A Death Row Convict Teaches at a School of Magic

Chapter 33: Assault

Chapter 33: Assault

In the flash of an eye, three arrows were shot from Hunters hand.


The interval was too short to knock them off with a sword.

Fina, with her legs supported by Gale, masterfully evaded the arrows.

Yet, a red magic circle emerged at the spot where Fina set down her right foot after dodging the third arrow. It was a Rock Icicle magic trap planted by Hunter.

A pointed boulder, similar to one that would grow in a limestone cave, was ejected from the magic circle roughly coinciding with Finas leaping upward in a flurry of movement. The tip of the boulder grazed her left leg, but the time to be conscious of it was nonexistent. On the ground, Hunter was already drawing his bow, aiming for her.

Your competency is certainly terrific, but!

From Hunter, a blow was delivered at sonic speed. The velocity of the arrow itself, as well as the swiftness with which the bow was drawn, was impeccable, but it was not a speed that could be countered. Even though magic defense could not be applied on time, Fina possessed first-rate swordsmanship.

Fina slashed both sides of the arrow in mid-air, seemingly soaring through the air. It was struck down spectacularly.


Right there, a severe pain seized Finas abdomen.

After managing to land on the roof of the church, her eyes immediately swept over her own body only to behold her abdomen, now stained with small pools of blood. Touching the area of her abdomen, the sensation of cold iron greeted her. That was the moment understanding was brought into Finas grasp.

You shot another invisible arrow on top of the current blow, right?

Thats very perceptive of you. It seems you didnt see this one coming.

She was completely outwitted

The outline of the arrow gradually became vague, and Fina grasped it and yanked it out of her own abdomen in one sharp action.

Blood splattered wildly from the wound, and the physical sensation of agonizing pain nearly drove her unconscious, but she persevered, clenching her teeth.

Fina administered Lesser Heal to the area around her abdomen while glaring at Hunter, who was smirking as he observed her.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Medical magic in combat was limited to first aid at a minimum. Priority should be set on stopping bleeding, and when the pain proved to be acute, ice-type magic can be cast on the affected area to both stop the bleeding and numb the pain, allowing combat to continue unimpeded.


Just like what was taught in Kanakis class before, Fina performed ice magic on her own wounds. A blazing pain was felt in the affected area, but it soon subsided and faded to a dull ache that was not of alarming concern. The first aid treatment was apparently successful, as she could move with no obstacles.

It looked like a textbook first aid treatment. Do all students receive that kind of lesson nowadays?

Mine is an exceptional one. Being in charge of protecting Lady Karen, there is nothing greater than being equipped with the ability to administer medical magic in the event of an emergency. On top of that, Selbeth Academy employs a superb or perhaps not, but a remarkable school nurse who possesses exceptional teaching abilities.

Hmm. That teacher saved your life, huh!

Hunter, along with his words, simultaneously nocked three arrows and fired them.

Fina, who had averted a catastrophic wound while dodging the arrows, predictably repelled the invisible arrow that came flying a beat later with a magic barrier. This invisible arrow must be watched out for from now on. The burden of having to sharpen her nerves to the sounds of the other partys offense paled in comparison to what she had just endured.

At her feet lay a trap. In front of her, the hunter unleashed three arrows precisely and in one breath. Moreover, the timing of the arrival of the invisible arrows was a mystery to her. For Fina, the predicament was a nightmare.

But if she can survive Hunters onslaught merely five more timesno, simply four morethen victory will be hers.

Finas flesh was ripped by the Rock Icicle that materialized at her feet, and she took down a flying arrow with her magic sword as her face distorted in anguish.

Around fifteen minutes after Fina left in pursuit of Hunter.

At the main gate of Lilith Central Hospital, two men from the Garrison Corps who were guarding there noticed a man coming from across the street. When they glanced at him, they found that he was a young man in a garrison uniform, seemingly carrying someone on his back.

Between the main gate and the hospital entrance, the Garrison Corps had erected a simple tent, and several of the citys leading Garrison Corps dignitaries were waiting inside. The two garrisoned soldiers, who had been strictly instructed not to permit anyone to pass through, called out to the men approaching in loud voices that resonated through the street.

This hospital is being guarded by the Garrisoned Corps for a reason! If it is an emergency, you must seek help at another hospital!

W-Wait a minute! I am Lloyd Amalfi, a member of the Garrison Corps! The head of Stem Unit who was in charge of Salto District was killed by a Golem, and we have received orders to withdraw and return!

The Salto District was a suburban area, a long way from the hospital. It was true that Golem had made an appearance there, and the Garrison Corps, which was patrolling the area, had been reported to have engaged in a battle

The man guarding the gate arched an eyebrow at the unanticipated response. He turned to face his partner, who was also guarding the gate and received a nod from him.

Indeed, we seem to have received such a report. Private Lloyd Amalfi has been ordered to withdraw.

I see Then, Private Amalfi! Who is that man you are carrying on your back!

Hes a student from Selbeth Academy who collapsed on the way here! I have verified the student handbook in his possession, and his name is Luke Strait!

Please confirm this with Commander Shiva.

His colleague nodded and contacted him with his communication magical tool, and a familiar, weighty, low voice rang out from the stone.

[There is undoubtedly a Kaguya unit nearby that is commanded by a student by the name of Luke Strait. Reports of the emergence of a sorcery Golem had been received there as well, so he was most likely struck by it. Fine. Allow them both to enter.]

Are you sure? We have now confirmed the presence of a defector among us as well. There is a chance that both of them have been sent by the assailants

[Not a problem. I have already confirmed both of them through See-through from here. No weapons are found on Amalfi, and I dont feel any magical power on the other one. He must be very weakened. Let them in at once. In return, if Amalfi behaves in the slightest strange way, restrain him on the spot.]

The gatekeeper asked boldly, to which Shiva answered without seeming to be bothered by it.

A slight relief washed over the gatekeeper, and he summoned up a bit more courage to ask another question.

I understand. Incidentally, this matter should be brought to Kaguyas attention

[I have sent Sharon to them just now. It will be an ex post facto report, but thats fine. If anything, since we saved the other sides personnel, Rain will probably become a little more docile.]

Shiva was a strict, yet indiscriminate, individual who welcomed everyone with open arms. Rain Aldar of Kaguya was the only one Shiva had an adverse attitude to. Shiva likely did not have a positive view of Kaguya after Rain was appointed its commander, whose work greatly outperformed that of the Security Forces, and of Rains fearless demeanor, which he openly and unabashedly declared and accused the Security Forces of being negligent.

The gatekeeper, though mildly apprehensive, agreed to Shivas order and allowed Amalfi to pass through the gate.

Amalfi, having thanked him, approached them at a brisk pace. They observed Amalfi, who was also rather scruffily attired with countless lacerations on his face when they turned to face him. The two gatekeepers gazes spontaneously drifted in that direction.

Without a doubt, even with treatment, the scars would last. He was young, yet his face ended up looking like this despite the saying that scars were a mans medal

The gatekeepers who had sons the age of Amalfi sent their sympathies in their hearts, though their faces didnt reveal it.

That was why, even though the guy Amalfi was carrying was drooping weakly, they did not inspect his face.

And right when Amalfi was about to pass through the main gate of Lilith Central Hospital, the urgent voice of Sharon was unexpectedly heard from the communication magical tool.

[Please double-check the student before you let him in! In Kaguya, all the members of the unit are communicating by Message. Luke Strait should have been given the responsibility of pursuing Hunter earlier, and how can he be lying in this vicinity]

Before their understanding registered, the man who was supposed to have been carried on the back was standing right in front of the gatekeeper.

Not even having time to doubt, the mans fist that dominated his vision became the very last sight of the gatekeeper for the rest of his life.

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