake, I bet we would be fooled as well. Hehehe, fooling the Chinese is truly an enjoyable task. Hahaha.”

“If only the holograms could make sounds as well, sir.”

When Corporal Yeom Hoon-gi, the tank’s driver, chimed in, Sergeant First Class Oh Young-taek answered while laughing, “Don’t ask for too much! Hahaha.”

The Battalion Commander gave an order to move the holographic K-3 White tiger tanks. Sergeant First Class Oh Young-taek used his small wireless controller and pressed on the control lever. When he did so, the holograms began to move, perhaps a bit awkwardly toward Beijing, but they were so realistic they could not be known as fakes until the enemy was right in front of them.

Meanwhile, at an altitude of 15 kilometers, the numerous Xia lung drones were completely fooled and sent out footage of the moving holograms to the Chinese military’s command headquarters. After 20 minutes had passed, the hologram tanks and armored vehicles arrived at where the nuclear bombs were installed. The Chinese military pressed the ignition button, and with large explosions, multiple mushroom clouds and nuclear storms started.

The white flash of light lit up Beijing’s dark western plains, and hundreds of mushroom clouds rose up and created a sight to behold. With tremendous heat, a large nuclear storm swept through the five-kilometer radius, then nuclear fallout began to fall slowly from the sky. The 20th Armored Division, which was safe from the fallout because of their positive pressure device, stayed put. The other transport trucks and vehicles had already moved to a safe location. This had all occurred about an hour ago.

As a response, the Joint Chief of Staff had developed a technology that would act as bait in order to retaliate against Operation All Down. The Joint Chief of Staff had supplied the holographic equipment to every force marching toward Beijing, and every tank and armored vehicle had been equipped with it.

That morning, the Joint Chief of Staff had determined that the Chinese military would launch Operation All Down and transition to Plan B.

Operation Downfall of Beijing Plan B was the retaliation against China’s Operation All Down strategy, where the Korean military would be baited to proceed to the area where nuclear bombs were installed. To counter this bait, the Korean military would send holograms of the troops in their place. It was a type of feinting strategy.

“All 55 ballistic missiles and 102 cruise missiles successfully intercepted, sir!

“The 3rd Armored Division intercepted every missile except for three surface-to-surface missiles.

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“Capital Armored Division successful in intercepting all missiles.

“All cruise missiles headed to the 20th Armored Division and 25th Light Armored Division were intercepted as well.”

Chairman Kang gave additional orders as the good news came pouring in.

“They sh*t, but we are the hands that wipe their *sses, I suppose. Give the order to remove the radiation along the suburb of Beijing.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Then alert every division to move in units of brigades flanking the blast zone and continue their march. Tell them to plant the Korean flag in Beijing today.”

“Yes, sir. I will relay the order.”

* * *

December 29, 2020, 07:50 (China Standard Time 06:50), (the 42nd army group’s command headquarters)

China Huizhou Province

After the nuclear explosions, the events had subverted the Chinese military’s expectations. First, the reports of tactical and cruise missiles launched after the nuclear detonations being intercepted by the surviving Korean military had come in. The ballistic missiles targeted for Korea’s 3rd Marine Division had been intercepted as well. Then reports of Korean surface-to-surface missiles landing on Chinese forces came pouring in instead.

Finally, a report about the 12 Xiao lung reconnaissance drones that were checking on the status of the Korean military being shot down came in as the icing on the cake.

“What happened? How is the Korean military able to respond to this thoroughly after being hit by nuclear strikes?”

President Xi spoke angrily toward Commander Pe Feng Li Fu while glaring at him when he finished his report.

“Currently, the army group is assessing the situation, sir. Based on the reports, it seems the nuclear strikes caused only little damage to the Korean military, sir.”


“How is that even a valid excuse?” President Xi shouted while slamming his fist on the table. Commander Pe could only stay silent after that.

“A nuclear missile attack is not something so trivial. This is something that I have put my political career on the line before approving, don’t you understand? How can you suggest the damages were minimal?”

An urgent voice rang through from outside the opened door.

“President Xi, sir!”

Vice President Li Yuan Chao ran into the President’s office in a hurry as if something was wrong. He pointed to the TV and spoke.

“The TV—”

“What about the TV?”

“Take a look, sir.”

Vice President Li Yuan Chao turned on the TV installed on the wall using the remote.

“What is that? How could news like this be broadcast without any approval?”

President Xi became wide-eyed and shocked by the news blaring from the TV.

China was a communist nation, and, therefore, any political news that would be broadcast had to go through the scrutiny and approval of the political party before airing. However, on TV was the news about 100 nuclear bombs going off in the suburbs of Beijing that morning. The news revealed that the move was approved by President Xi Jin Ping. The news broadcast also made an exaggerated claim about how 20 million Chinese citizens had been affected by the resulting nuclear radiation, and their lives were now at risk.

“Who approved this to be broadcast?”

President Xi took the remote from the Vice President and surfed through numerous channels. As expected, every channel was broadcasting the same news.

“Vice President Li Yuan Chao, don’t just stand there. Find the person that approved the broadcast! Also, have them broadcast a correction for this.”

“Yes, sir.”

Vice President Li Yuan Chao hurriedly left the President’s office. Commander Pe Feng Li Fu, who was now alone with the furious president, came up to him and spoke carefully.

“Mr. President.”

“What? Is there something else left to report?”

“How about we negotiate a ceasefire with the Korean military, sir?”

“What? How could you suggest that after we launched nuclear missiles in Beijing?”

“Sir, I think we need to start thinking about options if Operation All Down fails.”

“God damn it.”

President Xi picked up the ashtray on the table to throw it, then stopped himself.

“Commander Pe, take your leave. I would like to be alone with my thoughts.”

“Yes, sir!”

Meanwhile, at the South military’s command headquarters.

The Commander of the 42nd Army and 20 other Commanding Officers were gathered around the round table.

“Xi Jin Ping is probably in a state of panic from the news broadcast. Hahaha!”

Commander of the 42nd Army, Du Zhenwi, spoke while laughing.

“We won’t get caught for leaking any information, will we?”

“No need to worry, Commander.”

“Great! How many bodyguards are under the captain of the guards?”

“The total number of bodyguards under the command headquarters and the President is 100. They are all equipped for close range duties, so they are lightly armed. However, there are 300 fully equipped special forces men stationed at the outer building of the command headquarters, sir.”

“What about from our end?” Commander Han Feng asked. The captain of the guards answered the question.

“Our men have been stationed at the command headquarters. Four hundred of our men are in charge of guarding the inside of the building, while there are 1,500 of our strike team on standby 24/7. If an emergency occurs, they are ready to be deployed within five minutes, sir.”

Commander Han Feng glanced over at General Du Zhenwui of the 42nd Army Group and asked, “What about the forces of the 42nd Army Group?”

“Yes, the tanks and armored vehicles under the 124th Division are stationed five kilometers away from the command headquarters, sir. They are ready to move as soon as you give the order.”

“Great! Have them on standby, and make sure they are careful not to be noticed by the commanders.”

“Yes, sir. No need to worry. They are all on standby in complete camouflage.”

“Hmm. Good!”

“Commander, when will we start, sir?”

“I am waiting for our chance. Our plan might turn into a coup, so we must be careful. Since that is the case, keep your subordinates in check and tell them to be ready at a moment’s notice. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

The 20 generals and colonel-ranking majors all answered at once.

* * *

December 29, 2020, 08:20 (China Standard Time 07:20), in a suburb of Beijing, China

The 18 units of 976MLRS artillery battalion’s Cheon-mu armored vehicles that had been deployed to remove radiation from southern Sun Yang had just completed their maintenance and began to roar their engines.

The direction the cannons aimed at was eastern Beijing, which had been ransacked by the nuclear blasts. A moment later, the 270-millimeter rocket rounds flew across the sky toward eastern Beijing, and many cluster rounds spread across the area.

The 60th Armored Brigade under the 20th Armored Division had flanked around the blast sites of the nuclear bombs and headed toward Beijing’s suburb at high speed. After the explosion, no wandering Beijing citizens could be seen on the streets, and the city seemed desolate and empty. For three days, Beijing’s citizens lived in fear of Korea’s special forces brigade and the northern state 8th Corps men’s guerilla tactics. The 100 nuclear bombs that went off caused extreme terror among the residents and made them stay in hiding.

Operation Downfall of Beijing had transitioned to Plan B, and Korea’s special forces and the northern state’s 8th Special Forces Corps had all equipped themselves with anti-radiation suits. They were standing by after seeking shelter, and when Korea’s armored forces arrived, they began to start their mission of occupying Beijing.

The Capital Defense Division, which had been stationed to guard the city, had all left after the nuclear bomb explosions. Beijing was a candle in the breeze, and its citizens were the only thing that could stop the Korean soldiers. At around 4:00 p.m., the Korean flags rose over every official building, and the footage was broadcast to Korea and the rest of the world.

The international community and mass media were in shock after hearing the news of Korea overtaking the enemy’s capital only two months after the war broke out. After the war started, Russia and Japan had joined the fight, but despite the odds stacked against them, Korea had taken over China’s capital. The news was shocking to everyone, especially to Russia and Japan that had joined as China’s ally in the Korea–China war.

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