A Gorgeous White

Chapter 157: Warmth Within The Cold

Chapter 157: Warmth Within The Cold

"If you lie to me, I will make you cry..."

The threat sank into the wells of Moulin's stomach. It was accompanied by the ticklish sensation brought forth by the man's husky voice. There was the feeling of being suffocated and pleasured at the same time. Strangely Moulin felt less threatened. Silver eyes were wide open. Glistening with the moister in the air. Bright, round, and dazzling. Reflected in the golden liquid that swirled within Hadrian's deep eyes. With his flushed cheeks and the vivacious liquid that dripped from the youth's lush lips, he looked beyond captivating and enchanting. 

Moulin winced when he felt the tightness on his hair as his head was secured in the man's grip. Teary drops layered his eyes as he furrowed his brows. The look was especially seductive to anyone's eyes. Particularly, to the man holding Moulin.


A gasp left Moulin's sullied lips as he felt Hadrian pull his body upwards. The world spun around him and he found himself propped on the man's lap. The water splashing around their nude figures. His slender legs spread wide on the man's sturdy thighs. Moulin was nothing against Hadrian's strength. He was helplessly swiveled like a doll.

Lifting his moistened gaze, his eyes met Hadrian's magnetic golden ones. A faint ruthlessness evidently visible to the youth's eyes. Like small prey being appraised by the devouring gaze of a beast. The man leaned his back on the smooth edge of the spring. His rough hand finally loosened on Moulin's hair. Slowly, it traveled downwards. Slipping through the damp silvery strands and curling his calloused fingers around the youth's nape. 

Moulin felt confused and flustered. Hadrian had never been this rough with him. His brows knitted as he swallowed. Feeling the water caressing his lower body, slipping into every secret crevice below his stomach. "I have never been with anyone but you in this life..."

"This life?"

Moulin flinched when he felt the restricting hold on his nape and the hand creeping underwater, touching the line on his back to the sinking depth of his soft buttocks. "Y-yes..."

Golden eyes narrowed. He took in a breath as if trying to calm himself. Moulin's fingers slightly trembled on Hadrian's wet shoulders. The lord slightly raised his chin as he gazed deeply into Moulin's eyes. Then was he implying that he had been with someone in his previous life? These bold skills used in the matters of the bed. His boldness... wasn't mine from the start...

The thought made him want to tear anyone who had lain with the soul of his beloved. The raging anger in his chest clawed his insides and drizzled venom in his mind. He wanted blood in his hands. 

Moulin frowned slightly when he noticed the strangeness in Hadrian's eyes. "That was in the past. Back then it was never true, to begin with... However, I am yours in this life..."

Slender fingers trailed down from the man's shoulders. Fingertips caressed the rock hard chest, leaving a lingering feeling. Narrowing his eyes slightly, Moulin whispered as he lowered his gaze down the man's chest. "I am yours...  as you are mine..."

There is no one other than you in my mind. As to how your body and this soul are mine... my body and my soul belong to you...

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Although unsettled and keeping the darkness in his heart to himself, Hadrian pulled Moulin and captured his lips in a deep passionate kiss. It was rough, stimulating as their tongues tangled and their teeth clashed. Moulin moaned as he brought an arm to wrap around Hadrian's neck. The feeling of the wet slide of their skin was unforgettable. 

The hand around the youth's nape pulled Moulin even closer. The sensual sound of their tongues and their kiss would make even the most provocative people in the world lower their heads in embarrassment.

"Hnm!" Moulin's eyes opened wide when he felt fingers dig into the valley of his behind. It slid slowly, gliding with the water and eagerly sliding to the little hole behind the insatiable slit that began to leak out sensual fluids untouched. Moulin could feel a fingertip tracing the bundle of flesh teasingly.

Hungry lips trailed down from Moulin's lips to the chin. The fingers around that delicate nape stretched and slightly pulled to bare the smooth unmarked throat, pale and desirable flushing. A hot tongue licked the sensitive center of the little bump revealed on the pale skin. Hadrian could feel the vibration of the youth's moan that escaped from Moulin's luscious lips. Hadrian took the skin between his teeth and gnawed hungrily. Gods, he wanted this person so much it felt painful.

Moulin dazedly kept his gaze above. The rustling crowns of the tall trees welcomed his gaze but he didn't bother to pay attention to it. "Ohh..." 

His eyes closed tight as his lips parted seductively. The fingers that had been teasing his backside began to explore the rest of the most sensitive parts of his lower body. Sliding those thick digits back and forth on the leaking slit and the sensitive hole of his behind. His breath hitches and his thighs trembled underwater. 

"Do you want me?" Hadrian's eyes that Moulin could not meet glowed with greed. His tone was questioning.

Moulin was drunk of the pleasure to notice. His breaths were rapid and he struggled to respond as his body rocked against the hand between his legs. "Y-Yes..."

Hadrian breathes in on the youth's fragile collarbones. He consumed Moulin's answer in his heart.

Unable to wait any longer, he positioned his head of his aching length beneath the clenching slit of his lover. And with a single thrust, he penetrated him with a groan. Moulin's eyes widened and his mouth opened, unprepared by the sudden action. In their previous coupling, Hadrian had never entered him without stretching him inside. The sudden penetration caught him off guard and his hands immediately held Hadrian's neck as if afraid.

Hadrian's eyes narrowed as he savored the Moulin's skin with his tongue. The warm tightness engulfing him made his mind go wild. More... more...

His hand around Moulin's nape loosened and he had both of his hands hold Moulin's slender waist. With eyes consumed by lust and possession, he leaned his head back and eyed the enchanting view before him.

Moulin was biting his lower lip as he clenched and unclenched around the man's large girth. When Hadrian chose to not wrap his arms around his body and instead stretched them out and hold his waist, Moulin could only lean his back and raise his knees. His fingers effortly gripping around Hadrian's strong upper arms, to balanced himself. Open and exposing his sultry position to the man before him, Moulin slightly lifted his gaze and tilted his head to the side. Silver eyes hazy, drowning in the pleasurable fullness of his insides. He sat on that huge cock, taking the fullness of it inside him.

"Gods..." Hadrian's hands tightened around the slender waist. He drank the bewitching look of his beloved. Legs spread, knees up and wide apart, holding tightly to his arms as though in fear of falling. And the intoxicating tightness gripping his cock... it was exhilarating.

He trusted upwards- almost strongly- earning him a whimpering moan from the youth's parted lips. The man reveled in the helpless reactions of Moulin who was bouncing on his member. Moaning seductively and clenching around him as he rubbed his inner flesh.

"Ahh... Aghn!..." Moulin knitted his brows his body rocked. Water splashed around him and he could feel the coolness of it every time the heavy shaft inside him pulls back. Shivers climbed up his spine and his toes curl at the stimulation.

"Do you need me?" Hadrian rasped as he grunted, hastening his thrusts. Pistoning into the heated flesh as if trying to reach deeper.

Moulin raised his brows as his head was tilted back. "Y-yes... ah! Ahh..."

"Then move for me..." Hadrian stopped his thrusts and grinds his hips between Moulin's spread legs.

A hand abruptly pressed on Hadrian's chest and the svelte body leaned forward. Hadrian let himself submit, loosening his grip on Moulin, and watched as silver eyes gleamed with fierce wanton lust. 

Moulin lifted his hips and plunged himself on the man's throbbing cock again and again. There was an arrogant and selfish look in his eyes as he moved wantonly. His moist lips parted, hovering over Hadrian's mouth. Their hot breaths mingled as they watched each other. Watched the surging pleasure in each other's eyes. Drinking it in until the broiling pleasure began to flood their bodies. 

Moulin movements turned rapid, aiming to chase his pleasure and the man beneath him thrust upwards, meeting Moulin's actions greedily. Leaning together, Hadrian captured Moulin's lips, both began to devour each other, the hunger for the other's touch was intense to a heavenly degree.

Moulin shuddered as he felt an intense wave of pleasure floods inside him. He spills, limbs trembling and his mouth gaping open. Bliss engulfs his whole body and he was helpless to the thrusts pounding beneath him. Until he heard the man in front of him grunt against his chin and the throbbing cock flares and pulsed. Heat explodes inside his very core, painting his flesh and flooding into the depths. The coolness of the water could not hinder Moulin from the smoldering sensation of the fluids pumped inside him.

"Oh, Gods..." Moulin panted as he closed his eyes. He was limply leaning his body over Hadrian's. He could hear the satisfying rapid beats of the man's heart and the rising and lowering of his chest as he breathes. 

He sighs as he felt the man chuckled as he struggled to catch his breath.

"To the Gods, indeed..." 

After a few minutes, when they finally caught their breaths, they settled to wash themselves. Although they wanted to continue and do more, they could not stay too long in the spring. 

A tiny flower floated near Moulin's knee. The fairness and neatness of the youth's skin gave him a strange sensual glow. Moulin leaned on Hadrian's chest as he sighs, feeling clean and comfortable. Sitting between the man's legs, he pulled his knees together making the water gently splash around him. His hair clung to his flushed skin. White strands decorated his shoulders and his collarbones. 

"You were quite rough..." He whispers as a droplet fell from his wet lashes. 

"I was longing to do this so much that it felt painful. I lost control" Hadrian admitted as he bent to kiss the youth's wet shoulders. Possessiveness glinted in his eyes as he spoke against Moulin's flesh. "Forgive me?..."

With a sigh, Moulin faintly smiles. "Fine..." 

He brought an arm out of the water and he gently grasped the man's neck behind him. Turning his head, he leaned and kissed the man gently. 

Hadrian obediently responded, yearning to kiss Moulin even deeper. The youth slowly pulled back whispering with hooded eyes. "It felt good..."

Golden eyes narrowed, "It did..."

Happily, Moulin pinched the man's nose and turned around to continue savoring his comfortable bath. The behind him glanced at the marks on the youth's pale torso. The intentions in his heart receded and a doting smile graced his face. This soul, he would treasure it and hide it away forever...

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