A Gorgeous White

Chapter 177: The Arrival

Chapter 177: The Arrival

The evening shadows deepened into blue and purple, and the cold glow of the moon was cast upon the rocky surface of the stone pavement of the training grounds in the actual Headquarters of the Leonile Guild.

Within the silencing moonlight, swaying with the cold breeze, silvery strands seem to dance beautifully. A youth was controllably breathing as his legs ran at a  deliberate pace. Sweat layered his clean forehead, and his eyes were calm as he stared at the path before him. Moulin was running within the evening after realizing that he had missed his morning run. 

The moment he and the others returned to Leonile Manor, a grand banquet was held. Unfortunately, he wasn't in the mood for such things. 

He. Only. Wanted. To. Relax. 

Was that too much to ask?

He had to create an excuse to avoid the banquet. Fortunately, Ghana and Jagra were feeling the same. They didn't feel like celebrating at all. Instead, they wanted to spend the rest of the day sleeping and relaxing. Moulin mentally gave them a thumbs up. After agreeing, all three of them decided to miss the event and retire to their rooms. The others couldn't say no to their decision, so they could only retreat and choose to invite the three to party on another day.

Moulin had already known about how his fellow sentinels were curious about the events during the mission. While some mourned, others were filled with excitement and admiration, especially about their only aphrodite's feats during the mission. Moulin grimaced. He was never opening his mouth.

While Jagra and Ghana went back to tiresomely fall on their beds, Moulin went back to his room and changed his attire.

He couldn't bear it anymore. He needed his run. There was like an itch in his heart that couldn't be scratched if he does nothing.


"Hah... Hah... Hah..." The youth gradually slowed down his steps while wiping the sweat off his forehead with his arm. His face was flushed from exertion, but he had never felt any better. A faint smile decorated his lips. Standing underneath the cloudless sky, bathed in gentle moonlight, Moulin slowly closes his eyes and tips his head up, finally letting himself relax without caring about anything. 

But he couldn't forget. The deaths and the danger the world had exposed before his eyes, it was enough to make him be unnerved. Deep inside, he had imagined that nothing would have happened to him if he hadn't left the northern mountains, that he would've kept himself hidden and safe from the lurking malice of this world. 

But evil was inescapable.

Opening his eyes, a pair of silver orbs stared at the full moon. No matter where he would be, there was always something chasing him and luring him. Sometimes he would think that his curiosity could be the death of him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Lowering his head, Moulin dismissed his thoughts and began to venture back to his quarters. The training grounds were eerily quiet compared to the raging festivity within the halls of the manor. Quietly he slipped himself within the hallways, hoping he wouldn't bump into anyone. Be it his seniors, Tessley, the twins, Fhorg, Rowan, or Varick, he didn't want to see any of their faces tonight.

Closing the doors to his room, he checks upon Snow and Keir, who were sleeping, adorable curling their bodies next to each other. It reminded Moulin of the yin and yang somehow. Shortly, he took his things and left his room to take a bath. When he returned, he dragged a chair and opened a book to pass the time.

The pleasant sound of the raging waterfalls was soothing to one's ears. Hypnotic and reassuring. Enveloped by the night sky, the waters became dark, the night slipping between rocks and engulfing the vast forest that guarded the Leonile headquarters. 

As the darkness deepened, midnight soon came to greet Moulin. Greeting the youth with a flash of light within his room, revealing the man's predominant figure. Moulin had been waiting for him for hours.

Closing his book with a slam, Moulin turned to gaze at the man approaching him with a smile. Silver eyes narrowed. "You couldn't tell me that you were going to be so busy tonight?..."

Hadrian softened his eyes. Holding the back of Moulin's chair, he leaned closer to the youth, absorbing the unfazed expression on Moulin's beautiful face. "I couldn't miss this significant night. Why? Are you changing your mind?"

Moulin must've heard about his schedule from Ghana.

"No," Moulin replied as he placed the book on the table beside the chair. With an exhale, he pushed away Hadrian's face with a finger and stood up.

"You look finely dressed." Hadrian raked his eyes all over Moulin's body. "Should I have dressed myself as well?" Hadrian lowered his eyes in thought.

"No, you wouldn't be meeting them nonetheless. Remember what I told you about my brothers. Think about it carefully. And don't forget my warnings and instructions."

Hadrian stared at him. Amusement dances within his eyes. "I understand, young master."

Moulin squinted his eyes at him before turning his gaze away. Was he too dressed? Moulin couldn't help but feel conscious. He was going to meet his family again after a long time. There was a nervousness clogging up his throat.

"You will be fine..." Hadrian's words disrupted his chaotic thoughts, and he released a breath with a nod.

"Alright, let's go..."



Moulin froze. He looks past Hadrian and saw Snow and Keir-now wide awake- staring at him with expectant and pitiful eyes. 

"What..." Moulin widened his eyes. Why were they awake?! They should be asleep! Were their voices so loud!?

"Hm..." Hadrian expressionlessly turned his head to glance at the two little brats sitting on his beloved's bed. "How bothersome..."

With a frown on his face, Moulin only sighed as he beckoned Snow and Keir towards him. "Let's just take them with us..."

"..." A vein pulsed on Hadrian's forehead. These little brats...

Suppressing the irritation inside his chest, Hadrian pulled Moulin, carrying two little furballs in his arms, to his chest. He bent his head and leaned towards's Moulin's lips. His breath, caressing magnetically. Moulin's lips slightly parted. Chucking down his hesitation, he leaned forward and pecked the man on the lips. 

The spite in his heart slowly dies, and his golden eyes softened as he released a deep chuckle.

In the next second, their figures disappeared within the room. 


Within the lavish room, illuminated with soft, warm light. A lone figure sat silently beside a canopy bed. The thick crimson curtains were elegantly tied to the wooden bedposts to reveal a single person lying quietly on the bed. The covers were barely drawn up to her shoulders, and her ash brown hair was loose,  spreading all over the bed. 

The second young master of the Fraunces family, Emlen Fraunces, stares at the slumbering form of his mother. His mother had been sleeping for a month now. There were no signs of her waking up. Neither their family physician nor their family's mage, Phaelona, could not determine the kind of illness that ails her. It shook Emlen's heart. He could not bear to see his mother like this.

"Mother... Moulin is coming home. He's coming back to see you..." Emlen sullenly whispers as he raised the blankets her shoulders. His eyes were filled with anguish. "He's here to help you... So... when you finally open your eyes... Please show him your sweet smile again..."

Emlen furrows his brows when he remembers Moulin's despairing tone when the youth was first informed by the news of the graveness of their mother's health. He sighed bitterly.

After tucking his mother's pale hand beneath the covers, he rose from his seat and summoned a maid to replace the flowers in the vase on top of the bedside table. Afterwards, he left the room silently.

He stood in front of the closed doors for a few seconds before he began to walk away with an aching heart. The servants that passed by him bowed their heads in sympathy. Before her ladyship's illness, the second young master used to be a proud man. An air of warmth had always surrounded him, along with the fierce look in his grey eyes. However, now he had become dreadfully quiet. His lordship and the first young master weren't less depressed about it as well. 

Hopefully, the return of the youngest will somehow brighten the atmosphere. 

As Emlen walked through the hallways, he glanced at the tall windows to his left. The brightness of the moon could not reassure him at all; however, when he looks at it, he was reminded of his youngest brother's mesmerizing eyes and the pureness of his hair. Unconsciously, he rubbed the bracelet around his wrist. The very bracelet Moulin had made for him. He was unaware that he had stopped his steps.

He didn't know when Moulin would arrive. Perhaps his little brother was having difficulty in traveling through the barriers the imperial soldiers had erected. But Emlen believed Moulin had a plan to enter the city safely. According to his little brother's request, they must leave the secret garden unguarded and open. 

Perhaps, Moulin was thinking of using teleportation magic? 


Emlen didn't need to turn his head to know who's voice was calling him. "Eldest Brother..."

"We're you visiting, mother?" Maxille gazes at his brother expressionlessly, but there was faint despair lurking within his steel-gray eyes. 

This time Emlen faces Maxille. "Yes..."

Maxille wasn't used to Emlen's short responses; however, he could do nothing about it. With a faint smile, he spoke. "Have faith. Moulin will be returning with the cure, and Mother will wake up soon. The barrier you put up around Moulin's garden will inform us of his arrival. There's still hope..."

The barrier would rain-snow when activated, so it was easy to determine Moulin's arrival.

"I do, but I am afraid for Moulin. How did he get his hands on the cure? What did he do to obtain it? How can he come back without any drawbacks?"

Maxille was helpless against Emlen's worried expression. He could still recall how this man had always run after him childishly. With a comforting gaze, he replied. "It will be fine. Moulin will let us know if he experiences any trouble..."

Emlen knitted his brows, and he turns his head. "Hopefully, he will be alright-"

He suddenly froze. Eyes widened in alarm and surprise. "!!!"

Before Maxille could ask about his shocked expression, his second brother immediately sprinted right past him. Leaving Maxille in a daze.


What happened?

When Maxille turns to the windows, he stiffened. 

He now understands why Emlen would make such an expression.

Like the city's first snowfall, a gentle flurry of snowflakes had fallen beyond the window panes. 

He was here...

His brother had arrived.

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