21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

February 13th, 2021, 18:20

The deep sea, N 30° 4′ E 131° 5′ from Tanega Island, Kyushu, Japan (the Yang Se-bong submarine’s location)

“The two American submarines are at a distance of 6200 and 7100 from us. Their azimuth is 1-9-5, depth at 150 and moving at a speed of 20 knots!”

The Yang Se-bong (SSP-85) was ordered to just sail silently and watch the enemy’s movements. So, the sonar operators aboard were reporting the movements of the American submarines every five minutes.

“Have they still not detected our submarines?”

“It seems to be so, sir.”

“Man, their sonars are terrible. I thought they spent billions trying to upgrade them.” Operations director Song Ki-young laughed as if to mock the Americans and muttered to himself.

The Hocula submarine, the Yang Se-bong (SSP-85), and Lee Un-hyung(SSP-86) had stealth capabilities rivaling a stealth jet and moved into a 6km radius of the American LA class submarines, but they were still not detected by them.

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February 13th, 2021, 18:20

The deep sea, N 30° 7′ E 131° 7′ from Tanega Island, Kyushu, Japan (the Corpus Christi submarine’s location)

The 7th carrier strike group’s LA class submarines, the Corpus Christi submarine (SSN-705), and the Houston (SSN-713) were on the lookout for enemy submarines while sailing silently along the deep sea. A faint sonar pattern that has been detected by the equipment had made the sonar operator feel weary.

It was as if there was something there, but he could not be sure. He called his superior over and pointed to his headset with his finger. Then, the senior sonar operator placed the headset over his ears and began to analyze the sonar pattern.

“Sergeant Harry, sir! Isn’t this a bit strange?”

“Hold on a second!”

Sergeant Harry held up his palm to silence his subordinate and focused all of his attention on the headset. He raised the sonar amplifier to the maximum volume, but nothing was being detected clearly.

“Something is up. Ask for the intelligence director!”

“Yes, sir.”

Soon, Major Matt Reinhart, the intelligence director, entered the CIC (Combat Information Center).

“What is it?’

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Sir, we believe we are sensing something on the sonar, but we cannot detect it with the passive sonar alone. Permission to use the active sonars, sir.”

“Are you sure there’s something out there?”

“Yes, something’s definitely out there but we cannot detect it accurately at the moment.”

“Stand by for now.”

Matt Reinhart connected the radio to the CR (Command Room) and reported to Captain Robert Harley.

“Captain! The sonar operators have detected a suspicious sonar pattern, but it is not being detected by the passive sonar alone. Requesting permission to use our active sonars, sir.”

Sending out active sonar signals could cause the enemy to trace them back to the source and cause the enemy to detect the submarine’s location. During a mission, no vessel could use it without the captain’s approval.

“Are you certain?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Send out the signal for 2 minutes, and if it’s nothing, then stop immediately.”

“Understood, captain.”

Intelligence director Matt Reinhart gave Sergeant Harry the clear to use the WLR-9 active sonar after receiving approval from the captain.

“Sonar operator open the active sonar!”

“Activating the WLR-9 sonar, sir.”

Sonar operator Harry manipulated the console, and the Corpus Christi (SSN-705) began to emit pings from its sonar dome.

Ping, ping, ping.

The sonar director and operators both pressed their headsets closer to their ears, and began to analyze the sonar patterns with their full attention. A moment later, the sonar director took off his headset and reported in urgently.

“It’s a submarine!”

“A submarine? Are you sure?”

Sergeant Harry put the headset back on his head and manipulated the console. Two red dots appeared on the active sonar’s monitor.

“Damn it! Azimuth at 1-9-5, and they are at a distance of 5200, 5500 and depth of 150, sir.”

“5200 and 5500? How could we have not detected them with our AN/BQQ-15 sonars?”

Intelligence director Matt Reinhart picked up the receiver to report to the captain. “This is the CIC (Combat Intelligence Center). Captain, we have detected two submarines that are within 6000 from us.”

Captain Robert Harley, had ran up to the CIC upon hearing the urgent report.

“What’s that? How could a submarine be at that distance? What were you all doing this whole time? No, that’s not the issue. Have you identified the submarines?”

“We have confirmed the submarines to be at least a 5000t class vessels, but we cannot identify the submarines properly. They seem to be not registered in the sonar pattern database, the computer cannot analyze them, sir.”

“Do you think the enemy has detected us?”

“Since they are at a close distance from us, I believe our sonar pings would have been traced, sir.”

“Everyone to battle stations, and send a message to the Houston!”

“Yes, captain.”

-All hands on deck, to battle stations. All hands on deck, battle stations!

The interior of the Corpus Christi (SSN-705) turned red from the lights, and an alarm for battle stations began to ring.

Ring, ring ring.

Captain Robert Harley did not panic from the unidentified submarines appearing on their sonar and began to think quickly. “If we were detected by the enemy’s sonars, then we are not able to go into silent sailing or take evasive maneuvers to avoid detection. The best thing we can do is respond actively if the other submarines show any signs of aggression.”

Captain Robert Harley, asked an additional question to the intelligence director. “Did the enemy submarine show any movements?”

“No, sir. They are remaining still at their current location.”

“They’re not moving eh? So, they have no intention of attacking, but rather stay on the watch? I can’t understand what they’re thinking of. Very well. Let’s do this!”

Captain Robert Harley gave an order to the CR (Command Room).

-Helmsman! Maintain our depth and azimuth. Reduce our speed to 5 knots and move slowly.

“Intelligence director, relay my orders to the Houston as well.”

“Yes, captain.”

Meanwhile, at the Yang Se-bong (SSP-85), the sonar operator was listening to the sounds coming from the American submarines after they had detected the Yang Se-bong and Lee Un-hyung. He smiled a bit and whispered to himself.

“They are losing their shit.”

“Sergeant first class Kim Hyung-min, sir, what do you mean?” Sergeant Kim Gwang-gyun, his subordinate, quietly asked his smiling superior.

“The interior of the American submarines is in an uproar. Get me the director!”

“Yes, sir.”

Since they were sailing silently, operations director Song Ki-young had come to them.

Sonar operator Kim Hyung-min took off his headset and whispered to him. “Both American submarines have detected our vessel using their active sonars, sir. The Lee Un-hyung must have been detected as well.”

“Is that so? What’s their distance from ours?”

“4920, and 5850, sir. They have lowered their speed to 5 knots, and judging by the commotion, they must have gone into battle positions.”

“Sonar operator! Check for sounds of muzzle doors opening or launch tube injections, and continue to report in.”

“Yes, sir.”

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February 13th, 2021, 18:20 (UST 06:20)

Washington D.C., the White House, Oval Office, America

Thirty minutes ago, President Trump had received a call from the Vice-chairman of the USSC, Chessman. Despite it being late at night, he called for a national security meeting and began a video call with the Pentagon.

At the oval office, there were about 20 government officials and President Trump in attendance for the meeting. The Pentagon’s meeting room had the Secretary of Defense, military commanders, and other officials working under the Department of Defense. With over 100 people in attendance, the meeting had started in a serious tone.

A few days ago, three fleets from the navy had been mobilized for war under President Trump’s orders. Four carrier strike groups had been ordered to be stationed at Northeast Asia, and they were sailing at high speeds. The 7th fleet had also taken off from Yokosuka Port and moving along the seas 100km away from the Northwestern side of Okinawa.

While this was going on, President Trump had called for a second national emergency meeting, and he started discussing a full-on war against Corea. Many military commanders and the Secretary of Defense could not hold back their shock.

First, to start an official war against a nation, they would need approval from Congress, but President Trump had ignored this matter and had given the order to the military command.

Second, the nation he was ordering the military to attack was Corea, their ally of 60 years.

A few of the military commanders showed their opposition citing wrongful processing and the fact that Corea was an ally. However, when the commander-in-chief of the military Donald Trump had given the order, the commanders had no choice but to follow the orders after 30 minutes had passed.

After disregarding the approval process of the U.S Congress, the 8th military’s command center that had moved from Corea to Japan, the U.S armed forces in Japan, the 5th air force command, the 7th fleet from the navy, and the 3rd fleet heading out from San Diego, were all getting into battle positions.

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February 13th, 2021, 18:35

The deep sea, N 30° 7′ E 131° 7′ from Tanega Island, Kyushu, Japan

The Corean navy’s Hocula submarines had all the information about the American navy’s submarines, but the two American nuclear submarines could only figure out the approximate distance of the unidentified submarines.

Thus, the American submarines were unable to determine whether the submarines they had detected were from Corea, Japan, or another nation. In truth, the American navy was at the point where they acquired every sonar pattern of every submarine in the world. However, they could not match the sonar patterns they were picking up from their database.

Regardless, the two Corean Hocula submarines and the two American nuclear submarines were slowly closing their distance. When 10 minutes had passed, both sides had passed by each other with only 1km between them. Both sides were full of tension.

Both sides were not showing any intent to attack, but either side could quickly change. The captains of the four submarines were getting severely tense from the situation and only wanted this moment to pass by. It would have been better if they could just fight each other, but that was something that both sides did not welcome.

Regardless, the two nuclear submarines and two Hocula submarines were drifting away from each other. It was too early to let their guard down. The fact that their flank was caught by the enemy submarines was a dangerous situation to be in.

Captain Robert Harley, who had been watching the movements of the enemy from the CIC (Combat Intelligence Center) gave an order to the CR (Control Room).

-Maintain our azimuth and depth, set the speed to our maximum at 25 knots.

-Maintaining our azimuth and depth, and setting the speed to our maximum of 25 knots.

“Captain! The command headquarters has sent in an encrypted message.” First mate Champo, who was sitting at the CR (Control Room), had come down to the CIC (Combat Intelligence Center) and handed the message to the captain himself.

“What’s with the sudden message?”

The captain carefully read over the message he got from his first mate. A moment later, Captain Robert Harley’s face became dark.

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