A Death Row Convict Teaches at a School of Magic

Chapter 45: Bouquet of Farewell to the Murder Princess (4)

Chapter 45: Bouquet of Farewell to the Murder Princess (4)

(T/N: The first few sentences are exactly the same as the previous chapter. Its not a mistake, the author wrote the same thing. And you can adjust the size of the font on the website at the top of the page if you didnt realize it)

[Hee. That kind of magic is novel to me. But it seems to be draining you as well, and that kind of stylish magic doesnt suit you, Kanaki.]

Its none of your business.

While saying that, I can hardly keep my balance. In the meantime, a wave of new demons crawled out of the floor in droves. They didnt strike me as being as formidable as Shiva, but that didnt prove that I was capable of fending them off.

Ill take care of the enemies in the back. Please concentrate on the adversaries in front of you, Teacher Kanaki!

What! Arti!?

Hearing that emanating from my back, a startled yelp erupted from me.

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I inadvertently turned my head back, and my vision was replaced by an image of Arti, who was clutching Chakrameth in her right hand while standing firmly behind me as if she had been in tears.

Arti, thats

Hehe, were you taken aback? The truth is I was practicing Chakrameth with Eto teaching me in secret. I heard that Eto had already learned it on her own, so

When that was said, it reminded me, too, that Eto was adept at adjusting magical power more delicately than any ordinary person. Since the output of the blade had to be constantly regulated, Chakrameth was one of the five lower-class magics that were the toughest to master, so it was no wonder that Eto had taught herself how to wield it. Despite having received instruction from Eto, it must have cost a disproportionate amount of effort for Arti to be able to manipulate Chakrameth to this degree.

I heard that this is your specialty magic, Teacher Kanaki, so if I can fully perfect it Eto and I are going to surprise you by showcasing it to you!

I didnt realize that.

Artis words trailed off at the end, and her eyes were downcast.

Then, without wasting any chance, the demon that resembled a skeleton dashed outside and sought to thrust a simple sword at Arti as if it were a matter of course.


Having turned to the front of Arti, I severed both of its swords with my Chakrameth and crushed the skeletons skull with my backhanded fist.

If you exert yourself so strenuously, you will soon exhaust your magical power. And if the blade is not a little thinner, the sharpness will be compromised. Ill teach you next time.

I felt Arti gulp behind me a split second later.

Yes, thank you!

The end of her line was distinctly wet, but still, the reply conveyed her desperate desire to move forward.

[Hahaha, you make her cry, Kanaki. But I wonder what kind of face Arti would make if I killed you in front of her. The entertainment will be terrific, I cant wait!]

I am not in the mood to indulge in your games this time. Didnt I tell you so?

A spectacular explosion tore the living rooms walls to pieces. The distinctive noise of shattering glass made it crystal clear that Alices barrier had now been destroyed as well.


I have arrived late, Kanaki.

You are

The figure that surfaced from the end of the corridorMatthiasuttered this in a low-pitched yet mysteriously resonant voice.

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