A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 2: life experience

Chapter 2: life experience

Chapter 2 Life experience

The maid Xiumei stood at the door like a watchman, saw Wei Ruo from a distance, trotted forward, saw Wei Ruo carrying a bamboo basket of herbs, and said in a distressed and slightly complaining tone :

"Miss, why did you run to the mountain alone again? How dangerous it is!"

While speaking, Xiumei had skillfully taken Wei Ruo's bamboo basket and carried it on her back.

"Good Meimei, I didn't go up the dangerous cliff, really! There are many rare medicinal herbs on the mountain, which are worth a lot of money. If I don't pick them, I will be reckless!"

"That won't work! Your body is not as strong as mine! Even if you want to go, you have to take me with you! The master you invited taught me so much kung fu, I have to use it!"

"Who will cook for me when I bring you up the mountain? My good plums and my five internal organs temple are all counting on you!" Wei Ruo said coquettishly.

Today's trip was exhausting for her. Her stamina bar had been exhausted after running long distances to collect herbs, and she was about to be useless after giving birth.

"I'll make it for you when I come back! You ran to the mountains alone, and I was worried at home. The rice couldn't be cooked properly, and I couldn't tell the difference between salt and sugar!"

Xiumei stomped her feet.

"I'm hungry." Wei Ruo looked up at Xiumei eagerly.

"Miss, you changed the subject again!" Xiumei was helpless.

"Don't starve me, you see I'm so thin." Wei Ruo rubbed his belly, implying that it was in place.

When he was just saving people, he didn't even frown when he was in such a critical situation, but now he is acting cute and cute with his maid for a meal.

"Okay, okay, it's been done a long time ago, it's all simmering in the stove, it's hot! I'll go and serve it to you."

Xiumei turned around and entered the kitchen while muttering.

There is no way, who made their lady's food-hungry eyes so painful? I can't stand it!

The yard where Wei Ruo lives is full of various plants, including ornamental flowers, medicinal materials, and crops.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The only space is reserved for a stone table. When the weather is good, Wei Ruo likes to eat, drink tea and bask in the sun at the stone table.

This is a separate courtyard of the He family, and there are only two people living here, Wei Ruo and her maid, Xiumei.

If Wei Ruo crossed over, she became a supporting actress in the book.

In the original book, she is the daughter of the Wei family, a family of officials, who was taken away by the He family, a family of merchants.

When he was raised in the He family of merchants until he was three years old, he was ordered by a fortune teller to say that he would kill his parents, so he was sent to this other courtyard.

Only Wei Ruo's nanny and maid Xiumei came together.

After that, the He family sent five taels of silver every month, and they stopped asking.

Even during the holidays, Wei Ruo never saw them again.

Now Wei Ruo is thirteen years old, and has lived in this Zhuangzi for ten full years.

For Wei Ruo, she likes life in Zhuangzi very much, and likes dealing with the villagers.

She doesn't want to go back to He's house, nor to her biological parents' house, because in the original book, whether she is in He's house or in her biological parents' house, she has a very difficult life.

Early next morning, after breakfast, Wei Ruo and Xiumei went out together.

The other courtyard where Wei Ruo lives is backed by hills, and there are large tracts of farmland just outside the door.

It is the busy season of farming, and the villagers are busy transplanting rice seedlings in the fields.

When Wei Ruo passed by, the villagers greeted her one after another.

"Ruoruo, my boss hunted a rabbit up the mountain today, I left you a rabbit leg, remember to ask Xiumei to take it back later!"

"Miss Ruo'er, I picked some water celery today, and I will share it with you. Let Xiumei take it."

"Miss Ruoer, the medicine you gave last time is really useful, my tiger will be fine after taking it!"


Wei Ruo greeted them and came to his field.

Like everyone else, she took off her shoes, stepped barefoot into the muddy rice fields, and started planting rice seedlings.

Xiumei persuaded Wei Ruo several times to rest beside her and let her do it, but Wei Ruo insisted on doing it herself.

Because she has a reason to plant it herself.

Wei Ruo has a space, which appeared during time travel. The entrance of the space is in the palm of her left hand, with a red spot, like a cinnabar mole.

There is a simple thatched hut in the space. At first, the hut was empty and there was nothing.

There is nothingness outside the thatched hut, a vast expanse of whiteness, as if shrouded in a thick fog.

Later, Wei Ruo began to decorate the thatched hut. Over the course of several years, he added furniture, made arrangements, and stored items from the hut.

As Wei Ruo built the interior of the thatched hut, the dense fog outside the house receded a bit, and a square of land about two meters by two meters appeared. Rice was planted on the land when it appeared.

So Wei Ruo started planting rice, and when the rice was ripe and harvested, Wei Ruo gained experience points.

After planting several times, the experience points were full, the space was upgraded, the thick fog in front of the house receded again, and a new piece of land of the same size appeared, and sweet potatoes were planted on the land at this time.

At this time, Wei Ruo understood that her own space can be upgraded, and the experience needed to upgrade is obtained through her planting. After the experience value is full, she can upgrade. After the upgrade, new land and new seeds will appear.

This is very similar to an online game "Happy Farm" that has been played for many years. You can gain experience by planting. After the experience is full, you can upgrade to get new plantable land and new seeds.

Later, Wei Ruo took out the rice seeds in the space and planted them, and she also gained experience after harvesting, but only if she planted them herself, and the part that was distributed to the villagers could not gain experience.

So whether she is in the space or outside the space, she needs to fight in person.

The master and servant were busy, when suddenly two nuns and a group of people appeared on the field beside Wei Ruo.

Seeing Wei Ruo standing barefoot in the mud with his face covered in mud, the two nuns showed disgusted expressions in unison.

What does this look like? All the maids in the house are more decent than her!

"We are the servants of the captain's mansion, and we are here to pick up the lady back to the mansion under the order of the master and his wife." The nanny explained the purpose of coming.

The Captain's Mansion? Xiumei looked surprised, and asked: "You guys are mistaken, my young lady lives in the county town, and I don't know any school lieutenants."

"It used to be, but from now on, it's no longer." One of the nuns said, "My master has already investigated clearly. When we were in Haining Mansion, the He family and our Mrs. Xiaowei gave birth in Guanyin Temple at the same time, and met rogues. Going into the mountain, I hugged the wrong child in my panic."

Another nun added: "Your adoptive parents' family, that is, the He family who does business in the county, has agreed to us to pick you up."

Hearing that, Xiumei opened her mouth wide and was too surprised to speak.

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