A Billion Dollar Exchange

Chapter 215: He adores her

215 He adores her

By 2 pm the next day, Da Xia was already sitting in the coffee shop waiting for the sender of the letter. She had waited for about thirty minutes, but no-one approached the table. After a few extra minutes of waiting, she picked up her phone to dial the number.

It rang repeatedly but the other end was not picking up. Da Xia was getting impatient, she wondered if it was all a joke. When it was past three, she gave up and decided to leave. As she picked her bag, she felt someone approach the table. Her gaze shifted from her bag to the person standing in front of her.

The lady looked in her twenties, she was beautiful, well not as beautiful as her; she had a short hair which she made into a bob. Her eyes were blue and her lips, stretched into a smile.

''Miss Da Xia, it's nice to meet you.''

Da Xia looked at her for some time before shaking her outstretched hand briefly.

The lady chuckled lightly and sat down in front of her.

''We should discuss over coffee, shouldn't we? ... Waiter! ''

Da Xia watched as the lady ordered two cups of Cappuccino coffee with an elegant smile, she only turned to look at her when the waiter walked away.

''Hi, my name is Yan Ran, it's really nice to meet you.''

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''You already know my name, there's no need introducing myself.'' Da Xia replied curtly.

Yan Ran smiled, ''Yeah, that's right. There's no need.''

''You said you had something to tell me.'' Da Xia was very eager to hear of her rival; her hands underneath the table gripped the edge anxiously.

Yan Ran stared at her for a while then laughed lightly. Almost at the same time, the waiter returned with a tray containing their orders.

He served them both, before walking away.

Yan Ran rubbed her palms together, then picked up her cup and took a sip.

''Mm… so sweet, this place has the best coffee in town.'' Da Xia was out of patience, she could see that Yan Ran would not co-operate unless something was involved.

''How much? How much do you want?''

Yan Ran paused for a moment before dropping her cup of coffee.

''Ouch! You're so smart!'' She chuckled then brought out a piece of paper from her bag, passing it across the table.

'5 million Yuan'

Da Xia's gaze shifted to the lady in front of her for a second, and then she laughed. She picked the paper up and folded it severally.

''You know, I can find out who that woman is without paying a dime, what makes you think I would give you 5 million Yuan for it?''

Yan Ran picked up her cup and sipped from it.

''Because I am what you need if you want her to leave his side ''

Da Xia frowned slightly; she crossed her arms and asked,

''How? ''

''Because I live with them ''

Yan Ran smiled evilly. She dropped the cup and leaned back on the seat, smacking her lips.

Da Xia stared at the lady in front of her extremely confused. What did she mean by living with them?

'"You live with them? I don't understand, she lives with him, together?''

A slight chuckle escaped Yan Ran's lips as she saw Da Xia's pitiful look.

''The money first ''

''How will i be sure that you would do what you've promised if I give you the money? ''

Yan Ran laughed eerily; she picked up her coffee and stirred it with the small spoon.

''If I can't have him, she can't have him either.''

Da Xia's lips fluttered but she could not speak. Now she understood why she was very eager to help her..

''So, are you in or out? ''

She stared at her for some time before taking out a cheque-book from her bag; she scribbled something on it and passed it across the table.

''Mm… good, very good ''

Yan Ran smiled when she saw what was written on the cheque, she quickly folded it and took out her purse from her bag, gently placing it in it, zipping the purse she put it into her bag.

''She's prettier than you… way prettier.'' Yan Ran commented as she closed her bag. Da Xia felt her heart boil with jealousy but she did not say a word.

''And he likes her a lot… no, he adores her. You need to see the way he looks at her, like she's the only woman in the world, he sees no-one else…''

Yan Ran stopped for a while, seeing that Da Xia was getting annoyed.

''I'll help you get rid of her, but I can't assure you that he would even glance at you.'' Yan Ran chuckled, she sipped from her coffee, but given the weather it was already a bit cold, so she dropped it.

''That's not part of your business, just do your part. First, what do you mean by living together?''

Da Xia asked inquisitively, a frown on her forehead.

''Well, she came in and took over from me as his personal maid, that was how it all began. She was given a room upstairs which had never happened before, I thought it was because he wanted her to be closer to him when he needed her but that changed when I caught them kissing in the kitchen…''

Da Xia's throat felt dry instantly, she could not believe what she just heard.

''To think that Liu Wei would fall for an ordinary maid with no background! That was insane! And here she was trying to bring herself up to his standards! What exactly did he see in that low-life of a lady!''

''This happened long time ago, so fast forward to now, she currently has a personal driver and a brand new car and she practically sleeps with him and … yes! Lest I forget, she is now a signed artist in his record label, I don't think I need to tell you who helped her achieve that.''

''Interesting! '' Da Xia forced a word out of her mouth after a moment of silence. There she was thinking that there was no woman around him, who would have thought that he was living with her under the same roof!

''So what's her name?'' She finally asked. Yan Ran saw the bitterness in her eyes and smiled victoriously.

Her plan was working perfectly!

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