A Bet with Slutty Evil Being!

Chapter 207 207: Disgusting!

Power stones☺️☺️☺️☺️


With a sweeping motion of his arm, he summoned an animal with a shell resembling that of a tortoise, which ran in and managed to halt the arc of light magic.Despite the animal's sacrifice, Aureal knew that she could not let Thaddeus continue to summon minions and wear her down.

She took a deep breath and charged towards him, her war hammer raised high. Thaddeus' minions swarmed towards her, but Aureal was determined to break through their ranks and take down the gluttony demon once and for all.

"You are incorrect. You cannot honestly expect me to surrender. I am not going to do that. It is expected that the thame will be catathtropic. I will make the same offer to you as I did before: Surrender, and I will only consume two of your limbs. And a wing to boot!"

Thaddeus got into a crouching position on a somewhat low boulder that offered him a good view of the area around him. At this very moment, the fallen angel was engaged in combat with a creature that resembled an armoured cat but lacked eyes, noses, and ears.

Aureal let out a sigh as she used the pommel of her hammer to break the armoured cat's neck and then replied, "You are the one who is incorrect, Thaddeus. I have no intention of surrendering to the likes of you. It's clear that you have underestimated me and my abilities."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She paused for a moment, catching her breath, and continued, "Since you have chosen to continue talking and to not surrender, I believe it is appropriate for me to reveal a skill that has been witnessed by no more than the number of individuals you can count on one hand. This is a secret art that I have been perfecting for years. I call it the 'Solar Flare.'"

Thaddeus raised an eyebrow in curiosity, his previous sneer replaced with a look of interest. "Interesting," he said. "But do not think that a mere trick will save you from my army of demons."

Aureal smiled slightly. "It's not a trick," she said. "It's a powerful spell that has the potential to destroy all of your minions in one fell swoop. But I need time to charge it up. Keep your minions at bay, and I will show you the true power of my light magic."

Thaddeus laughed mockingly. "I highly doubt that," he said. "But I'll humor you for now. Show me what you've got, fallen angel."

And with that, Aureal closed her eyes and began to concentrate. She raised her hammer to the sky, and a blinding light began to emanate from it. The demons surrounding her began to back away, sensing the immense power that was about to be unleashed.

Thaddeus watched with interest, but also with a sense of unease. He had never seen this kind of magic before, and he wasn't sure if his minions would be able to withstand it. He prepared himself for the worst, knowing that this could be the end of him and his army.

Thaddeus let out a sigh as Aureal revealed her intention to use a valuable talent that she had been reluctant to use before. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of ability she had been hiding, but he knew better than to underestimate his adversary. He tilted his head to the side, studying her with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

"If you do this, then I'll do the same thing!" Thaddeus declared, standing up and taking a few deep breaths.

He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he prepared himself for whatever Aureal was about to unleash. As he moved his hands, he summoned a swarm of small rodent-like creatures, which scurried closer to him until they were almost in his mouth.

Thaddeus picked up each of these creatures and bit off their heads one by one, relishing the taste of their flesh as he consumed every piece of them. He chewed slowly, savoring the flavour and texture of the rodents.

Once he had finished with the heads, he took his time devouring the bones, which required more attention and skill to digest. Finally, he consumed the remaining bodies, licking his lips with satisfaction.

Aureal watched in disgust as Thaddeus ate the rodents, her eyes narrowing in revulsion. She could hardly believe that her opponent was capable of such a repulsive act, but she knew that she couldn't afford to be distracted.

With a deep breath, she focused her energy and summoned a bright ball of light in the palm of her hand. The ball grew brighter and brighter until it was almost blinding to look at, and then she hurled it at Thaddeus with all her might.

The demon raised his hand to block the attack, but the light ball passed through his fingers and struck him directly in the chest.

Thaddeus let out a howl of pain as the light burned his flesh, leaving a searing mark on his chest. He staggered backwards, clutching at his chest, and then fell to the ground, writhing in agony.

Aureal stood over him, her war hammer at the ready. "Surrender now," she said, her voice firm and commanding. "Or suffer the same fate as those rodents."

Thaddeus displayed his twisted sense of satisfaction by devouring the rodent-like creatures and relishing the taste of their heads, especially the eyeballs and bones.


(A/N: Hello guys done reading. If yes, send a power stone, 1 power stone is pretty enough we just have to increase fan value on the novel, so 1 or 2 power stone is enough, and you can comment too it is like just one time, but if you like the novel I won't mind if you send more stones, and plz don't forget the gifts.)

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I will upload 5 extra chapters for every 1 magic castle🏰 . If someone is interested and want extra chapters. You know what to do. 🏰 🏰

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