A Bet with Slutty Evil Being!

Chapter 193 193: Formidable Deity!

Power stones☺�☺�☺�☺�


Despite the short time that this energy had been influencing her, Lauryn noticed a shift in her magical abilities. She had always been a powerful witch, but now she was even more potent.

The energy seemed to enhance her capabilities, making her stronger and more skilled in the manipulation of magical energy. It was as if she had tapped into a hidden reserve of magical power that she had never accessed before.

Lauryn was also discovering that she had an easier time manipulating the magical essence of other worlds that were different from the human world. Her power was expanding beyond the limitations of the human world and into other realms.

This newfound ability was crucial for a witch as it allowed her to travel to different worlds and tap into their unique sources of magical energy. It was a skill that only the most powerful witches possessed, and Lauryn was now one of them.

Lauryn was grateful for the increased magical abilities that she had obtained through the energy that was now coursing through her veins.

It allowed her to fully take advantage of the pacts she had made and to access her magical powers in ways that were impossible in the human world.

She was now able to conduct a complete summon without the risk of it altering her body, a feat that was once out of her reach.

With this newfound power, Lauryn summoned the most dangerous beast that she had ever made a pact with, a creature that had been lying dormant since their last encounter.

It was a creature that Lauryn had struggled to control in the past, but with the boost of power from her pacts, she was confident that she could finally harness its full potential.

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The thought of unleashing this beast filled her with both excitement and apprehension, but she knew that it was necessary if she wanted to defeat her enemies.

"I call upon thy firm pact

From the frozen wastelands of the north

I make a request of you, Fáfnir"

In the ancient language, Lauryn spoke with a clear voice, asking for the benefits that were promised in the pact. She called upon the monster from the frozen wastelands of the north and requested that it give her its ice-cold breath, as well as other abilities promised in their pact.

"Not only should you offer me your ice-cold breath, but also...

But shake yourself awake and take a breath once again."

Lauryn's eyes flickered with a fierce light as she spoke the last few words of the incantation, and she reached out with her mind to the beast she had called upon. The ground shook beneath her feet as the dragon began to stir, and Lauryn felt its presence drawing closer and closer.

Fáfnir, a dragon made entirely of ice, is a prominent figure in Norse mythology. Although the circumstances surrounding Lauryn's encounter with this formidable creature and the reason she decided to make a contract with it are unknown, calling upon the essence of such a contract, let alone a dragon, was a daunting task for Lauryn. In order to sustain herself and proceed, she had to access her hidden reserves of energy.

However, Lauryn's move was a high-stakes gamble that could end the game on the first move. Dragons, despite their incredible strength, were known for being large and unwieldy, making it easy for a nimble creature to dodge their attacks while moving swiftly.

Nonetheless, Lauryn was determined to take the risk and call upon Fáfnir's ice-cold breath, along with something else that was still unknown. The outcome of this bold move remained uncertain, and there was no telling what challenges or surprises lay ahead for Lauryn.

The summoning of Fáfnir had a tremendous impact on the area surrounding Lauryn and Luce. The ground trembled with such intensity that it felt like an earthquake was happening right underneath them.

Stones and rocks cracked and broke apart, sending showers of sand and dust flying into the air. The force of the summoning was so powerful that it created a gaping hole in the ground.

As the dust settled, two bright, azure spheres appeared in the gap. At first, Lauryn was unsure of what they could be, but as they moved, she realised they were Fáfnir's eyes.

The eyes were large and unblinking, scanning the area with a sense of cold detachment. Lauryn couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine at the sight of them.

The dragon's presence was overwhelming, and she couldn't help but wonder if she had made a mistake by summoning it.

"You have never sought my assistance in the past, you little witch. And to think that the very first time you did it, I would come to your help instead of my icy breath!"

As Lauryn stood there, she was surprised to hear a voice in her head. It took a moment for her to fully comprehend what was happening. The voice belonged to Fáfnir, the dragon she had summoned with the help of her pacts. The Fáfnir seemed to be expressing its displeasure at being called upon for the very first time.

Lauryn's mind was still reeling from the shock of hearing the voice. She had always known that Fáfnir was capable of communication, but she had never expected to hear it speak to her in her mind.

Lauryn's sense of honor and respect for her allies had always prevented her from utilizing her contract with Fáfnir for personal gain.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is pretty enough we just have to increase fan value on the novel, so 1 or 2 power stone is enough, and you can comment too it is like just one time, but if you like the novel I won't mind if you send more stones, and plz don't forget the gifts.)

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