A Death Row Convict Teaches at a School of Magic

Chapter 74 - Chapter 8: Expedition - Under One’s Control

Chapter 74 - Chapter 8: Expedition - Under One’s Control

(T/N: We are halfway through the first half of the story. Kingdom of Ortesia storyline will soon end. I cant believe it only take me this less amount of time to translate it. At this rate, it will only be within 3 weeks of completing the translation of the first half.)

By the time I entered the now-familiar coffee shop, my rendezvous was already settled into a seat.

Hello, sorry for the wait.


The girl raised her shoulders in an over-the-top gesture at my call from behind.

Excuse me, did I spook you? Have you been waiting long?

No, we only arrived a few minutes ago.

A tinge of sharpness was contained in Felts words. In the corner of her worried eyes was filled with a pitiful Sasha, who was all shaken up.

I see, thats good to knowoh, owner, coffee for me too.

Calling out to the owner, who was no doubt in the kitchen while I plopped down in a chair, an incisive reply followed, yet there was a sense of being overstrained somehow. Perhaps he was attuned to our cutthroat atmosphere.

Then Felt questioned me, So, why have you called us here today? in a voice that was undeniably disturbed.

Good grief, Ms. Felt, please dont be so defensive. Even Ms. Sasha is intimidated, right?

You are the one that terrifies her

Even without you mentioning it, I can tell.

Felts words conveyed such an underlying meaning.

Oh, are you still dwelling on what happened that day? I have already made her expiated for what she did to Mr. Hansa, so I have no further desire to cause her harmfor the time being that is.


As though there was an earthquake solely around Sasha, a tremor swept through her.

Such torture was apparently unbearable, even for the Cannibal Merchant. Even Felt shot me a fierce look. She may have meant I shouldnt tease Sasha too much.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Well, all joking aside, the reason I called you two here today is to discuss business.

At this point, the owner walked up to me and my words were cut short.

An iced coffee was set down in front of me, and I ordered an extra scoop of vanilla ice cream from him.

Right as the owner retreated to the back of the establishment, Felt carried on with the conversation.

Are you referring to anything other than the work I am now performing under your direction when you say business?

This is unpleasant, Ms. Felt. I have not given you any instructions, but rather requested the two of you to do it for me. Even the remuneration will be properly handed over to you.

I gave a strained smile as I replied, to which Felt stared back at me bitterly. At the time of my initial visit with Felt in this store, the impression I perceived was that she was more like Alicea free and unrestrained personwhereas now she has lost all such impressions and has replaced the image of a small animal that constantly exercised vigilance as if dealing with a monstrous creature.

So, whats the job?

Felt was probably adopting a new frame of mind to finish the conversation with me in a timely manner. The fact that she was intelligent in her own way was one of Felts strong traits.

Yes, actually, I will be out of the city for a while starting in five days

At that moment, the small jump in Sashas shoulders was too noticeable not to register. As a merchant, Sasha would originally be much more adept at this kind of negotiation, but since her heart has been wrecked, she has become fascinatingly submissive and docile before my presence, which served only to facilitate my management of her.

According to Felt, to other merchants and wanted criminals, though, Sasha was still as haughty as ever, so it was fair to presume that she had finally become my perfect slave.

While I am away, of course, I will continuously monitor you, and if there is even the faintest indication of treachery, I will be back immediately. After that, you understand the situation best even if nothing else needs to be said, dont you?

O-Of course! I will absolutely not double-cross you, never, never, never! So

Please remain composed. This is all hypothetical until the very end. I do trust you, too, Ms. Sasha.

Had I put my trust in her, I would not have employed Envy to monitor her. In fact, Felt looked at me coldly.

The owner then came out of the kitchen and served me vanilla ice cream.

Thank you very much.

As expected of the owner. Even though I did not specify the number of servings, he made sure to bring enough for all three of us. Not only was he tactful, but he was also excellent at reading the atmosphere and promptly withdrawing to the kitchen.

Shall we eat then?

? Even us?

Yes, I would have recommended the stew had it not been summer, but it must have been tough in todays heat, and you both spent the morning working outside, didnt you?

Both of them exhibited a shocked expression at that moment.

How did you know?

Thats why I am monitoring you.

A chuckle rose to my lips before I lifted my spoon to my mouth. As the vanilla ice cream melted in my mouth, its rich sweetness washed over my entire body as if to soothe my exhausted state.

I turned to gaze at the two of them, who were taking a mouthful of ice cream while exuding expressions of astonishment. Everything the owner made here was divine, wasnt it

I am glad you enjoyed it. Oh, you can put frozen fruit on it optionally, too. I think you would especially like it, Ms. Sasha.

I-I would love that.

All right.

To put Sasha at ease, a reassuring smile graced my face, and she returned a modest smile as well.

Sashas face relaxed this time as a gentle grin blanketed her features as I instantly mixed the frozen mandarin oranges that the owner had brought over into the ice cream.

Felt inquired with a bewildered countenance as I watched smiling.

Hey what in the world is your purpose?

? What do you mean?

You dont have to do this, we will obey your orders. So that kind of thing is

I already said its a request.

My words were accompanied by a wry smile.

Besides, its only human nature to appreciate those who have been working under the blazing sun.

What on earth are you?

What am I huh I am a teacher at a school of magic, you know.

A broad sigh escaped from Felt.

This world is beyond saving.

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