A Degenerate's Tale

Chapter 91 The Tree Of Life, Venroris

"We've arrived. This is Venroris." Saryll said when they arrived at the end of the dirt path which was a dead end.

A moment later, their surroundings opened up to reveal a magnificent city.

"The Tree of Life," Ari commented from behind.

A single tree could be seen in the distance. Or rather, a part of the tree. This tree was so large that the other trees Earl had seen on the way were nothing compared to it.

The entire city was built at the base of the tree under the protection of it. Its large branches and leaves acted as a cover that covered the city in a large shadow.

Small amounts of sunlight seeped through from the leaves but it was not enough to give the city sufficient light. The main source of lights were the fruits and buildings that were hanging off the trees.

The fruits were the size of a house. They emitted a warm orange light which served as a lantern and the main source of light for the city.

Buildings that were on the branches of this main tree were considerably more detailed and elegant than the ones on the base of it. Every building shared the similarity in the abundant vines and moss that covered them. These vines gave it an elven elegance.

"It's beautiful," Earl whispered. The capital of Ablax was nothing in comparison to this. With certainty, he could say that this was the most beautiful city he had ever been to.

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And he was not the only one sharing this sentiment. At his sides, Aria and Lily were practically gawking. They've never seen anything close to this before with their background. One was from a small tribe. The other had no memories of her life in the Demon Continent.

"This is your first time visiting too isn't it, Archmage?"

"Yes. I've heard that only referred individuals are able to enter the city."

"Exactly. We are prideful people. Not just anyone can step into this place. Come, you people haven't seen anything yet." Saryll continued to lead the way.

Earl's eyes lingered on the queen's supple ass as she walked in front of them.

They were currently located at the entrance of the city. A large, ancient gate welcomed them. The gate was so large that it looked like a dragon could fit through it without a problem.

The ground was made of old bricks that were uniform throughout the city. Like everything else, a sparse amount of vine and moss had made their way onto these bricks.

Guards stood at the gate. They were dressed lightly and held longbows in their hand. As expected, they followed the elven stereotype.

They did not make a commotion at the sight of their queen. They silently went into the position of attention to welcome the matriarch and they were able to enter the city without any trouble.

Saryll lead them to a nearby magic circle after going through the gate.

"We have these teleportation circles all over the city. They are usually spaced out by every few blocks." The Elven Queen stepped onto the circle.

Blue light covered their figures and they reappeared at a different part of the city.

Elves were walking everywhere but it was not loud or hectic in the least. Their level of civilization was at a different level in this area too, Earl noted.

And needless to say, every single one of them was beautiful. It was a feast for the eyes.

They stepped through several more teleportation circles to arrive at the very base of the Tree of Life.

There was not much difference here besides the buildings looking older. Elves have lived for who knows long and these buildings reflected that thought.

It was obvious that they started building the city from the base first before expanding outwards. This was the reason why buildings were older near the base and newer at the edges.

The Queen looked around and then lead them in a different direction. This entire time, they had been following her like little ducklings.

It was a strange thought for the leader of a nation to be showing them around like this but at the same time, it was understandable. This was her way of expressing respect towards Ari's status as an Archmage.

"We've cleared out this plot for you people," Saryll said.

In an area full of old buildings, an empty plot was very out of place.

"I know you brought your Magic Tower with you. This area should suffice, right?" She looked at Ari expectantly.

"It's just about right." Ari nodded with a smile. She lifted her hand to call her mana forward. Her purple crown lit up in response as an immense amount of mana was gathered.

Runes assembled themselves at the empty plot. One rune, two runes, ten runes, a hundred runes, a thousand.

This amazing sight caused the Elven Queen to take a step back. Her emerald green eyes were wide open as they were enraptured by this sight.


At the completed construction of the runes, Ari's Magic Tower appeared at the empty plot. The tasteful design of the building blended in with the old, rustic elven buildings perfectly.

"This mana control... absolutely magnificent..." Saryll muttered to herself. It took a moment for her to recover her composure fully. With a bright light in her green eyes, she looked at Ari. "You truly are, an Archmage!"

"It is a significant milestone indeed." Ari acknowledged without humbling herself. "However, the path of Magic does not end here."


And so, Earl was able to witness firsthand the process of his mother getting a fangirl.

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