21st century Goguryeo

Chapter 237

Chapter 237

February 13th, 2021, 19:10

The seas 66km from southeast Kyushu, Japan (the 7th carrier strike group’s location)

The 7th carrier strike group heard the report from the Corpus Christi (SSN-705) and the Houston (SSN-713) about unknown submarines being detected. When the communication was cut off from the submarines, the 7th carrier strike group had sent in eight MH-60R (Block II) anti-submarine choppers.

The choppers were a couple of kilometers away from each other and when they reached the area where they received the last contact, they deployed their dipping sonar, and sonobuoys to search for the LA class nuclear submarines.

-This is Alpha 1, continue flying to your designated directions and deploy a sonobuoy for every kilometer. Deploy the dipping sonar at the final destination!

-Alpha 2, roger!

-Alpha 3, roger!

-Alpha 4, roger!

-Alpha 5, roger!

-Alpha 6, roger!

-Alpha 7, roger!

-Alpha 8, roger!

When the Alpha 1 anti-submarine chopper had deployed a sonobuoy at the center of the search area, the other choppers split into seven different directions and began to deploy their own buoys. When they reached the final area, they began to hover and drop a sonar cable to send out their dipping sonars.

Numerous sonobuoys and dipping sonars were deployed in a 10km radius across the ocean, but nothing was detected by them. Debris from the LA class nuclear submarines 2km southeast from the location had been found instead.

Thirty minutes later, the anti-submarine choppers had returned with the wreckage of two nuclear class submarines. Lieutenant General Michael Sam, the commander of the 7th fleet, had a grim look on his face as he watched the scene from the Blue Ridge’s (LCC-19) island bridge.

It was the first time an American submarine had been struck down since the Second World War, and the submarines had been under his command.

“Are you sure they had been attacked?”

“Among the debris, we have found belongings of the crew, sir,” Bill Harley, the operations director of the 7th fleet, answered.

“Were we unable to detect the Corean submarines?”

“It seems they have left the area, sir.”

“Or they could have dived to the depths and sailing silently, could they not?”

“That could also be true, sir.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The 7th fleet seemed to have concluded that the unidentified submarines were from Corea.

“Director Harley! All vessels are to be on alert for enemy submarines and ships, maintain our azimuth and slow down to 5 knots!”

“All vessels are to be on alert for enemy ships, submarines, and aircrafts! Maintaining our azimuth and slowing down to 5 knots, sir.”

MH-60R (Block II) anti-submarine choppers took off again from the Blue Ridge (LCC-19) amphibious auxiliary ship, and the Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) aircraft carrier’s flight decks. Choppers from the cruisers and destroyers also took off and began to circle the surrounding area of the 7th carrier strike group. A total of 36 anti-submarine choppers began to use their sonar buoys and dipping sonars to watch for enemy submarines.

Two of the latest E-2C Hawkeye drones took off to keep watch of the front and rear of the fleet.

Meanwhile, the Lee Un-hyung (SSP-86) had left the area to sail back to Jeju Island’s navy port, while the Yang Se-bong (SSP-85) had dove into its maximum depth and sailing silently.

<hr />

February 13th, 2021, 20:00

Seoul Jongro-ku, the Blue House’s national emergency situation center, underground bunker

The battle against the American submarines took place only two hours after the emergency meeting was finished. When President Suh Hyun-woo had heard the report about the two LA class submarines being sunk, he called over Minister Kim Jae-hak from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“I apologize for calling you over multiple times a day, Minister Kim.”

Minister Kim sat down and spoke while receiving a cup of tea from the secretary. “There’s no need to apologize, sir. It’s alright.”

“I am sure you haven’t heard the news yet. An hour ago, two LA class nuclear subs from America’s 7th naval fleet has been struck down by ours.”

“Did the battle against America start already?”

Minister Kim Jae-hak became still from shock while holding the teacup.

“It seems that the submarines from both sides ran into each other at the southern Kyushu seas. After we decided to war against America, the Ministry of National Defense had relayed the order to every branch of the military and the battle had begun.”

“Did our nation attack first, sir?”

The president waved his hand to signal Minister Kim to drink his tea and continued his explanation.

“No. The nuclear submarines attacked first with their torpedoes. We received footage of the battle that shows the details.”

President Suh Hyun-woo handed off a secure USB.

“Why are you giving this to me, sir?”

“That’s a copy.”

“That means?”

“America will use this as an excuse to officially wage war against Corea. They will claim our nation attacked first.”

Minister Kim spoke while receiving the USB. “I think that is highly likely, sir.”

“That is why I would like you to deliver this USB to the American embassy. With this, at least they will be unable to lie about how Corea started this war.”

“Yes, sir.”

President Suh Hyun-woo had accurately predicted America’s intentions.

The Pentagon had to find an excuse to war against Corea after receiving orders from President Trump. When the Pentagon had heard about the unidentified submarines detected by the 7th fleet, they decided to use this for their advantage. They had ordered the nuclear submarines to attack.

For the Pentagon, it didn’t matter if the submarines were from Corea or any other nation. After taking down the unidentified submarines, they could report claiming it was an attack for self-defense after being attacked first.

Then they would be able to easily receive approval from congress to wage war against Corea.

However, the results were different from their expectations. The Pentagon was taken by surprise when two of their nuclear submarines were sunk, but they finally had their excuse to start the war.

The way the western nations and America’s allies would see Corea would be different depending on who attacked first. If America claimed the Corean submarines attacked first, as they have planned, then Corea would suffer severe military and economic damages with the start of the war.

On the flip side, if the war had broken out due to the American nuclear submarines attacking first, then they would be unable to receive unconditional support from their allies despite being the world’s major economic and military power. The contents of the USB that Minister Kim Jae-hak had gotten from the president was crucial.

<hr />

February 13th, 2021, 21:00

The underground bunker of the Prime Minister’s cabinet at Adachi prefecture, Honshu, Japan

After the death of Prime Minister Abe, the Japanese government had placed Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro as the acting prime minister. Minister Shibasaki from the Ministry of Defense had come for a visit.

“Please sit.”

“Thank you, sir!”

Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro’s face was grim from the continued citizen protests about the emergency draft. Minister Shibasaki on the other hand had a brimming smile on his face.

The deputy prime minister saw the look on Minister Shibasaki’s face and spoke angrily. “Each day is a living hell for me, but it seems that you are in a good mood, Minister Shibasaki. Is there something you want to tell me?”

“Apologies, sir. But we just received good news from the American government.”

“Good news?”

“The American government has finally started the war against Corea.”


“Yes, the Pentagon has officially sent in the news.”

“That’s great. Did the U.S congress actually approve this?”

“No, but the official approval process by the U.S Congress will start today. President Trump had already given the order to the Pentagon with his presidential authority.” Minister Shibasaki almost foamed at the mouth while speaking.

“That’s a relief. If that is the case, I should make an official statement alerting the citizens about waging war against Corea with America as our ally.”

“That’s right. However, I believe you should hold that off until the U.S congress officially approves the war.”

“You think so?”

“If we make a statement beforehand, I think that could put President Trump in an awkward position.”

“Very well. At least with this announcement, the protests from the citizens might get less severe.”

“Exactly. When we announce that America is on our side, then the younger generation will definitely stop their protests and actively sign up for the draft. This could flip the situation to our advantage.”

“When will the U.S congress start their meeting?”

Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro’s face seemed to brighten up as well.

“The hearing starts at 1:00 pm in the U.S., so it will start in about 5 hours.”

“I see.”

“Sir, there’s one more thing.”

“Yes? What is it?”

“This place is too dangerous, sir. The assassination of Prime Minister Abe took place here, and the area is well known to the enemy. We don’t know when the Corean special forces will infiltrate the area or attack using weapons like the bunker buster. That is why I made a request to the Pentagon and see if our cabinet could move the offices to the newly built Yokoda bunker by the U.S military.”

In 2020, the U.S military had built a new underground bunker near Sodegaura at Chiba prefecture.

“Is that so? Great! I was living every day in fear...”

“Once the U.S congress approves the war, the Pentagon will give us additional answers. Until then, why don’t we move to the Yokota underground bunker?”

“Very well. Things seem to be going smoothly. Shouldn’t we call over the joint military command and have them prepare to cooperate with the U.S military?”

“Don’t worry, sir. I have already called them over before coming here.”

“You are truly a man of action, Minister Shibasaki.”

“It’s nothing, sir.”

Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro and Minister Shibasaki were brimming with hope after hearing the news about America entering the war against Corea. Thirty minutes later, the military commanders had arrived at the bunker to start the meeting about Japan and America’s joint military activities.

<hr />

February 13th, 2021, 21:30 (U.S.T 08:30)

The Pentagon, Arlington, Virginia, U.S.A

After losing two LA class nuclear submarines, Defense Secretary John Wayne and 100 military commanders who had attended the video call meeting with President Trump two hours ago, were discussing tactics for the war against Corea.

The meeting discussed how much military power will America use along with which forces and weapons to deploy for the war effort.

The Pentagon had excluded the use of nuclear bombs since Corea did not hold any nuclear weapons, but they had decided to use the GBU-43/B, also known as the Mother of All Bombs (MOAB), and the GBU-43/B II.

Each round was approximately 170,000 dollars and quite pricey. However, it had the capability to wipe out anything within a 500m radius, and the U.S air force owned 500 rounds. Their targets were the Corean marines that had landed on Japanese soil.

Also, the 3rd and 7th fleets were to take down the Corean navy and deter additional Corean forces from landing on Japan. The 3rd fleet’s 1st, 3rd, and 9th carrier strike groups were to deploy their eight MEABs (Marine Expeditionary Activation Brigade) to Japanese soil to aid the U.S military on land and the Japanese army will defend Tokyo against the Corean marines and the special forces making guerilla attacks. Hence, taking back Kyushu and southwestern Honshu.

Then, the 300,000 strike forces from the American mainland were to conduct a landing mission in Young-gwang at the western sea and Busan at the same time to overtake the entire peninsula. The U.S Marines were to land at Corea’s western state, previously known as the Shandong province.

When the U.S congress officially approved the war, the U.S would begin to produce an unimaginable amount of military supplies by mobilizing all of America’s production facilities. The nation would show its full military power that had not been seen since World War 2.

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