21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

February 5th, 2021, 11:30

Seoul Jongro-ku Blue House National emergency situation bunker

President Suh Hyun-woo, who had finished his video call with President Trump, continued to glance at the monitor after it had been switched off.

“I guess it won’t be easy.” He stroked his forehead while talking to himself, then pressed on the intercom to speak with the secretary.

“Yes, Mr. President.”

“Please call the NSC to attendance, immediately.”

“Yes, sir.”

The one-sided request from President Trump made President Suh Hyun-woo call for a meeting with the National Security Council. To ease his nerves, he opened up a small box sitting on his desk. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

<hr />

Feburary 5th, 2021, 12:30

Seoul Jongro-ku Blue House National emergency situation bunker, the NCS meeting room

Every member of the council had gathered within an hour. Chairman Kang of the joint chief of staff, Vice Chairman Choi Ho-il, and every military commander was in attendance as well.

“I will cut to the chase. President Trump requested for an immediate halt of all air-strikes we are conducting against Japan.”

With the president’s opening statement, every member of the council, including the military generals, seemed to be at a loss for words. No one dared to make a response. The president continued to speak.

“Everyone seems to be in shock. So am I. I would like to hear your thoughts on America’s request, please.”

When the president crossed his arms as he looked at the attendees, Minister of National Defense, Kang Hyun-soo asked a question.

“What was the reason for this sudden intervention by America, that had been staying neutral all this time, Mr. President?”

“They claim it is due to the damages sustained by the American military bases in Japan during our air-strikes.”

Minister Kang Hyun-soo seemed flabbergasted by the unjust claim and continued to speak. “Isn’t that an unjust claim? Japan stationed its main forces on America’s bases, and now they want to talk about damages? Even if that was the case, it’s not like our nation attacked the American bases intentionally, but rather in retaliation towards the Japanese forces that had launched missiles against us.”

After the strikes on Kyushu, the air-strikes across the entire area of Japan had begun. The Japanese THADD and anti-air forces attempted to intercept the Corean fighter jets, and when they did, the Corean bombers and jets retaliated against them. Therefore, there were some damages caused to the American military bases. However, these attacks could be justified in a situation where the two nations were at war with each other. Had the American military made the Japanese forces leave their base, then this would not have happened.

“America seems to consider Japan its friendlier ally when compared to our nation, sir.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

National Security Director Oh Jan-soo spoke quietly.

“Wasn’t that always the case? Regardless, we must accept America’s request and stop the air-raids. What we need to decide is whether to start an uncertain ceasefire, or deny America’s request and continue to pressure Japan. I believe we must decide the matter while considering our national interest.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs Kim Jae-hak touched upon the key point of the situation.

The president nodded in response and began to speak. “Minister Kim is right. We must make a practical calculation.”

“Mr. President! It would not be a bad option to end the war against Japan early while granting America’s request. Based on our situation, Japan has already sustained heavy losses to both its military and economy,” Chief Secretary Na Sung-tae carefully gave his opinion.

“Secretary Na! We can’t call it quits after all that’s transpired. The sacrifice of our soldiers and those in Jeju Island is too great. Even if we put an end to the war, do you think we can get reparations and an apology from Japan?” The Minister of National Defense sharply gave his opposition.

The chief secretary answered realistically. “Minister Kang! Couldn’t we just accept America’s request and ask for Japan’s apology and reparations through them?”

“We accept the American government’s request on the terms that Japan’s government pays reparations and gives an official apology? Not bad. That’s a good idea. Chairman Kang?”

“Yes, Mr. President.”

“Is there anything you would like to say?”

“I am a soldier, Mr. President! It is my duty to carry out the orders decided by our nation, sir.”

President Suh Hyun-woo, who had expected nothing different from Chairman Kang Ui-sik of the joint chief of staff, smiled slightly and asked again. “Very well. This is a hypothetical situation. If we refuse America’s request, then it could make moves with its military. If we were to have a conflict against the American military, then would ours be able to face them?”

This was quite a risky question.

However, Chairman Kang answered without any hesitation. “There are probably many elements to consider such as our tactics and military power, but based on our current strength, we are more than capable of being victorious, sir.”

“Are you saying we are able to win against America despite standing off against Russia?” President Suh Hyun-woo seemed to be in disbelief of Chairman Kang’s words, and asked again.

“We can win, Mr. President!”

The chief secretary joined in on the conversation. “Mr. President! I am concerned about the economic retaliation from America if we deny the request. All western nations, including America, could unite and pressure our exporting capabilities. Our economy would take a heavy toll.”

When the chief secretary, who had a doctorate in economics, spoke, the entire room began to murmur and the conversation became heated. The meeting was over at late evening after dozens of opinions went back and forth.

The meeting had come to the conclusion of a partial agreement of the terms. Corea would go into a cease-fire for three days and take that time to negotiate with the American government. The air-strikes on Japan had stopped at 17:00. Also, the 10th amphibious fleet, 7th maritime flotilla, 2nd destroyer fleet, and other fleets that had headed off from Incheon Port at 06:00, sailed back to Mok-po Port when they heard about the operation being canceled.

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February 5th, 2021, 17:30

Jeonbook Gunsan-si, the 38th fighter wing air force base

The igloo at the 38th fighter wing was full of repairmen busily conducting maintenance on the phoenix jets that had been deployed in the Japanese air raids. Someone whistled from the igloo where the Black Moon flight wing’s jets were located.

At 22:00, the order to cancel the air-raids on Japan came in. Major Choi Young-ho, who had been preparing for his 6th deployment began to draw his kill marks on his jet while whistling.

However, the mark he was drawing was not of a jet, but rather the Kongo Aegis destroyer that he had sunk in the afternoon.

“Out of the entire Corean air force, no, the world’s air force, I bet I am the only one with a kill mark of an Aegis destroyer on his jet.”

As Major Choi talked to himself and drew the destroyer on his jet, someone called for him.

“Major Choi.”

It was Major Choi Young-ho’s best friend, and the flight wing commander of the White Angels, Major Jeon Chang-bin.

“Hey, what’s up? How many sorties are you up to?”

Major Jeon Chang-bin, who also had some time to relax thanks to the cancellation, came by to see Major Choi Young-ho.

“Five sorties! What the hell are you drawing?”

“Can’t you tell? It’s a kill mark for a destroyer. Ha ha ha.”

“You took down an entire destroyer with your jet alone?”

“How is it that you heard the news the latest, when you’re my friend?”

Major Choi Young-ho, who had just finished drawing his kill mark of the destroyer, made a V shape with his fingers and smiled brightly.

“For real?”

“I took down the Kongo. Ha ha ha.”

“Really? That’s amazing!”

“Are you supposed to be here right now? The mission is canceled but, don’t you have to be on standby?”

“I asked our battalion commander, and he said there will be no deployments today. The higher-ups are apparently talking to the Americans. So, excluding a few people, we all have the day off. I am sure you guys do as well. You didn’t hear?”

“Yeah? That’s great. I was feeling stiff from flying the jet all day. Let’s take a shower and grab a beer.”

“Sure, sounds good to me! But seriously, did you actually take down a destroyer?”

“Dude, were you fooled by everyone in your life?”

“Don’t get promoted before I do, you hear?”

“I might? If I do, make sure to treat me as your superior! Understood?”

“Get bent.”

“Ha ha ha.”

Majors Choi Young-ho and Jeon Chang-bin cracked jokes with each other and headed towards the headquarters of the fighter wing from the igloo.

<hr />

February 6th, 2021, 15:00

Seoul, Gwanghwamoon, the Minister of Foreign Affairs’ office


Minister Kim Jae-hak welcomed Ambassador Willy Gold and a blue-eyed man in his entourage and pointed towards the sofa to ask them to sit.

“Hello, I am Randy Johnson, the White House’s foreign affairs negotiator. The men beside me are my bodyguards and assistants.”

The blue-eyed man introduced himself and his entourage.

“Yes, nice to meet you. I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kim Jae-hak.”

Under President Trump’s orders, negotiator Randy Johnson flew into Corea and came to negotiate the terms for the cease-fire for the war between Corea and Japan.

“Since the situation is already critical, why don’t we cut to the chase? What are Corea’s demands for Japan?”

Randy Johnson, went straight to the point with a poker face that befits his reputation of being a negotiator.

“Let’s do that.”

Minister Kim Jae-hak retrieved a binder holding multiple documents from his aide and handed it to Randy Johnson.

“These are our demands. Please take a look.”

Randy Johnson took the documents and began to read them over slowly. As he read the document that outlined a total of eight demands, he furrowed his brow and put down the document. Ambassador Willy Gold picked up the documents and read them as well.

“Minister Kim.”

“Yes, what is it?”

“These demands are a bit too much.”

“In what way do you think they are too much?”

[The demands Corea made to Japan were eight in total.

. Japan is to reveal the truth about why the war broke out between the two nations to the international community, and officially surrender to Corea.

. Based on condition 1, Japan is to pay 70 billion dollars to Corea for the next 20 years as reparations for inciting the war on January 1st of each year.

. Return all illegally pillaged cultural artifacts from Corea since the Imperial age immediately. Japan is to start working on a bill and finish it within a year that allows Corea to investigate and search the nation to recover its stolen artifacts for the next 10 years.

. Make an official apology for all the crimes and heinous acts that it committed against Corea during its imperial colonization period to the forced laborers and sex-slaves. Especially to the sex-slaves by making a personal apology to every surviving victim. Also, pay an appropriate reparation to the surviving victims. The amount of the reparation is to be set at 5 million dollars per victim.

. Hand over Daema Island (Tsushima Island) to Corea as its territory permanently. Also, officially acknowledge Dokdo Island as Corea’s territory and make an official apology for claiming it was Japan’s territory. Also, change the official name of the ocean geography between Corea and Japan to “The East Sea,” and the strait where Daema Island lies to “Daehan Strait.”

. Japan is to abandon its militaristic imperialism and revert its status of being a normal nation, returning to a nation guilty of war crimes that cannot own a standing military. Also, cease all mourning of all A class war criminals that are located in the Yasukuni shrines.]

. Dismantle Shinzo Abe’s cabinet and form a new one.

. If Japan accepts demands 1 through 7, then Corea will immediately cease all military activity against Japan. However, if these demands are not met, then Corea will continue its military activities against Japan. The decision to accept or deny these terms must be made by 18:00 hours, March 8th, 2021.

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