21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 206

Chapter 206

February 5th, 2021, 08:20

The Mitsubishi industry headquarters in Yokohama, Kanagawa prefecture, Honshu, Japan

When the news that the company’s main manufacturing facilities were attacked by the Corean air force, CEO Miyanaga Sunichi, the rest of the executives, and shareholders called for an emergency meeting at the company’s HQ.

“Please give us a report about the damages to our factories and the company as a whole.”

CEO Miyanaga Sunichi spoke while looking at the executives in attendance.

“The Nagakashi shipbuilding factory and the Shimonoseki shipbuilding factory have all been turned to ashes by the air raids from the Josenjins, sir.” (Josenjin: derogatory term to describe Koreans)

“Please explain the damages in more detail than just that.”

When Vice President Yanagida Masahiro, who was in charge of all shipbuilding ventures, gave his report, CEO Sunichi responded angrily.

“There is nothing more to report, sir. The factories are in ruin, and has been turned to dust.”

“What? Is this true?”

“Yes, sir. The entire factory has burned down.”

When Vice President Yanagida Masahiro’s short report was over, Vice President Nakagaichi Yuichi gave his report.

“The oil processing plants located in Gobe and Takasago are on fire from the attacks by the Coreans as well. The local fire department and government workers are doing their best to douse the flames, but it seems to be hopeless.”

“All 16 facilities of the aerospace systems factory have been burned down. Also, the 24 JX-1 that had been assembled and being prepared to be handed off to the air force have been severely damaged. The repair plants for the F-35A jets have also been...”

Vice President Okino Masashi broke into tears while giving his report and could not continue. The damage reports to other military factories, mechanical plants, home appliances, and light rail manufacturing facilities which had all been the main products for the Mitsubishi corporation, came pouring in.

“How about our space rocket manufacturing facility?”

Upon hearing one depressing report after another, CEO Miyanaga Sunichi covered his face with his hands and asked quietly. The answer he heard was devastating as well.

“I am sorry, sir. The space rocket plants are also in flames due to the aerial strikes made by the Josenjins.”

The Japanese government had given the development and manufacturing rights to Mitsubishi heavy industries last February. The company had been instructed to build 30 H-IIIA rockets equipped with solid fuel by Prime Minister Abe in secret. Therefore, all hands were at the factory working to meet the deadline.

“All of them?”

“Yes, sir. Even the other factories working with our company have been destroyed by the attacks. Over a thousand workers at the scene have been injured as well.”

Big droplets of tears began to fall from CEO Miyanaga Sunichi’s eyes. To convert all the damages financially, the sum would add up to trillions of yen, which was unfathomable. It was safe to say that Mitsubishi heavy industries were now finished. A heavy silence fell on the room and every executive and shareholder stayed silent.

One of Mitsubishi group’s three main industries, the Mitsubishi heavy industries company, was now shut down due to the war. Ironically, the company was the key group among the three branches, but now it had fallen. The Mitsubishi corporation had started off by leasing the Nagasaki shipbuilding factory from the government in 1870 by its founder, Iwasaki Yataro. They expanded the business by adding more full-scaled shipbuilding factories to their business.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

During the Japanese imperial era, they used forced labor from Korea to expand its business in multiple areas. The expansion in the fields of mining, electronics, airplanes, chemical engineering, and petroleum engineering was especially vast. In 1934, the company had become the Mitsubishi heavy industries of today.

At the time, the company was the largest corporation within Japan and manufactured jets, trains, and ships. During the Second World War, its owners were forced to dissolve the company after Japan’s defeat. However, when Japan’s economy was in a boom thanks to the Korean War, it attempted to reunite the branches, and by 1954 the Mitsubishi corporation was born again as one of the three most powerful corporations in Japan.

To befit a corporation that profited off of war crimes, and the face of right-wing political ideology, Mitsubishi had profited by war and died by it as well.

“I will return to our headquarters, have every executive and shareholder come up with a solution for our situation.”

When Miyanaga Sunichi stood up feebly from his chair and responded quietly, the entire building began to shake. CEO Sunichi and the other executives assumed it was an earthquake and quickly hid under the table.

“Is it an earthquake?”

However, the shaking continued, and the upper floors began to split into pieces. A large flame engulfed the building. Then a large explosion occurred, causing the high rise building to vanish without a trace.

Boom! Bang! Bang!

From the high-rise building in Yokohama, the entire area within a 3km radius had vanished from the shockwave and firestorm. A thick dust cloud covered the area.

The Blue Dragon bomber recorded the scene with its optical lens and flew past Yokohama from 35km above the surface. It soon moved towards the direction of its next target.

* * *

February 5th, 2021. 08:20

The seas 65km Northeast from Izumo, Japan (the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin’s location)

The radar operator of the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin had detected 70 F-1 planes under the 15th reserve fighter wing coming towards them at Mach 1.6. When the jets entered the range of the Haegung missiles, he reported it to the arms man.

“70 targets, distance at 198km, they have entered the range of our Haegung missiles.”

“All right. Standing by.”

The arms man answered and alerted the others through the communication line.

-Captain! The Japanese jets are in range of our missiles, sir.

-How many missiles are loaded onto the launch pad?”

-There is a total of 85 rounds loaded onto the K-VLS-II launch pad, sir.

-To make our attacks efficient, use the automatic anti-air system.

-Yes, sir.

“Arms man! Transition into our automatic anti-air system.”

“Yes, sir. Converting to the automatic anti-air defense system.”

The Hocula supercomputer ranked the threat levels of each missile heading towards the vessel, then calculated the number of missiles it held, before launching 30 Haegung missiles.

“Targets 1 through 30 have all been set! Launching the 30 rounds, sir.”

The operators of the battle station now began to give a detailed report about the supercomputer’s interception process. The 30 Haegung missiles began to shoot out from the launchpads while emitting blue flames. They all flew in the northeastern direction.

“Ninety-five seconds from reaching the first target, 96 seconds from target 2.”

The radar operator’s report rang across the battle station.

“Each enemy jet has launched air-to-ship missiles. The missile type is the ASM-3 with a range of 300km, and flying towards us at a speed of Mach 3.8.”

The 70 ASM-3 ship-to-air missile flew across the sky and headed towards the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin. First Mate Oh Hyun-woo confidently spoke to Captain Ahn Yoon-joon from the bridge.

“Sir, it’s those fishing ships. Those bastards must be giving the jets our coordinates.”

“Hmm! This might come and bite us in the rear later! But I guess we have no choice.”

Captain Ahn Yoon-joon gave an order to the battle station.

-Arms man! Use our Scithe cannons to attack every civilian fishing vessel within our 50km radius!

-Sir? But that could cause issues later...

-During wartime, using commercial fishing ships to detect the enemy location can be considered as military activity. Commence the attack immediately. I will take full responsibility, over.

-Yes, sir.

The battle station was in an uproar from reports about intercepting the F-1 jets and the ASM-3 missiles. The arms man gave the order to the operator.

“Attack every commercial fishing vessel within our 50km radius, using our Scithe cannons. Set the munition to normal high explosive rounds.”

“Yes, sir. Setting the munition to high explosive rounds, and commencing the attack.”

The double-barrel Scithe cannons mounted on the head of the vessel turned right. After the arms man gave the order, the cannons repeatedly launched high-powered explosives. After a few seconds, the numerous fishing ships were all struck by the high-powered explosives.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The rounds fired by the cannons were normal explosives, but the momentum of a projectile moving at Mach 8 was more than enough to cause pillars of water to rise from the surface and the pieces of the ship to go flying. The civilian ships all disappeared from the radar without a trace. The Hocula supercomputer was still calculating the remaining number of missiles and used the Shield-M2 short-range missiles and the CLWS (terminal phase interception system) 22mm laser guns to intercept the oncoming enemy missiles.

“The first wave of Haegung missiles have intercepted all 30 F-1 jets, sir.”

The six rounds of the ASM-3 surface-to-air missiles exploded in the air from the last shot laser beams 12km away from the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin.

“All enemy air-to-ship missiles have been intercepted, sir.”

“The enemy jets have split into two groups and launched a second wave of the air-to-ship missiles.”

The 15th reserve fighter wing’s F-1 jets split into groups of 20 and launched a total of 40 ASM-3 air-to-ship missiles.

“Launching 20 Haegung missiles to the F-1 jets, sir.”

“We are launching 20 rounds of the Haegung missile to target the 40 ASM-3 missiles, captain.”

Captain Ahn Yoon-Joon, who was watching the flashes of light over the bridge window and listening to the incoming reports from the battle station, spoke calmly.

“What are they? Kamikazes? It seems to me they are like moths flying to the flame.”

“Captain! They must be plotting something, sir.”

“Seems to be that way! Something doesn’t feel right! What about the enemy’s fishing ships?”

“There are eight ships left, sir.”

The F-1 pilots all flew towards the Chunmugong Lee Sun-shin at full speed despite being shot down by the Haegung missiles. The scene was reminiscent of the Kamikaze attacks on Hawaii, and the jets launched its last round of air-to ship-missiles.

The Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin’s Hocula supercomputer used its fast calculations to intercept and attack the enemy, but the F-1 jets began to close in. The defense system had started to use the last shot guns more frequently.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Flashes of light started to show up 5km from the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin’s location.

Only twelve F-1 jets were now left! Twenty-two surface-to-air missiles remained while those loaded onto the vertical launch pads had all been launched. The Shield-M2 short-range missiles and the last shot have begun the terminal phase of interception. An unexpected report from the radar operator rang across the bridge.

“An aircraft has been detected at an azimuth of 1-2-0, distance of 20, and an altitude of 15! We are unable to make out the type of aircraft! We are analyzing it now.”

Captain Ahn Yoon-joon picked up the receiver of the radio and shouted.

-What have you all been doing, letting the enemy reach us at this distance? What kind of plane is it?

-Apologies, sir. We are analyzing the type of the enemy plane. We-we just finished figuring it out.

-What is it then?

-It’s a B-1B lancer, captain.

While the Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin had been defending against the F-1 jets using its automatic defense system, the B-1B lancer bomber used its powerful super jammers to fool the enemy radars and had infiltrated within bombing distance.

-Lancer? The B-1B lancer bomber?

-Yes, that is right. The lancer has dropped its payload!

When the word about the payload came in, Captain Ahn Yoon-joon gave orders immediately.

“Set our azimuth to 2-3-5 and turn portside! Set the speed to maximum.”

The Chungmugong Lee Sun-shin raised its velocity and began to shoot forward. The crew within the vessel were all shaken. Then, the ship turned portside sharply.

-The bomb’s maker is the GBU-39C SDB self-guided gliding bomb, and there are 144 rounds in total. We are 58 seconds away from impact.

Captain Ahn Yoon-joon felt his heart sink. Even if they were struck by a few of the 144 rounds, the ship would not sink. However, if the radars on the ship were damaged by them, they would no longer be able to conduct their mission. Cold sweat ran down the captain’s back. He had faced many battles in the field, but this moment was the most dangerous.

The six last shot Vulcan guns started to spray beams of light to the sky in the direction of the GBU-39C SDB self-guided gliding bombs.

The beams of light shooting from the guns made the sky light up like fireworks.

-There are still 84 rounds of the GBU-39C SBD rounds left. 38 seconds before impact!

The last shotguns had desperately attempted to create a net of projectiles to intercept the enemy projectiles falling at a speed of Mach 1.

-There are 56 rounds of the GBU-39C SDB remaining! 29 seconds before impact!

Captain Ahn Yoon-joon urgently shouted to the radio operator.

“Connect me to the engine room.”

“We’re connected, sir.”

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