A Gorgeous White

Chapter 173: Presenting As A Suitor

Chapter 173: Presenting As A Suitor

The lord's eyes were layered with a faint suspicion as they stared at the young man wearing a surprised expression Moulin. His gaze darkened. Arms crossed over his chest; he watched and waited for Moulin's response silently. 

Return home? Was he thinking about leaving him? A storm brewed in Hadrian's golden eyes. His towering form intimidated Moulin slightly.

"I... decided to go home once this mission is finished..." Moulin furrowed his brows as he briefly lowered his gaze. He tried to keep a determined expression; however, his nervousness overcomes his courage. He could only honestly speak while hoping that Hadrian would accept his decision.

His delicate fingertips pressed on the hard wooden surface of the desk slightly.

How long was Hadrian standing there? How come I wasn't able to sense him? How much did he hear?

At the exact moment, Snow and Keir were silently sitting on Moulin's bed. Aware of the strange tension enveloping the room, they stopped playing and watched the scene before them curiously. During Hadrian's silence after Moulin's response, both the little pups glanced at each other.


Hadrian turned his gaze away. His expression, dull and unreadable. When he finally spoke, Moulin slightly stiffened. Hadrian behaved as if he hadn't notice Moulin's reaction and continued, "The reason why you only asked for Valcan's cure when the crown prince was offering you a reward was because of your ill mother..." 

"Yes..." Moulin nodded with a lowered gaze. 

"Were you planning to leave without telling me?" 

With widened eyes, Moulin hastily responded. "No, you know I can never leave without my lord's consent. I was planning to tell you sooner when the situation of Thundralln would abate..."

"As your lord?" Hadrian gradually took a few steps closer as he continued to speak. "How about as your lover?"

A crease appeared on the youth's pale forehead at the man's words. "What are you talking about? Lover or Guild Lord, Of course, I was planning to tell you..."

Just how much did he hear? Moulin wondered. 

"There is no use asking those questions to yourself," Hadrian smirked. He knew very well what Moulin was silently thinking. Every curve of his skin, every crease on his flesh, I would perceive Moulin's thought through the youth's expression. Although others might find those details insignificant, Hadrian would see through Moulin's smile, his frown, his anger, and even his passionate expression. All of this was like a puzzle Hadrian would never tire of solving. 

However, little by little, Moulin was becoming more and more unpredictable. Those little details weren't enough to convince the Lord of the Hercullio Household anymore. 

He needed more.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Moulin slightly narrows his eyes. Hadrian seemed to always to discover his hidden thoughts. Inside, Moulin could not help but feel exposed and vulnerable under that meticulously analyzing gaze.

With a sigh, the youth turned away and continued to clean up his desk. "I am planning to leave. However, I can only do it with your consent 'unfortunately'. Getting through the mana-repelling barriers at the borders would be greatly difficult. So I plan to..." His eyes darted at Hadrian briefly at the corner of his eyes. Lush lips pressed together with hesitation as he forced out the words from his mouth. "... to bring you with me. Teleporting... should... be easier..."

Snow and Keir tilted their heads innocently. 



A deep unrestrained chuckle suddenly sounded within the quiet room.

A frown shaped the youth's bland expression as he watched his lover laugh briefly. However, it was an attractive laugh. Moulin said nothing.

Afterwards, Hadrian smiled at Moulin softly. He closed the distance between him and his beloved, and he gently caressed Moulin's cheek with his knuckles. 

"Is it time to finally reveal myself to your family?"

His grin, filled with endless affection and pride, pricked at Moulin's eyes. 

The youth could only swallow his ridicule and raised an eyebrow. "If it were, I would suggest you wear the most indestructible armor to cover your nether regions. My father and my brothers would probably force you to overcome impossible challenges I wouldn't dream of imagining..." 

Hadrian chuckled once again and planted a soft kiss on Moulin's forehead. "However, If I present the cure of your mother's illness myself, perhaps, they would spare me the challenge and save me some face instead. Threats, my love, are the most effective when performed than they are spoken."

"I only want you to bring me back to my house, not forcibly declare yourself as my suitor!" Moulin snapped. "Behave yourself, and you might be welcomed to take a few steps in my room..."

The offer was indeed too tempting to decline. However, Hadrian wouldn't only want to step inside Moulin's room; he had a few things in mind to make their time a bit creative...

Moulin narrows his eyes. 'This man... he's thinking about something perverted, isn't he?'

Hadrian grinned. 'He caught me.'

Snow: looks at Keir; Ao! 'Do you want to play again?'

Keir: Woof! 'Yes!'



The sudden noise the two brats made caught Moulin's attention. This made Hadrian's eyes darken and glower as they shifted to look at the two little pups carelessly rolling on the sheets of Moulin's bed. 

How infuriating...

"Behave you too..." Hadrian deeply warned.

His authoritative tone made Keir and Snow instantly stop their actions. They stopped so suddenly that they toppled off the bed and land on the wooden floor with a loud thud!

Moulin gasped, and he stood up from his seat. With worried eyes, he hurried to the little pups' side but realized that they were unharmed. Instantly, they stood up from the floor and sat obediently on the wooden ground like little trained pets.


Hadrian's arm suddenly circled Moulin's body, making the latter stop in surprise. His hot breath caressed Moulin's ear, and Hadrian spoke slowly. "Let's return to our room..."

Our room meant the room where Hadrian and Moulin had spent most of their nights together. Specifically Hadrian's bed chambers.

Moulin widened his eyes. "Wait, What about Snow and Kei-" 

Hadrian glared at the two pups. "They'll return by themselves..."

With those words, both of their figures instantly disappeared after a flash of light. 


Snow blinked dumbly. 


A thunderous ferocity suddenly explodes inside his eyes. He growled. Teeth bared, and eyes were filled with reluctance and anger.'Master was kidnapped by that wicked man! How dare he?! He should save Master!'

The black wolf pup by the tiny fox's side secretly distanced himself from his furious friend.

'How Scary...'


As the sun gradually positions itself at the center of the sky, the north's cool breeze finally arrives and sweeps over the warm kingdom of Thundralln.

At the topmost floor of the palace, where the most exotic flowers in the palace were planted to bask under the bright sun and, where no one but the distinguished people in the kingdom could enter, a  particular youth had spent most of the hours training his mind and his mana, balancing the ferocity and elegance of his powers. 

The Sky Garden was a place of tranquility and harmony. Even the tiniest leaves found within the area were sacred and holy. Although this was the case, it serves as a place of healing and training as well. There were no walls nor fences to guard anyone against falling at the edge of the area. Gazing down from hundreds of thousands of meters off the ground could make anyone wet themselves out of fear.

Only the bravest and the most distinguished people could gain access to the Sky Garden.

With closed eyes, the wind danced through the dazzling white strands of hair. A slender figure belonging to a particular aphrodite maeruthan was silently standing at the center of the area. The cool white floor carefully held his shadow and within his grasp was the sacred bow of frigid ice that he had longed to summon for so long. Moulin was standing with steady breaths and a calm countenance.

After hours of pestering Hadrian to let him go and train, the man finally conceded to Moulin's wishes in exchange for a few hours of 'sweetness and gentleness.' 


An eyebrow twitched as the youth remembered the stinging ache of his back and his lower regions. This beast of a man! He should just freeze to death!

Moulin released a breath, and his eyes fluttered open. 

With swift movements, he drew the unbreakable string of his bow and raised the arrowhead right above his head. The shining tip of the glowing icy arrow was aimed at the sky as if threatening the heavens of its mighty power. Exhaling, his grip on the string loosened and the arrow was swiftly launched above his head. 

It pierced through the air creating a sharp whooshing sound. 

When it reached the maximum height, it exploded into tiny fluttering translucent flakes that rain down around the youth. It was a fascinating sight to witness. Magical and ethereal.

When the crystal flakes touched the youth's skin, a faint glow of gold could be seen. It was activated healing mana... 

Moulin had recently discovered this skill, and he wanted to know how effective it was. Perhaps, he would be able to heal a crowd of twenty people at once.


At the sound of his name, Moulin slightly paused. His eyes gently narrow as he lowered his arms and withdrew his sacred weapon. As he turns his head, tiny crystal flakes glittered on the silvery strand of his hair, making him look majestic and noble.

It was the imperial Mage of Thundralln, the Oracle, and the sole individual who predicted his three deaths. Laohora- blindfolded eyes and with a smiling expression- was standing behind Moulin.

"Good morning, Oracle..." Moulin greeted as he turned his head. 

"I've come under orders..." The oracle continued to speak while not moving an inch away from his spot.

Moulin furrowed his brows. "Who's?"


Hadrian suddenly appeared beside Moulin. The youth only frowned as he faced the golden-eyed man. What is it this time? He never wanted to even see the oracle, so why did Hadrian bring him?

However, before Moulin could question the man, Hadrian continued impassively.

"He's here to remove the cursed marks on your arm..."

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