A Gorgeous White

Chapter 154: A Man Driven By Pain

Chapter 154: A Man Driven By Pain

It was the freshness of the air that caused a sigh of comfort escaped from the youth's lips. He was wearing the inner garments of his uniform which made him feel the coolness of the air around him a bit more. Tiny rocks crunched beneath his steps as he walked alongside the elder healer of the naga tribe. 

As he walked, his gaze intently observed his surroundings. The tribe was big. They planted crops, raised livestock, and the people were helpful and cooperative with each other. They lived in peace within the dangerous forests and seems to be used to the horrors of the forests. What amazed Moulin was the female naga's skill of weaving. Their techniques were unique and produced beautiful results. Their works were used to decorate their homes and for clothing. 

Although he felt a slight enthusiasm in his tour, he also felt awkward and strange. Moulin furrowed his eyebrows as he felt numerous gazes turning to him whenever he would pass by. If it were normal people in Aurona, he would've felt annoyed. However, presently he only felt a little embarrassed as curious looks were thrown at his way. Even the little children who kept peeking at him in Satriya's tent were silently following him and Satriya.

Moulin knitted his brows. When he briefly glanced behind his shoulder, the children grinned at him with sparkling eyes. He smiled back and turned around.

'He smiled at me!'

'No, it was me! He was looking at me!'

'He looked at all of us!'

The elder sister shushed them with a finger on her lips. The children covered their mouths and nodded. The pretty man would be sad if they were loud. It was what their sister told them.

Not a moment later the sister smiled, 'Hehe, he was looking at me'

And the arguments started to begin again. Satriya heard their endless banter and shook her head. Her eyes turned to Moulin with a helpless look. "The children are loud. They have always been that way. Curious and loud..."

Moulin only chuckled, "I understand. They must have found it strange to see someone with... two legs..." He trailed off while lightly scratching his cheek with a finger thoughtfully.

Satriya laughed loudly making Moulin surprised. Was what I said funny?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The naga healer smiled as she looked at Moulin. "They have seen other beastmen and beast women from other tribes who also possess two legs. Some hairy, and some covered in feathers. However, I know that they do not find you strange at all even if you possess such fair and pale legs." There was amusement in her eyes. "From their eyes, I think they find you quite fascinating that they could not help but keep their eyes at you..."

Moulin stared at her for a few seconds before lowering his gaze with a smile. "How would you know?"

"You can see it in their eyes, can you not? And my thoughts aren't less different than what they think of you too." She replied. "Our chief is very grateful to his son's savior. The whole tribe knows it all..."

Moulin felt flattered. He smiled shyly, trying his best to hide it but Satriya and the children noticed his reactions. Moulin muttered softly, "I see..."

'I did think of making him a hostage for our escape though' Moulin thought silently. He was glad things turned out okay.

"Ah, We are here..."

Moulin lifted his gaze and saw a big wooden hut. Its roof was covered with thousands of twigs and its curved walls were made of mud and rocks. It was carefully constructed. Satriya glanced at the youth who was staring at the house. She revealed a faint smile and escorted Moulin toward's the curtains entrance. She threw a look at the naga children behind them and they giddily scrambled away with playful smiles. They'll wait for the pretty man to exit the house of the chief's son. With that plan in mind, they began to hide behind a tree and play with the bugs on the ground.

As the naga healer parted the slit of the curtains, Moulin entered as soon as Satriya opened the curtains for him. A pleasant smell entered his nose. The space inside was cramped because of the division which divided the other half of the space inside the shelter.

There was no one inside. Knitting his eyebrows in confusion, Moulin glanced at Satriya who rubbed her chin. Her eyes patiently stared at the woven partitions as if expecting someone to emerge from them. Seeing that they had to wait for someone to come out, Moulin took the time to curiously inspect the room. There were old stone tables and a rough patterned fabric covering them. Its surface was smooth and filled with wooden bowls of fresh fruit and empty cups. A chisel and hammer with wood dust cluttered the table as well. There were smoothly carved staffs leaning by the stoned walls.

The person who lives here must be a carver, Moulin thought. 

While gently picking up one of the empty wooden cups, the partition opened revealing a head of black messy hair and dark circles under the man's snake-like eyes. Moulin turned his head and immediately recognized Seryu's haggard face. "...?"

"Oh..." Seryu squinted his eyes as he rubbed them. When Moulin's healthy countenance met his gaze, his eyes widened in delight. "You're awake!"

His hands immediately caught Moulin's hands that were holding the cup. Moulin looked at him, startled.

The young naga felt his warm temperature and he deeply sighed in relief. "Good. This is good." He turned to Satriya and bowed with a fist at the center of his chest. "You have my gratitude, Elder."

The naga healer smiled, "There is no need to thank me, Nephew. This young man conquered his sickness by himself. I take joy from abating his pain."

Nephew? Silver eyes glanced at Seryu.

"Thank you, Elder." Seryu then returned his gaze to Moulin. Meeting those deep scrutinizing silver eyes, Seryu suddenly felt conscious of his actions. He bashfully removed his hands and apologized to Moulin softly. The latter didn't mind his abrupt actions. Moulin felt that Seryu was trustworthy at least for now.

"Then please excuse us. I must hurry and bring Moulin to his lover." Seryu bowed. 

Moulin whipped his head at him. '..?!'

"Oh, you can go. That is the reason why I brought him to you." Satriya chuckled. "That man must long for this young man to open his eyes. He looked so anxious the first time I met him." She gestured them to hurry.

Moulin hadn't even said a word before Seryu grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. "W-wait-"

He glanced at Satriya who exited the entrance of the house and warmly waved at them.

Moulin gave her a helpless smile before letting Seryu take him away hastily. With a frown, he turned to the young naga, "Can you slow down?"

Seryu responded, "Forgive me if I must take you to him as soon as possible. Your companion, Ordan, is resting well and he just awoke a day ago. But you have been asleep for two days... That man... He's been ravaging the forests and cruelly hunting down almost mercilessly. Although he says he was fine, I feel there is something wrong with him. He's too quiet and I feel like he would explode at any moment if you had kept your eyes shut for a few more days." He hurriedly explained as he ducked under a massive tree trunk carried by two nagas. Moulin almost hit his head if it wasn't for Seryu's warning.

Is... he talking about Hadrian? Moulin furrowed his brows in worry.

"Is... Is he alright?" Moulin asked in concern.

Seryu glanced back at him with an uncertain expression. "I do not know. But... I believe you can tell if you meet him yourself..."

Silver eyes deepened. Moulin hastened his steps as worry washed inside him. 


Under the bright sky, the sound of birds filled the air. The trees were towering as they surrounded a clearing that was not far from the fields of the tribes. The grounds were dry and dusty except for the outer ends of the area where blood drenched the soil gruesomely. The scent of iron could be smelled from several meters away. At the edge of the clearing, just before the trees, a pile of animal corpses towered as high as the trees around the area.

Various animals from the smallest wild rabbit to the largest colossal creatures in the forests. Beastly mouths gaped and eyes were wide and lifeless. Their blood dyed the ground and their necks were cleanly cut,  allowing every drop of blood to vacate the body.

A sword was plunged deeply on the ground. Blood dripped from its hilt and its gleaming black blade. The master of the sword stood in front of him. Chest heaving and his bare sweat sheened toro were exposed to the air. His abdominal muscles clenched and bulged as he bent to rest his palm at the end of the blunt hilt. His pants wrapped tightly around his legs, appearing tight, revealing the detailed shapes of the muscled legs. He looked majestic and filled with explosive strength.

A drop of sweat dripped from his nose as he lowered his head. The bright sun cast a warm shadow on his face but the man's golden eyes were glowing wildly. Golden strands gleamed magnificently under the warm sun. 

Lord Hadrian narrowed his eyes as emotions surged within them. His jaw clenched as he gripped his sword, withdrew them from the earth, and flicked off the nasty blood off its sacred blade. 

Suddenly, a high bark was heard from behind him. Impassively glancing behind his shoulder, he saw two little furballs running towards him with bloody paws. 

Snow and the wolf pup reached Hadrian's side and they shyly pointed their snouts at their kill. A little bird and a large deer laid beside the hill of beast corpses. Hadrian gazed back at the two silent creatures and he felt his chest ache a little less. "Snow and... " He stopped.

It came to him that Moulin had told him to name the little wolf. He hadn't thought of it until now. 

With a slightly narrowed gaze, he stared at the strange wolf pup who was expectantly staring at him. "Keir..."

The moment he said those words something flashed in the wolf's eyes. Hadrian had seen it but he didn't have the time to care about it. Coldly turning away from the two pups, he spoke in a low voice, "Both of you leave and wash clean." He spoke as if commanding his men. Internally, Hadrian found it displeasing to witness Moulin's precious little ones making a mess of themselves since their master wasn't present.

Snow and Keir, the newly named pup, lowered their heads. Snow snorted in annoyance but he still obeyed. Keir blinked at Hadrian briefly before he and his friend scurried off.

Turning his gaze back to his front, Lord Hadrian stared with a cold expression. Lowering his gaze, a bitterness filled his eyes as he lifted his sword. He felt helpless. Aching inside as he waited. He could do nothing.


The man's body stiffened as the familiar voice entered his ears. That familiar soft tone. That familiar quiver n that delicate voice.

Turning his head, he met the person who plagued his mind endlessly.

A harsh breeze swept away his silver hair. His eyes were bright, full of light. Moulin panted as he stood, staring at the man before him.

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